
Chapter 883 – Are you?

Shang knew that Lucius hadn't kept all of his abilities as the Child of Calamity a secret.


He had made some of his abilities public, but he had disguised them as something else.


"You can use Anti-Magic?!" the Lightning Emperor asked in shock.


"I don't know exactly how Lucius' Anti-Magic works," Shang said. "This is a Domain that I can use to turn Elemental Mana into Neutral Mana in exchange for parts of my body."


"In exchange for parts of your body?" the Lightning Emperor repeated. "This is…"


The Lightning Emperor became silent.


"Very different," he said.


"You called it Anti-Magic," Shang said. "You said Lucius can use something like that."


"He could," the Lightning Emperor said. "Since when did you have access to this Domain?"


"I comprehended it at the Peak of the Second Realm," Shang said.

