
Swords and a Shortage of Sorcery

In a land where magic is scarce, mythical monsters and sorcerers are a rare sight. They command power feared throughout the land. Only someone with a genius intellect, magical power, or divine heritage could stand a chance of defeating them in single combat. Luckily for him, Derik Johnson possesses none of those qualities. A humble watchman pressed into service after being teleported from his evening commute; he is burdened with terrible luck and ends up fighting said creatures. Derik will have to use his wits, allies, and equipment wisely to survive. But if all else fails. He can always use his own legs—To hotfoot it out of there!

MovieGum · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Camp and Campaign

Marvelous realm of riches,

Once mine, Once mine.

Now I reclaim them,

Temperament of all the Gods fair,

A wonder of sweat and tears.

Gonzalez whistled along to the tune as the soldiers marched. Columns of footsteps and hoofprints were blown away behind them in the sand. The trudge of the army became more apparent as they trekked onto firmer ground. They stopped as a signal horn that echoed through the formations. Derik came to a halt; the order came down from Tigris that they would be setting up camp for the day.

Derik sat down and took off his helmet. He panted a little, roasting in the sun. "Man, it is so hot out here," he remarked.

Iris sat next to him, sweating profusely. "Really? I hadn't noticed."

The soldiers around them all began to set up their camp. Tigris greeted Iris and Derik, sitting down next to them.

"You're not helping set up the campsite?" Derik asked.

"My job is the ensure you and your inquisitor friend have a pleasant trip. Or at least one where you don't die," he responded. "We are in the cohort with foreign troops, so we are exempt from setting up fortifications."

"I mean, why do you even bother setting up so many defenses if you are just going to leave right after?"

"The lizardmen that make up the bulk of their forces have good night vision, so we always have to be alert of them taking advantage and launching a night assault. We're stopping here because it's next to the Drab river. Water is going to be scarce until we reach the city," he explained.

Derik took a moment to look around. Montag and Magnus were setting up tents; Cassius was grinding up grains. Gonzalez was talking with Tessier and Titus with Marcus. Lina and the inquisitor were nowhere to be found. The inquisitor was likely sulking in his tent, but Lina's location was up in the air. Iris asked Tigris where Lina was. He responded that she had gone down to the river, so Iris made her way there.

Iris found Lina was at the river washing some clothing. Lina violently scrubbed the bloody robes of Iris in the running water.

"What are you doing?" questioned Iris.

"I think it's pretty obvious—" She turned around to see Iris and jumped back.

"Oh, it's y-you," she stammered. "I was just, you know, trying to see if I could get the blood out."

Iris cocked her head, "It's no big deal, really. I have three more of that exact outfit."

Lina put her arm over her shoulder, "Which is why I was talking about that tailor in Mesburg earlier. You are in dire need of some variety." She picked up the clothes on the bank and began to walk back to the camp with Iris. "Though, there is a great tavern there as well. If that's more your style."

"I try not to drink at the pub often," she replied, "but that sounds nice."

Derik was polishing his armor with oil, trying to shave away the time until the food finishes cooking. He rocked his leg in anticipation.

Splash! Derik rose to his feet, soaked in water. He shook himself off.

"Damn, that's cold." Derik looked over to see Tessier holding an empty bucket of water, chuckling to Gonzalez.

"Cold in more ways than one," Gonzalez smirked.

Derik dried himself off, and the three of them went over to check on Titus and Marcus.

"Come on, Titus. Let me see what you got!" Marcus provoked Titus.

"Are you sure?" he confirmed.

"I'd like to find out if the legend is as good as he is in the ring," Marcus answered. "I won't throw a single punch. I only want to see if you are really that strong. Or have you gone senile already?"

Titus closed the journal he was writing in, "Alright..."

Titus walked over and let out a quick punch. Derik blinked, and Marcus was on the ground.

Gonzalez leaned forward and started to shout, "He's dead! Deceased! Left the mortal realm! Shuffled off his mortal coil! He has ceased to be! He has breathed his last!"

Derik ran over to the man and started to pump his chest, muttering "stayin' aliveeeeeee" under his breath. Marcus looked up and narrowed his eyes at him, to which Derik responded by slowly backing away with hands raised.

Marcus walked up to Titus and gave him a friendly punch. "Good one."

Marcus left Titus to talk with Gonzalez. Titus took his notebook back out; Gonzalez asked what he was doing.

"I write down my inner thoughts, sometimes I stretch things I find interesting. Currently, I'm thinking about how students nowadays use paper too much. Noone writes on chalkboards or rawhide anymore. What will they do when the paper runs out?" Titus spoke.

Derik caught up to Marcus to ask him. "Why did you even do that?"

"Have you ever had that burning feeling to do something not because it is just practical?"

'Can't say I have."

"Why did you become a merc then?" Marcus said. "Seems like you need the motivation to do that job."

"Being a Mercenary is a good job mate, I can't guarantee you won't go hungry. Plus no debts and good bonuses," he replied.

"What will you do when you have money and don't end up happy?"

"I obviously didn't earn enough money then." Derik scratched his head. "Look, what I'm trying to is get myself a retirement fund, or at least a cushy government position."

Magnus walked by, hauling equipment around. "Tell me about it. I'm only here for the end-of-service land grant. He muttered as he carried various boxes, "Join the army they said..."

Marcus looked over to where Iris, Lina, and Tessier were hanging out.

"Those are some nice ladies you have with you. What about them?"

Derik shrugged, "You can talk to them if you would like."

Marcus walked up and greeted the three of them. They seemed to be having a good time until a shout came from the other side of the clearing.

"Hey, the chow is ready!" Cassius said.

Derik followed everyone else as they rushed to get some food. Even the inquisitor shambled out and brought back some food to his tent. Deri took a piece of bread that lay on the metal sheet above the fire. The smell of freshly baked bread, olive oil, and honey rushed to his nose. He enjoyed the bread and asked Cassius what else was available.

"We have chicken. If you want something extra, you can always go to one of the merchants that accompany us."


"Yeh, there are merchants that sell exotic goods. You could get something out of your own pocket.

Derik went to the back of the camp with Gonzalez accompanying him. They reached the merchants who had set up their wares. Gonzalez picked something out first, a small necklace.

"How much is this 30 silver special necklace?" he asked the merchant.

"The 30 silver special necklace? How much is it?" the merchant furrowed his brow.

"Yes? How much?"

"This t-h-i-r-t-y silver special? This same one?"

"Are you gonna tell me or what?" Gonzalez demanded.

"30 silver," he said in a flat voice.

Gonzalez snatched the necklace from his hand, "Shesh, was it that hard?"

Derik had found what he was looking for in the meantime.

"Finally, some spice." He took it back to camp, put it on the chicken, and ate it.

He thought, "I got ripped off! That wasn't very spicy at all!" He continued to bite into the chicken.

"eUhehghhhh!" he rushed to grab a drink. Seeing his distress, Tigris handed him a waterskin.

"Thank You!" Derik mouthed the words as he drank the entire contents vessel.

"It's no problem." Tigris replied with a friendly smile, "You can sure hold your liquor, though. I'm impressed."

"Wha—" Derik's vision began to get blurry. He began to become unsteady. Gazing over for help, he witnessed his companions meld into one giant blob of color. His vision faded as he collapsed to the ground as the shape began to speak, "How are you doing today? I'm in a bad job that is healthy. The sausage is lost, beautiful."