
Fusion, tentacle monster

The next moment, Lu Chen, who was in pain, flew up again in anger.

But this time, Lu Chen focused all his attention on defending against the evil's intimidation so that he wouldn't feel dizzy again.

However, as soon as he jumped up, the evil pointed its scepter at Lu Chen and said, " decree: cardiac arrest!

Lu Chen's heart that was beating at 400 beats per second in his battle form suddenly stopped.

The sudden stop from the rapid jump also caused Lu Chen a lot of damage.

pfft! Lu Chen spat out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, his vision went black again because of the injury to his heart. The figure that jumped up also fell in another direction.

But even so, Lu Chen didn't die. The next moment, he struggled to get up.

His strong physique allowed him to withstand even a sudden beating of his heart.

After hammering his heart a few times, Lu Chen's heart started beating again.

"You can't kill me."

He roared and was about to jump up again.