
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs


"We'll like you to meet Darlok's daughter..."

Everyone began yelling and gauging out their own eyes(just a euphemism for the kids😉) till Felix said,"Guys, guys, calm down, they definitely took her as a hostage so Darlok would stop bothering us."

"...no..."Carna said,"...we brought her to live with us."

"What the holy s*😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊* of the f*😁😁😁😁😁😁😁* in the freakin t*😉😉😉😉😉😉😉*?!"

"Felix..."Ms Terratikka said,"Calm down, there are children here...what in the astral h*🌟🌟🌟🌟* are you thinking?!"She yelled.

Yikora totally expected this reaction, but Alexa said to stay put, then said,"She is the wielder of the Omni crystal and Portia's opposite."

Everyone glared at her as she yelled,"What have I to do with this?!"

"Everyone, please, she means no harm, trust me, I gave her...the test..."Alexa said.

"Oh really?! Well we can't argue with that now can we?"Aeric asked.

Everyone shrugged it off then went to welcome her, no one could go against the results of...' the test ', and even if they did, they had to do it in silence, which they did.

Indigo was the only person who completely trusted her, he had a feeling about her that he couldn't explain.

Felix had a flurry cloud over his African and torch ginger patch when he looked back at Nisha, who had been staring at him for the last thirty minutes, then sighed and said,"Nisha, kid...you have to stop because you are really freaking me out!"

She tilted her head as the chair cushion she sat on floated into the air, then she casually lay on it upside down then asked,"How do your powers work?"

"What the what?! Why do you expect me to tell you something like that?!"He asked.

"Irono, to get to know each other better, like some sort of team building exercise or something."

"Girl, your room is two doors to the right of mine and you creepily stare at me while I sleep, I see you too, how much better could you get to know me?"

"By getting to know the laws governing your powers?"

"Why? So you could sneak the information to the queen of the nest and make an army of hydrokinetic cyborgs to kill us all?"


"You're weird...and leave me alone."

He walked away, leaving her grinning while her feet hung onto the cushion, before she comfortably fell onto a net of the chair's own fibres.

After Yikora arrived, a lot of them experienced evolutions in our powers, with newer abilities being added, for one, Giopha, who already had the ability to talk to and command reflections on any surface even without the object casting the reflection absent, got a new ability.

She realized that every time she walked into a room, the fibres on clothes and people's bodies started to stand on end, and that wasn't the weirdest part, it wasn't uncommon for electrical appliances to explode in her presence, her to get stuck to or hurt by simple doorknobs or for her to wake up on the ceiling of her room, with everything upside down.

We realized she actually had the ability to break down emitted light rays into separate electric and magnetic fields and manipulate them to a small degree, this enabled her to repel objects with great force or attract them with the same effect and even tear things apart or crush them without touching them.

Chris could also make perfect spherical black bodies which absorbed every bit of energy, mainly light, he could keep it for a second then shrink it to concentrate the energy, before causing it to explode and a black body the size of a soccer ball could produce enough explosive kinetic energy to disintegrate a foot thick concrete wall after absorbing ordinary heterochromatic(white) light from a tropical mid-day sun for two seconds.

He could also overlap shadows and force the bodies casting them together, sometimes even making new compounds.

Fu Anne, the wielder of the crystal of the undead(the soul power Felix had), had his abilities, but used thin, indestructible strings to pierce into and suck your soul like a straw and had other abilities like literally manipulating a person's soul to read their thoughts, emotions, unconscious actions and even literally control all the above and more.

Woodie, a name Felix gave to the Phoenix gem wielder, a reference to the wood hoopoe, also had the ability to give life to any creature from any realm, not only birds while Streak, the silver fox wielder of the tailed fox crystal could bring death to any and deceive all, no matter how smart, apart from the Phoenix, she had even once succeeded in deceiving Carna about something she recently read in a book in her eternal library of all truth.

Alexa, Jonita and Vulcan had learned to use their venom and diseases respectively on computers, being able to create computer viruses to do whatever they wanted.

Toyoran had learned to use the various chemical compounds found in all different types of blood in the entire web of skyscrapers of Multiverses to do anything from curing cancer, to corroding your body from the inside out... don't ask me how I found this out.

The others also got several abilities including Portia and Kofi.


Ms Terratikka had been sitting down in the room, waiting eagerly for Manny to return.

When he did, she didn't know whether to run and give him a hug, or sit and let the room decor do the talking.

He walked in and she lost control and ran to kiss him.

She pulled back and saw his indifferent expression, then chuckled slightly and asked,"What's wrong?"

"Oh it's nothing, why did you ask?"

"...~gasp~Manfred, did you..."

"Did I what?"

"Why? Why would you betray me like this?"She asked.

"... because you betrayed me first. Ever since we got here it's always saving one universe or the next, you never thought about little old emotionless Manny who would always wait for you at the side. I had it, I never got the affection I needed from you so I got it from someone else, yes, I was with another woman."

Tears streamed down her cheeks but she saw nothing but fury within his eyes, a wild, ancestral fury of the nine tailed fox lineage.

"I'm sorry Manfred."She said.

Before he could reply, she had ran out of the room, then he looked around to see what she had done, how she had prepared his favourite food from their home Multiverse, how she had decorated the entire room themed with his favourite colour and how she had...left a sleeping fox cub on the bed, waiting for him.

He went to sit by it and gently started brushing its red fur as it gently breathed.

Ms Terratikka lay on the couch, murmuring to herself of how much of a terrible girlfriend she'd been, she was going to remember this forever...

That night, Portia lay on Aeric's shoulder as they watched the golden moon, and the starlit sky.

Portia then asked,"Aeric, if you ever had one wish, what would it be?"

"Simple, I wish I could be with you forever."

She giggled then said,"Not a wish for me, but for you."

"And it is for me, there is nothing that would make me happier than to be with you...would you look at that, I hear blood red moons make bonds stronger."


"The moon, it's red."

Portia looked at it and was a little shocked, never had she seen a moon that shade of red before, it looked like actual seas of blood were covering the moon.

They felt the ground shaking slightly then the soil below them suddenly rose into the air.

Aeric flew them both down, but they ran back to the others, and there, saw it...


"Uuuh, Terratikka, what's up with the moo...oh..."Nisha said.

They saw Ms Terratikka floating with her legs crossed and her long hair flowing as if underwater.

Her face looked pale and her eyes were black as night, with her irises in the shape of a crescent moon, a blood red crescent moon.

Objects were floating around her and she was mumbling in orbit and at that moment, everyone who saw thought something was wrong.

Portia called,"Ms Terrati...woah!"

The ground broke apart and the walls began to collapse as lava spewed out of the ground like golden fountains of golden water.

The ocean also began to far cross its borders as the tides permitted and waves began to crush everything in its way.

With the collapsed walls, everyone saw the moon, it was much bigger than normal, and growing bigger by the minute.

Skylar tried to approach her but she yelled and a powerful wind blew all of them, including himself, into the air.

They had trouble landing as gravity was getting drastically weaker by the minute and several structures were being torn off the ground with the treacherous storm that began to manifest.

Aeric landed with Portia and held her tightly as she struggled to go to Ms Terratikka but he turned her to face him and yelled,"She's not there, that's just a shell of her, one which will kill you without a second thought...I can't lose you too."

She looked at him, then back and saw the screaming people as they were taken into the speeding winds, they had to help them.

Alexa volunteered to stay with her brother and Yokkan, while the rest went to do some damage control.

The furniture in the room was floating and as Felix tried to speak with her, the objects on his side of the room were harshly flung at a wall and he broke through the already brittle wall, back first.

He fell and winced in pain as the rest of the furniture began to explode with great intensity and expand drastically.

Alexa had to hold several objects with webs while Yokkan made an attempt to absorb her energy.

He got right next to her face but was held still in the air by an unknown force as Ms Terratikka slowly tilted her face, then before he could react, he was disintegrated as well.

Alexa screamed his name and Ms Terratikka looked at her but before she could do anything, Manfred held her hands then said,"Terratikka! Listen to me! You're hurting a lot of people over what I said, please, don't do this!"

She screamed again and he held his ears in pain as all the debris in the space was forced out by a surge of negative gravity.

Felix looked up at the moon and saw it break into huge chunks, several of which were flung at the earth and burning in the process.

He yelled for Dollovan and Randall's help and vapour spread off his hands, before he blasted a cold wind at the sky, slowing down the meteors and covering them in a thick layer of ice.

The three then made them land slowly but Randall fell to one knee, the temperature was getting too hot for him to survive and fast.

Dollovan had to keep him cool while also keeping the meteors at bay, but Felix told him to let go, then he used the already existing storm to his advantage.

Causing the already powerful wind to accelerate and drastically drop in temperature, he froze the entire meteor shower and dropped them in the ocean then turned to the next space where he saw Ms Terratikka, then he saw the moon, or what was left of it, break apart into dust, because of the earth's own gravity, tearing it apart and turning it into a ring system around the planet.

Felix sat on the floor and said,"At least, that's the end of it..."