
Sword Art Online: Creed

Akio Fujimura, A young member of the Assassins: Akio was a pro SAO player during the Beta test but when the actual game was launched on his birthday he did not expect this wold turn out to be a Death game. Now he must rise up as he discover a Templar is involved in this. {I OWN NOTHING} This story will be Re-written.

TanjiTea · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 4

February 13, 2023

Arthur was leaning against a wall, his hood over his eyes. The concealment allowed him to survey the area without many people wondering who or what he was looking for. But, ever since the 2nd floor, he gained notoriety as his title of "Assassin." Some knew who he was; others saw him as another guy in a hood. So far, none of them were Templars, and that was something he was thankful for. But, here on Floor 29, no one seemed to pay him any mind, another thing he was thankful for.

Yui and Edward had also learned about their friend being an Assassin, but they have not received the explanation first hand when they made their way to the 2nd floor.

{Flashback-floor 2}

The four were tired from the fight against Illfang and wished to find a place to rest. But, at the same time, he wished to give his friends the explanation they deserved. So, first stop was a restaurant to eat and relax for the time being. But when he and Häyhä was out shopping for better equipment but tensions between theses two was stable until one time today.

"Hey Arthur what is exactly your plan to take care about the Templar?" Häyhä asked.

"Why! WHY! are you even asking when you're a Templar!" Häyhä had have enough he dragged Arthur in to and ally and shoved him in to the wall. But unknown to him Yui and Edward was watching his every move. "Kid I had- HAD. Enough with this me being a Templar nonsense. I'm just a normal man trying to survive in an Death game but Kayaba purposelessly told you that I'm a Templar is false!" He gave out a big sigh. "Akio it true that I was affiliated with the Templar but that was years ago but now I work for Kayaba Akihiko and I Hate. HATE the Templars. And I want to do everything in my power to wipe them out not just in game but in reality too. You're a born Assassins and I'm a born Templar. We have our differences but we have one common enemy. So let not kill each other because of our differences." He held out his had for a handshake which Arthur slowly agree to shake. "Thank you"

But out of nowhere Yui and Edward came out of the corner with their arms cross and their faces was filled with disappointment. "HÄYHÄ! ARTHUR! You have a lot of explanation to do!" Both of them Cried.

'How did it come to this' Arthur mentally asked.


Their NPC waitress granted Arthur's request of a corner booth away from prying eyes. Their corner was low lit, only a candle on the table providing light. No one said a word for about ten minutes. Arthur was nervous; he felt stupid for Häyhä exposing themself so carelessly. "So, what does this mean, being an Assassin?" Yui asked, leaning forward. The candle light showed the concerned creases on his face.

Arthur took a sip of the drink placed in front of him. Once the waitress was well out of sight, he spoke up. "Ever heard of the Knights Templar?" Yui and Edward nodded in reply, remembering the name from history class. "The group, like mine, was formed back way long ago."

"How long ago are we talking?" Connor asked.

"The dawn of time." His friends' expressions were priceless; he expected as much. "Surprised me too, when I found out. But, the first recorded Templars were from several centuries ago, around the end of the twelfth century. That's beside the point. Anyways, they're a group that was once a military order, earning their rank of 'knight.' They were known for many things, including the Second Crusade. They had their hands in the Catholic Church's pockets. This gave them more power and granted expansion to carry out their quests for artifacts known as the 'Pieces of Eden.'"

"Eden? As in the Garden of Eden?" Yui inquired.

"The very same. Adam and Eve were believed to be the first Assassins. They were part of a fusion experiment formed from gods with powers beyond one's imagination."

"That last line sounds like something from a fairy tale," Edward joked.

Arthur smiled and took a drink from his mug. "I thought the same thing," he continued, pointing a knowing finger at Edward, "but, it's anything but one. These Pieces of Eden are believed to be part of the 'forbidden fruit' Adam and Eve stole, among many other things throughout history. These were created to control the minds of mankind, making us slaves to the gods. When the Templars found out about this later as the world changed, they sought out for these pieces, thinking they could use them for the same reason. They cover it up as peace and order for the betterment of humanity."

"But the Assassins knew better than to believe their words?" Yui asked, looking up from her glass.

"Very observant, as always."

"Shit, you could make us both Assassins. We're both observant people, right?"

"Believe me when I say that being observant is just one element of being one of us." He took another drink, relishing in the taste of the brew. "But, yes. Their words are empty ones. They want to keep mankind their slaves just like the gods before us. We disagree; that's not how man should be. Humans are allowed to go about their daily lives, making whatever choices they so choose. The Templars would like to see everyone brought together under their thumb, like cattle lead to slaughter." He sat back and allowed his friends to soak in the story he told them. "And now they've made their way into this game; God knows it's almost like having a Piece. And it's my job to stop them from keeping us here."

Edward's brow furrowed as he continued to absorb his words. "So, what about Kayaba? D-Does that make him a Templar?"

"By definition, yes. But, I have a feeling that he is not one by oath; he would've said so in the square. No, I have a feeling the real Templars are still out there. They may not show their faces 'til later." The only thing that kept eating at the back of his mind was how he talked with Kayaba before the game started. "And what about Häyhä over there" Häyhä was sitting by himself in a bar. "Yes but i don't know anymore not after what he had told me."

Their food finally arrived, cutting the conversation for a while. Yui looked across the table at her hooded friend. But still, she never received her answer as to how he obtained those weapons and the outfit. "So…" Both heads popped up. "Just how did you get those daggers?"

Arthur's heart started to race. He knew that this question would come eventually, but not until later. He inhaled slowly, attempting to calm his heart before continuing. "Promise me one thing, both of you." They nodded in reply. "Please…don't get angry. How I obtained them…was because…of K-Kayaba."

"WHAT!" his friends shouted.

He visibly winced at their outburst. The looks in their eyes showed betrayal, and they had all the right to be. Now they think I'm an agent working for him, he thought.

"B-But…how?" Edward stuttered. "Y-You're not working for him…are you?"

Arthur did not answer right away. He was trying to think of how to word his reply. "No…you're not," Yui whispered in a sad tone.

"N-NO! I swear!" Their faces demanded an explanation. "I wouldn't work for this man. As it turns out, he wants the Templars gone just as much as I do." Their expressions did not change. "In the square, after his speech, he came to me, speaking of how he had several calls with the Grand Master, the leader of the Templars. He was told they could help him achieve his goal of this," he continued, motioning to the world with his hand. "But, he denied their help. It did not stop them from making their way into the game, which he really should've seen coming." He was relieved to see his friends look less pissed at him. "He told me this game is meant to be cleared and defeated. The Templars would keep us in this game, truly enslaved, and they wouldn't need a Piece to do so. So, he wanted me and Häyhä to get rid of any and all Templar influence, as is my Assassin duty, and in exchange, he'd give me…these." He ended with motioning to his outfit and weapons. "It may sound like that I am working for him, but I'm doing anything but. He merely provided me with the tools I needed to do my job. but Häyhä. He's different."

"How?" Yui asked

Arthur struggle to come up with words to describe Häyhä but he finally spoke with confidence after proceeding the information about Häyhä. "unlike me he's a Templar. Well ex-Templars and he works for Kayaba."

"WHAT!" This was the reaction Arthur had expected. "He works for Kayaba?"

"Unfortunately. Yes he dose but Kayaba betrayed him as soon as the game is launched."

"What do you mean by betrayed" Yui desperately asked.

"Well, funny thing is that Häyhä helped to create the NerveGear and SAO. But his intentions was different and I can't really explain it." Yui and Edward was shocked by the information, not only they found out their best friend big secret, they also found out a secret that is far bigger.

Yui still couldn't believe the story she heard. It sounded too good to be true, and she was thankful her friend wasn't working for the man who trapped them here. Edward leaned his head against his folded hands, taking in everything. Needless to say, the two were still shocked about everything that had been dropped on them, and now they realize there is a bigger threat.

But the question remained: would they do anything?

Arthur felt Yui place her hand on his, gently squeezing. He looked up and saw her understanding smile in the candle light. He returned the squeeze, smiling in relief that his friends had not abandoned him. What was said next surprised him.

"Your secret is safe with us" they both said simultaneously. Arthur could only smile with great joy. "You guys are the best" They all huddled up and hugged each other.

{Flashback ends}

{Present day- floor 29}

But it has a few months past now and many had part ways. Yui joined the knight of the blood oath with Asuna whiles Edward became a blacksmith on one of the lower floor.

Arthur and Häyhä stopped just inside the woods. "Here's what we're gonna do. Let's do a bit of hunting." Arthur looked anxious. "First, find a bush and crouch. Your Hiding Skill is already higher than most if not all animals in the woods, so you should blend right in." The two took off, crouching in their respective spots. "When your target is within reach, strike!" Häyhä whispered.

"You know how to hunt?" Arthur asked

"In real life I'am a hunter and my Great Grandfather was a hunter before me. Before the war."

They wait for an animal to approach was quite a long one. It's no different than actual hunting, Häyhä thought. His ears perked up when a twig snapped nearby. "Get ready," he heard Arthur whisper from behind him. His dagger was out and at the ready. But, what he saw wasn't an animal. It was a person, a person who looked just like they did. "Häyhä, do you see this?"

"I do. I find it hard to believe, but I see it." Häyhä stood from his bush and quietly stalked through the brush. "Wait here. Don't move unless I'm attacked."

"Are you crazy!?" Arthur quietly shouted. "What if it's a PK'er?" Player Killing was turning into a problem, even here on this floor. People had to be alert everywhere.

Häyhä slowly made his way through the bushes. He stopped just within ten feet of the person. "Who are you?" he whispered to himself. He froze when the person turned and looked right in the direction of where he was hiding. Oh, hell. Don't mind me, he thought. The person turned back and continued to walk, so he continued his advance.

The person stopped once again, not too much farther from where their first stop was. "You might as well come out from the bush. I know you're there," stated the person. From the voice, Häyhä found out it was a girl. His cover was blown, so he slowly stood from his hiding spot. She then spotted the Red Cross on his right shoulder. "Well, well, well. If it ain't a Templar. What luck to find myself his next target," she said in a joking tone.

"Well, if you really knew me, you'd know I'm not a Player Killer. If anything, you're a person of interest," he said to her in reply. "Maybe an Assassin?"

"Is that what you told your friend back there?"

How the hell did she figure that out? Arthur thought in shock. "Arthur, the jig is up!" he shouted. "Get over here, now!"

"How do you know if we can trust her?" Arthur shouted back.

"Just get your ass over here!" The Assassin jogged up to his friend. "And I don't, but I sense her Detection Skill is very high up." He looked at the female Assassin wannabe. "Kind of surprising to find this high up in the floors."

"You'd be surprised what I'm capable off, Templar!" Her robes were styled after Shao Jun, one of the first female Assassins in the Order, but the main colors were gray and lighter details sewn in with the edges colored a dark blue. She drew her sword, a rapier just like Yui's. But, this sword was a little more different. It looked like a custom make from a blacksmith. The blade was blood red with a blue hilt. "But, I'd like to see what you are capable of." She leveled her sword and sent a First Strike duel request.

"Sorry, miss but my friend here is a better fighter than me" he lied. Her eyes then locks on to Arthur. "You false assassin! Duel me now!" She Demanded.

Arthur accepted and drew his sword. The timer appeared, sixty seconds and counting. She's dressed like an Assassin and has a high level of Detection. I wonder if she herself is one, Arthur thought.

The girl studied her opponent from under her hood. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that his in-game notoriety pertains to real life, she thought. If so, then I may need his help just like he'll need mine.

The timer counted down the final five seconds. Once the timer hit zero, his opponent struck first and fast. Arthur was barely able to block her attack. She seems on par with Yui and Häyhä. He decided to make his move. He swung for her right shoulder, but was blocked by the blood red blade. She pushed his sword in a spin move and attempted to get a hit on his face. He quickly ducked and leaped back. His sword slashed up, but was blocked once again, now they where met face to face.

"Tell me why do you work with that Templar?" she asked. "Why do you dress as an assassin?" Arthur looked her dead into the eyes and a sewer with honest truth. "I'm Akio Fujimura part of the Assassin's brotherhood and that man right there is a friend. Not a Templar." Maybe I'm going about this wrong, he thought. He sheathed his sword and instead brought out his daggers. Her face looked uneasy despite her eyes being invisible. "My sword isn't fast enough for this situation. That rapier would only block the heavier weapon every time," Arthur stated. He sprinted forward and slashed with his right blade. His opponent barely blocked the attack. "And now you see why." He struck with his left blade to which she quickly ducked and stabbed at him. He leaned right, narrowly avoiding the tip of the blade. There he found an opening. He swatted the rapier with his left blade and cut her upper arm with his right.

His opponent quietly cursed as she sheathed her weapon. "I guess you're an Assassin, with those skills," she said to Arthur, "but I have to wonder: are they here?" She referring to Häyhä.

"Unfortunately yes." Answered Häyhä from the distance.

"What are your schemes Templar?!" She demanded.

"Well I don't because I'm not one of them." He answered. "Not anymore." This effectively silence her.

"But who are you," Arthur asked, crossing his arms, "you may dress as an Assassin but how do I know that you're not parading about as one?" He decided to test her by reciting the tenets of the Creed. "Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent."

Her reply was spot on. "Hide in plain sight."

Arthur's expression didn't change, despite being relieved that she truly was an Assassin. "Never compromise the Brotherhood." His arms fell to his sides. "So, consider this a surprise finding another Assassin here in the game. Well, either we can go about this one of two ways." He removed his hood, revealing his face to his fellow Assassin "Consider this my gesture of trust. I revealed my face, something I haven't done since the 1st floor. You can either return the favor and join us in a united cause against the Templars, or you can take your leave and do what you want with the info you now have. You have my face, my name and now my fighting style. That kind of info might be a gold mine to the right info broker or any player."

Nothing was said by anyone present. Häyhä stood back, feeling the tension in the air between the two more experienced Assassins. The female Assassin decided to surprise Häyhä. Her hands moved to her hood and gently pulled back. The shadow faded, revealing bright blue eyes and her full head of auburn hair that was as long as Asuna's, but kept in a simple ponytail. "The name's Akiko. Nice to meet you both." She walked forward and stopped just a couple inches shy of Arthur. "Let's see if the Assassin can keep up with yours truly." She turned back and made her way back to the edge of the woods.

What she didn't know was that when she turned her back, Arthur's face burned bright red. He wasn't sure why, but he felt something inside him that caused him to blush as such. Häyhä stood next to him and let out a low whistle. "Damn. An Assassin falling in love on first sight?" he teased, referring to his Arthur's fiery face. "C'mon. Let's catch up with her before she gets too far away." Häyhä took off, Arthur following, albeit slower than his friend.

April 15, 2023

It has been a couple of weeks since Arthur and Häyhä met with Akiko. After that day, Arthur and group became a bit of more active because of the increased crime and Templar activity in the floor.

Arthur yawned as the sun cast a shadow on his perch overlooking the town square. He, Häyhä and Akiko had made a plan to go out on their own patrols and maintain eyes on any sign of the Templars and/or trouble makers. So far, neither had showed up. "You'd figure they would be making themselves aware by now," he said to himself. He crouched and made a leap to the roof across the street.

When Kayaba told him that all Assassin abilities he learned IRL could be used in the game, he wasn't lying; he found out three days ago while on a quest. Eagle Sense, an ability that most, if not all, Assassins learn about in their life gives them an almost eagle eye view of a playing field. So, as Arthur activated his, every player present had no aura surrounding them, identifying them as innocents. Any allies or friends showed as blue; guilds were normally seen with the same color. The only colors he hasn't seen yet is red, enemies, or gold, which usually means a target of interest. He figured Templars and any players marked as orange would be seen as such. But, the rule is no orange cursors are allowed into a safe zone, normally the central town. Häyhä and Akiko also could use this ability as well and they used it to their advantage many times, not mentioning on night they wiped out a camp filled of P'Kers hire by Templars to kill them. Akiko is warming up to Häyhä a bit ever since she met him, which made him wonder what Häyhä actually did to get her to clam down so quickly.

"Nothing here. Might as well continue to patrol the area."

Arthur really wished he didn't tell Häyhä and Akiko to go out on their own patrol. His reasoning was they could cover more ground, but at the expense of no interaction with each other. Might as well get a ground view, he thought. The controlled descent was one thing Arthur disliked as it always put a lot of stress on his fingers and joints when he caught the edge of a window pane or the pole across the street. In SAO, he couldn't feel a thing; it quickly became a thing he didn't mind. He landed in a dark side alley and made his way back to the main marketplace to blend in with the populace.

He and Akiko when down from the roof and bought an apple and munched on it between two other players sitting on a bench. They paid him no mind; they were doing the same thing. Meanwhile Out of the corner of Häyhä eye, he eyed three players, all male, wearing an outfit that didn't fit the usual player type. Two wore a leather shoulder cover on their right side that bore a red and silver cross. Included was a red and white shield that had the same symbol strapped to their back with a white robe over chain mail and silver armor. The leader of the two had a slight variation with a white cape and a red cross instead. His head was also covered by a silver helmet with a gold cross splitting his face at the nose.

"Out of my way!" the head soldier ordered. "Move aside!" The group pushed their way through the crowd to a nearby pub. They had an agenda to finish and they wanted it done quickly.

Häyhä took the last bite of his apple and quickly messaged Arthur and Akiko to make their way to his position. He had a sinking suspicion about these three and prayed it wasn't true. Häyhä pushed through the door of the pub. Häyhä removed his hoods to avoid drawing suspicion to them.

The newcomers found their man that was wearing another guild's uniform, shook hands with him and made their way to a corner of the place, preferably away from prying eyes or even ears. Häyhä took a seat at the main bar close to where they were, but not close enough to draw any attention.

"Good to see you, Itachi," one of them said.

"Likewise, Gumo. Dei. Hoshi," he said, nodding to each member.

"So, what can you tell us?" Hoshi asked, ordering a round of beer for him and his crew.

"The party and leader already left to take on the dungeon earlier today. They won't be returning to base for at least another two hours," Itachi said.

"And you've got the planned route and everything?" Dei added in. "The Grand Master said we'd help eliminate your leader so you can take over."

"After all, that is what you want, right, vice commander?" Hoshi reminded.

"My leader, Kin, is no leader. Just because you founded the guild doesn't mean you're automatically a leader." He took another drink from his beer.

Häyhä's right leg wouldn't stay still; his suspicions were confirmed. Templars are here and they're on the move. C'mon, you two! Where are you? Häyhä mentally shouted. His head turned when the door opened. It wasn't Akio nor Akiko, but it was someone he was just as happy to see: Yui, dressed up in a guild uniform that was almost identical in color scheme to his targets.

She took her seat at the bar and noticed who was also sitting there. The next thing she was going to do was shout his name in joy, but was promptly stopped when she noticed the look on his face saying to keep quiet. He motioned his head behind him, indicating that an eavesdrop was taking place.

The group stood and said their goodbyes, shoving Häyhä off of his barstool on his way outside. Yui quickly ran over, lifting him to his feet. "Was that…who I think it was?" she asked.

He nodded and stood up. "I tried to get the other two here, but they weren't fast enough!"

"Wait. Two? There's another Assassin?"

"Long story. I'll explain..." He trailed off, noticing something on the floor. He picked it up and studied it over. It looked like a map of the outer part of town with points of interest circled on the map. "I've got to find the others. They need to know about this. A guild is in trouble!"

"How can I help?" she asked.

Häyhä let a disgruntled sigh. It wasn't directed at Yui, but the current situation he found himself in. "That's best left to Arthur. Follow me," he said, pocketing the map and running to find the others.

When Arthur found Häyhä's message, his location was on the other side of town. He ran a message by Häyhä to meet him at the fountain in the main square. There was no response from Akiko. He knew she was out doing a quest; she wanted to get money and fast. But, by the point they reached their rendezvous point, the three soldiers were gone and out of the area. "Damnit!" he shouted, digging a foot into the pavement. Not even his Eagle Sense could find a trace or even a clue as to where they could've gone. "Oh, c'mon!"

"Arthur!" a female voice cried out. He turned just in time to find Yui barreling towards him, swamping him in a massive hug. "I've missed you so much! It's great to see you!"

Arthur returned the hug, feeling the same warm hug he had received countless times before. "It's great to see you, too." But, when he backed out and took a look at his friend, he couldn't help but start to laugh uncontrollably. The outfit she wore didn't look like anything that she'd normally wear. Her outfit consisted of a white blouse-like top with matching socks, boots and arm covers. The only color was red on her skirt, stripes in the blouse and a red cross on her socks. It almost made her look like a Templar, but her description didn't match that of Häyhä's.

Yui's face burned red in embarrassment. She told her guild leader that the outfit looked ridiculous on her. "And I thought you'd be excited to see me, not laughing at my expense!"

Arthur took a moment to catch his breath. "I'm sorry, but that outfit does not look like you!" Despite why he was laughing, he still felt it was nice to have a laugh in the current situation. Even Häyhä found it hard to suppress his laughter.

"Can we please get back to the problem at hand? Häyhä?!"

The boy in question inhaled deeply and cleared his throat. "Arthur, those guys I trailed were Templars. The three man group intended to take out a guild leader so another can be replaced. But," he said, pulling out the map, "this is the map they made of the route home for the party and the ambush points."

"Let me see that." He took the map and unfolded it. "Just what we needed. Maybe we can use this to our advantage." The group moved back to the Assassins' temporary headquarters, which was the main room of their apartment on the floor. He laid out the map on the table. "We've got four ambush points. When did they say the party would return?"

"Two hours. The party left earlier this morning," Häyhä said, looking up from the map.

Arthur studied the map carefully. "I don't know what to make of this. There are at least three to four people in each patrol."

"But look here!" Yui pointed out. "Brush and bushes. They're either in or around the ambush points. Häyhä's told me about the training he been putting you through, automatically so it should work."

Arthur looked over at Häyhä. "Really?" Häyhä shrugged in reply. "Next time, keep the training under wraps." He looked back to the map. "Perfect. We can use the cover to our advantage. All we need to do is get Akiko back from her quest and we can have enough people to take out the ambush points."

"You forget." The two looked up at Yui. "I'm not an Assassin. How can I take them out quietly? I'm not as trained as you two are."

"Well I'm not an assassin neither, so I think you got this." Häyhä said. "But your right about the not being trained bit"

Neither of the boys thought about that. Yui couldn't take part in the ambush of an ambush, but there is one thing she could do. "There is one thing you can do." Her head tilted to the side in curiosity. "Look here," Arthur stated, pointing to the upper corner of the map. "Coordinates. Once we take out the targets, your guild comes in and arrests the players. We keep 'em locked up for further interrogation. As for taking out the last point, I'll try to think of something."

"Good idea," Yui said in reply, nodding in agreement.

"Arrest the players?" said Häyhä and a voice. All heads turned to see the female Assassin, Akiko, passing through the threshold. "What do you mean arrest the players? These are Templars we're talking about!"

"She dose have a point. We need them dead" Häyhä said.

Arthur stood his ground and faced them. It was the first time he noticed Häyhä's and Akiko's height stood dead even with him. "You didn't catch the part where we keep them locked up for further interrogation." He made his way back to the table and folded the map, handing it back to Häyhä. "The last thing we need is to be known as PK'ers."

"Then how do you suggest we handle this?"

"Knock 'em out. Simple enough, right?" Akiko found it hard to argue. Knocking out a target was one way to incapacitate them without causing any damage to the person.


Arthur and Häyhä sent Yui on her way to rally a party to arrest the ambushers and made their way to the ambush point. They stopped a few meters outside the ambush zone, allowing their Eagle Sense to detect all enemies in the surrounding area. Red highlighted figures were revealed in the woods; their targets were lying in wait. All cursors were orange, so it meant they must have committed a crime at some point earlier today. The three split up and silently made their way through the bushes to take them out.

Akiko stalked up to her first target: a rather big and bulky man wielding an ax. She quickly hopped up and locked her arms around the guy's neck, strangling him into unconsciousness. The target slumped back as she quietly laid him down in the bush. The next target was in her sight, unaware that he was one partner short. She made a move to knock out the next target, but froze when she saw another one moving in her direction. Akiko tried to quickly duck back into the brush, but the approaching sentry noticed her and made his way towards her. The man brushed a hand against his neck, a bolt sticking out of it. He slumped to the ground unconscious in a sleeplike state. She didn't know what just happened, but that was just the opening she needed to take out the last one in her area. What was that? The Assassin made her way over to the sleeping guard and knocked him unconscious, pulling the bolt from his neck. She brought it to her nose and inhaled, pulling it back when the smell hit her senses. "Knock Out Darts," she said to herself. She then saw Häyhä on the roof who had his arm raise overlooking the body, he then gave a quick salute then took a leap of faith.

Arthur stalked towards his zone, identifying three targets. He made quick work of his first target, a lanky looking boy a few years older than he was. His next one was a rather big guy, practically a wall of muscle. He had to jump just to reach his neck. The guy put up a superb fight, but he made no sounds; he was losing air fast. A dart flew into the back of his neck, a rather small window that could have knocked Arthur out instead of the target. The wall of muscle finally slumped to the ground. He promptly knocked him out and also investigated the dart. "Who could have made these?" he said after he knocked out the last guard.

Häyhä's heart was racing as he stalked to his ambush zone. Thankfully for him, there were only two guards in the area, but he wondered if he would be able to knock his targets out. He made his way behind the first guard standing near a tent. He jumped out and wrapped his arms around the guard's neck. His target was able to make enough noise to draw the attention of his partner. But, the boy never made it to him. He slowly swayed and fell to the ground. Häyhä knew he had to hide the bodies to avoid attention, so he dragged the last guard towards the bush next to the tent. He noticed the dart sticking out of his target's neck; he knew what they were right away. "Never knew these would be making an early appearance," he said. His message box pinged with Arthur's next move on the final zone.

The Eagle Sense revealed four targets. All three met in a gathering of bushes behind the camp. Three of them were mobile targets while one was stationary, leaning against the main tent of the camp. "So, what do we do now, Boss?" Häyhä whispered.

Arthur looked over in shock. "M-Me? I thought you're the tactician here!" he quietly shouted.

Häyhä smirked from under his scarf and hood. "C'mon, lad. It's only fair the final group be led by the party leader."

"Time to see what the 'Assassin' can really do," Akiko teased.

He quickly surveyed the area from his hiding spot. Taking out the mobile targets, he thought, should be easy. But, it's that fourth target. Then he remembered an ace in the hole. "Here's the plan," Arthur whispered. "Notice the bushes surround the camp. The sentries all stop in one spot, so make sure you make it to around the area and wait. Once they all stop, we simultaneously take them out."

"Great idea, but what about the last guard?" Akiko asked.

"I feel we've had a helping hand in this mission from the start. Each of you had one target go down from a sleeping dart, right?" The two nodded, albeit in shock that he knew. "I have a feeling whoever shot those can easily take them out." He looked up to the last strike. "Get in position."

All three made their way to each stopping point for the sentries. They stopped at the same time. The Assassins made their strike, strangling the guards into unconsciousness. The last one snapped out of his trance when he saw his partners being attacked. He tried to run to warn the others back at base, but was immediately shot by a sleeping dart, knocking him out in the bushes right at the outer edge of the camp.

With all guards knocked out and the ambush foiled, Häyhä sent a message to Yui to send in her guild to arrest the Templars. The response was almost immediate, her group arriving in little to no time. She smiled as she passed Arthur to deal with the Templars.

Another group approached on the horizon. It was the dungeon party from the guild that was set for an ambush. "What happened here?" asked the leader of the group.

"You a member of the guild, Weapons of the Devoted?" Akiko asked.

"Member? I'm the leader, Kin. Why?"

Akiko stood back to allow Häyhä to explain. After he gave the story and the proposed ambush attempt, the leader looked like he was going to be sick. "I trusted him. Itachi. Who knew that he'd live up to his name." A new fire ignited in Kin's eyes. "When I get to him, he's a dead man!"

"Trust me; you may think that's a good idea," Arthur said.

"But believe us when we say this," Akiko continued.

"Leave him to us. He has info we want," Arhtur finished. "I bet he already left town. But, if you or one of your men find him, let us know. We'll deal with him." The leader nodded in reply, gave the group his thanks and continued back to town.

Akiko approached Arthur. "Good call with that last group. You've gained my attention, Arthur." She stood close to him, just like when they first met. "That, and then some." She smiled, winked and waved goodbye as she walked away. "See you two back in town!"

When Arthur and Häyhä made their way back to Yui, who was with Asuna, and they caught the end of her "intimidating" speech. "…orange, you are being sent to our prison to await further questioning." She nodded to another member of her guild who pulled out a Corridor Crystal.

"Corridor open: Knights of Blood Headquarters!" All Templars present vanished in a blue light, gone away to jail.

"Great job, everyone. Back to HQ." The three other knights teleported away to their home base. Asuna turned to her friends. "I gotta say, it's great seeing you two again. I haven't heard from either of you in so long, and I find one of you is now an Assassin led by your friend over here. So, who's the second Assassin who assisted in this?"

"Her name is Akiko, an Assassin in-game as well as IRL," Arthur said. "She caught me and Häyhä in the woods when he was teaching me how to properly hunt. Her detection was so high up; she probably spotted us half of a mile away. After finding a fellow Assassin, how could I refuse her help?"

"Indeed," stated an older voice. All three spun around, hands on their hilts. "For, if you denied her help, this mission would've held a different outcome." There stood three other Assassins, one looking like the late Ezio Auditore da Firenze in his black and gray Master Assassin outfit. The other two had the same style of Altair except their colors were Caspian teal. "And with talent like that, I believe that we could use your help. Including you ex-Templar"

Arthur loosened his grip on the hilt of his sword, but still kept his Hidden Blade at the ready, whiles Häyhä readied his 'Phantom blade' "Who are you?"

The head Assassin stepped forward and removed his hood, revealing short cut black hair with gray eyes and a matching black beard on his rounded face. "My name is Samson. Pleased to meet you, brother Assassin. I would like you to join our guild, the Assassins of Aincrad." He extended a hand. "Will you join us?"

Arthur looked at the hand of the older Assassin. but Kayaba said; there are nobody like us, but Häyhä who had decided now to tell him that he tends to lie. Arthur realized that he would need their help if he truly wanted to get rid of the Templars. He took the extended hand and shook it.

"I accept your offer" Arthur replied.

"Welcome to our guild, brother. First course of action: I shall assign you as my tactician. Take that honor and wear it with pride."

Arthur felt his blood run cold as he looked back at Häyhä. Great; this oughta be good, he thought to himself.

School had started and I’m going to work on Outsiders. So this story is going to update slower than usual

11.10.19- chapter five will be ready by tonight or tomorrow

TanjiTeacreators' thoughts