

FATLEO · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


      Third person p.o.v.

A twig snapped and the sound of running in the distance was heard the young couple turned to each other with worry etched on their faces quickly the man started drawing a symbol as the running footsteps approached  the portal opened up letting the young woman step in with the bundle in her hand. She was in another world the symbol had worked she was safe but her husband wasn't,she just couldn't leave him to die so she took the bundle in her hand and placed it at the foot of the nearest tree and jumped through the portal. She did it her baby was safe, now she must help her husband. Jumping through the portal she saw her husband surrounded by three warriors she shot a quick blast of fire at his attackers sending three of them up in flames she turned ready to face more men when she saw it the portal was closing "noooo" she shouted and ran towards it but she was too late the portal had closed,she tried to start it up again but she was yanked up by her hair suddenly two cuffs made of granion was clamped on her wrist "MY BABY" she screamed but it was too late her baby was trapped behind the SYMBOLS.