
Mythical skill, twelve trials!

[ 12 trials ]

[ level: mythical ]

[ skill introduction: this is God's blessing and also a curse. When the Greece hero Heracles was alive, he completed twelve impossible trials. After his death, these trials became the great hero's relic. ]

[ skill effect: 1.'Twelve trials (God's Hand)' turns one's body into a tenacious armor, nullifying all attacks below the level of titled heroes, regardless of physical means or magical effects ]

The 12 trials 'first effect was already very strong. If it wasn't for the Barbarian God's blood essence baptism, Lu Chen would be overjoyed. But now, it was a bit of a repeat.

fortunately, this kind of ineffective attack will be based on the strongest ability. However, I have extracted the ability of Heracles, who is at the top of the heroic spirit throne and is equivalent to a legend. He can't be compared with the Barbarian God, who is equivalent to Zeus, but I'm not the Barbarian God either.