
Chapter 3: Embrace of the Scream

With a determined gaze, Alex focused his attention on the holographic interface, his mind set on acquiring a new ability. The Weakened Scream Sonic Blasts beckoned to him, offering a taste of the power wielded by Scream, Mary Jane's symbiote.

Pressing his finger against the holographic display, Alex confirmed his selection. A surge of energy pulsed through him as the transaction completed, and a sense of anticipation washed over him as he awaited the manifestation of his newfound ability.

Suddenly, a tingling sensation coursed through Alex's veins as his symbiote responded to his command. With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed a burst of weak sonic energy, watching as it rippled through the air with a faint hum.

A sense of satisfaction filled Alex as he marveled at his new ability. Though the sonic blasts were weaker than those of Scream, they still held the potential to disorient foes and shatter obstacles in his path.

With a renewed sense of confidence, Alex continued his journey through the forest, his symbiote pulsing with newfound power. Each step brought him closer to unlocking the full extent of his abilities, and he knew that with time and dedication, he would become a force to be reckoned with in this strange and wondrous world of symbiotic cultivation.