
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs


He pulled back the wing and Kofi yelled her name as Princess cackled again then the blood on the feather floated over her hand, then flowed through her long nails, into her, where she inhaled as if using a drug then said,"I love blood lust."

Skylar was walking closer to Kofi and Kofi got into a fighting stance as Skylar's wings went on fire.

Skylar then shot several of his feathers at Kofi, who returned with a blast of lightning at Skylar himself.

The 186,000mps electrons moved faster than Skylar could react and electrocuted him as the feathers stabbed into Kofi's body.

Kofi fell on one knee, then painstakingly pulled out the blade like feathers then looked at Princess, who giggled then raised her finger as Skylar stood up again, when he should have been unconscious.

Skylar shot three feathers at Kofi and he made a field of ions around himself which ionized and repelled the feathers, though with great force, they managed to pierce him again, one on his knee, one on his belly and the other on his shoulder.

He couldn't beat Skylar, not because he was weaker, but because he literally couldn't beat him, the guy was indestructible at the moment...but not Princess.

He blasted electricity at Skylar, who used his wings to block it this time, but it curved and went towards Princess, but she kept the smile on her face as she vanished and he only burned the bat that was where she was.

Kofi was losing a lot of blood and fell to his better knee as Skylar slapped him to the side with one of his wings.

He fell close to the edge as Skylar flew high to the sky and opened his four wings, ready to dive down and destroy Kofi by just the heat of his flame, when Princess began to scream as Portia's fingers twitched.

Portia yelled,"Skylar! Kill her!"

He was about to act when he was frozen in thin air as Portia made him purely three dimensional, not at all affected by time, a portal then swallowed Princess into the fifth dimension, where she had a lot more abilities, a lot more torture and couldn't bother them anymore.

The bats regained their normal minds and went to sleep as Portia's fingers dropped then someone landed besides her and ran to her.

Skylar looked at her, full of worry, what had he done?

He looked at Kofi and knew the guy only wanted to help, so he took both of them, to get help...


Portia's eyes fluttered open and she first saw Skylar, then smiled as he kissed her hand with drooping wings and apologized for all he'd done, but she knew she also needed to apologize, she shouldn't have rushed things, if she had stayed a little longer, she might have found out Princess was behind it all along a lot earlier, but again, she wouldn't have seen the other side of Kofi, so what could she say, everything was planned out.

She swiped her weak arm as time reversed on her and she looked like she did before she was stabbed, then got off the bed and looked at Skylar as he said,"I'll be okay if you didn't want to be with me, Kofi is a wonderful guy and you have my blessing to be with him."

She smiled wider and cupped his cheeks then said,"Thank you for understanding, but I love you, not him or anyone else."

"Really? After all I did?"

"You weren't the only one at fault, I also did wrong, but none of that was your own doing, but this will be."


She kissed him gently on the lips and he kissed her back and placed her on the hospital bed...

Kofi opened his eyes and jumped awake when Portia had reversed time on him.

He almost attacked Skylar till Portia told him everything, then he calmed down and Skylar apologized for all that he said to him, but Kofi didn't disagree...

"I know I'm not the most... eligible bachelor there is, but there is a reason for that, love isn't on my mind now, it's redemption, I want to get my best friend back, so my group could be whole again."

"Well then, we'll help you in anyway we can."

They clapped their hands together and pulled into a hug as Portia gasped and they both looked at her as she said,"I know where Jack is..."


Skylar gently held Portia by the shoulders and asked if she was sure.

"I'm positive."She said.

"But how did you know?"Kofi asked.

"I have this ability where I can go to another dimension and see into anybody's mind at will, no matter how far."

Kofi smiled then said,"Now that's an ability to be jealous of."

Skylar was about to leave when Kofi asked,"Where are you going?"

"To get help, it may be too dangerous for us to do this alone."He responded.

"But we don't have time, they may take him away again..."

"Then I'll find him again, Kofi, it's okay."

The tone with which she said those words reminded him of his mother's tender loving care, then he nodded but said,"I'm also coming, there are people I need to call too..."


A slight tremor was taking place in an abandoned waste recycling plant when the walls began to disintegrate and the dust began flying around and attacking all the people there, you'd be surprised how much heavy metal was present in those walls.

Lloyd made all the old machines to disintegrate into their parts, which warped and morphed to wrap around the people, imprisoning them.

Everyone got into the place, including Lloyd; Kofi's other friend, Aeric, Uncle Cloud and some police officers when frost began to form on the floor.

"He's here."Skylar said.

A huge wave of snow dashed at them like an avalanche which they easily dodged, but not the workers who screamed for their lives.

Portia couldn't stand that so said she'd bring back the dead and they'd handle him, how hard could it be?