
Syara Origins.

Alexei Williams just wanted to be normal, but nothing about her situation is normal! While running for her life she run into a group of 8 guys- Wait..Did that one just turn in a wolf?- And t-that one just grow fangs? What has she gotten herself into.

Noel_Brock · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


I jolted awake when I heard my mother's scream.

I quickly jumped out of bed and threw open my door to find my mom on her knees, blood soaked clothes, and shaking like she did something horrible.

"Mom?" I said with a shaken voice, unsure what led her looking like that.

She gasped and turned around before backing up, tell her back hit the kitchen wall.

"Alexei, I-I can explain-" she stuttered, but my eyes weren't on her, they were on the trail of blood that led to the body of a man I once called my dad, and a knife sticking out of his neck.

I felt my body start to shake and tears start to form as I slowly walked towards his body and kneel down next to him.

His eyes were still opened and he had a bit of a surprised look on his face, as a person would as they were being stabbed by someone you trusted and loved.. I then noticed a paper in my dad's hand.

I gently closed his eyes for him and slowly got up before looking at my mom.

"H-He was trying to hurt me! I didn't have a choice!" My mom stuttered.

I nodded slowly then felt my hand light up.

"A-Alexei..W-What are you doing?" She stuttered as the look of complete fear crossed her face.

I felt my other hand start to spark a fire and felt my anger rise

"Run." I said barely a whisper, but my mom heard it and tried running.

I never spoke a word to my mom since the incident that happened when I was just 5 years old...and I never did again.

I screamed loud and hard that I'm sure the whole world could hear it as windows smashed and fire exploded from my hands.

I heard my mom scream but it was barely a whisper to rage of fire and screams from surrounding houses.

When I finally calmed down, I felt like my insides were burned but that didn't stop me from running away from the house while fire trucks were on the way.

I closed my eyes and felt my self smiling a little as I ran.

Glad that I fulfilled my dad's last wish.


Hey guys, so I won't be adding new chapters every day so I'm just gonna post the entire thing when I'm done I'll add it all and complete the book