
Sword in Stone

Artie had lived her whole life feeling like a joke. Whether it came to her full name, her parents ‘abandoning’ her and her next door neighbours taking her in, or finding out that her lover was part of a cult and was cheating on her. Said lover then stabbed her. It felt like she just couldn’t catch a break. So when she found herself in a puddle of her own blood, staring up at a fake painted sky, she could only find humour in the situation, and prayed that the next life was kinder. Only she woke up. In the same body, with the same stab wound, only in a world full of magic, swords, and a dead King Arthur? Yup. The round table existed, the knights existed, and so did everyone of legend that she’d heard about as a child. Only it was the beginning of their tales. Nothing had happened yet, except the formation of Camelot, the crowning of the King, and then the sudden death of the King of Legend, King Arthur Pendragon. She would have thought this was another cruel joke if everyone wasn’t wandering around in mourning clothes. If this was a practical joke, it wasn’t a very funny one. Artie was tired. She’d already spent almost a decade working as a police officer, and then a detective, so she felt like she had earned her peace. Especially after all the shit she’d been put through, but someone had different plans. And Artie’s life wasn’t quite done yet. In fact, it seemed like in the eyes of the creatures of this world, this was where she was always meant to be. The time she spent getting her ass handed to her in the other dimension? Just a warm up. And now she was expected to just…go along with what everyone else wanted her to do? Including magical beings who were responsible for taking her from one dimension to another. Artie felt like she was in over her head, even if there were several concerned, attractive knights around her. She wasn’t sure if she was going to run away from all the new responsibilities, or embrace them. She wasn’t a rule breaker by nature, but maybe now was the time to change?

CalyB · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

An idiot with bad intentions

Lady Morgan stood with her arms crossed, staring at the new King as she stood wrapped in one of the knight's arms. She appeared pale, and sickly, because she was, and it made Lady Morgan frown. 

"Sire, I understand that you want to be like the others, but breeches, Artie? Why do you need to wear men's clothes?" Lady Morgan asked of the new King, who turned towards her with a smile. Artie had expected someone to question her, and wasn't shocked that it was Lady Morgan. She had done every badass thing possible while still remaining every inch of a lady. Unfortunately for her, Artie was just built differently. 

"I am not someone who enjoys wearing dresses, Lady Morgan. I often wore what I call pants, or breeches. I even wore shorter breeches and the occasional skirt. But those were cut short, giving me freedom of movement. I like the freedom that comes with wearing my pants." Artie told her with a grin. That only made Lady Morgan frown more.