
Switched Soul

Helena Hills a powerful witch of the Dark North clan was wrongly accused and buried alive a day to her daughter's eighteenth birthday. Feeling wronged she swore to be reincarnated. However, who knew it was already fated because she found herself waking up in the body of her own daughter Kimberly Hills, who she found dead from the accident plotted by her daughter's fiance and best friend on her birthday. >>>>>>>>> Meet Alexander Lee, the supreme Alpha of the whole of North Moon, who was cursed by a witch to never find his mate. He is the pure definition of a walking darkness. What happens when he finally found his mate after thousands of years? What happens when the Alpha's mate has her fate tied to a Wizard who turned out to be...? what happens when Kimberly’s path crosses with him?.... Mother's and Daughter's switched souls against the Dark North Clan...... Why so many what happens...? Well... there’s only one way to find out...

illustrator · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Her Transformation 2

"It was a pleasure doing business with you sir." Kimberly said stepping out of their house as she shared a handshake with Mr John, a real estate agent. She just sold their house as she couldn't live there alone, not with their memories taunting her all day.

It's been a week since that dreadful incident and her discharge from the hospital.

She needed to make sure that she was safe before she could deal with her enemies. She had wield her pros and cons, knowing fully well that if she stayed a little longer in Dark North, she will be haunted the same way before her rebirth. Thus, she planned to leave Dark North, which was leaving New York entirely.

Lastly taking a long glance at the house she used to call a home, she bent picking her small luggage. She hailed a cab heading straight to the airport.

On arriving to the airport, Kimberly sat patiently on the waiting chair as she waited for her flight to be announced. It was going to be a long trip.

Thinking how her life changed drastically in not less than two weeks.

"THIS IS NOT THE END." She thought inwardly.

"Country Z Plane D-533 will take off in a few minutes, passengers should take their seats and use their seatbelts...."

Hearing her flight she stood up immediately as she picked up her luggage going to the plane.


Unknowingly to her, a young girl stood at a far corner of the airport staring at her hatefully.

"I PRAY YOU WILL NEVER COME BACK AGAIN KIMBERLY HILLS." The young girl thought hatefully.

"Good riddance..." She muttered again as she glared daggers at Kimberly's retreating back.


~~~~5 years later ~~~~

Kimberly Hills, a name currently resounding in the whole of Country Z. The beautiful and rich young lady who made it on her own. She is the top female CEO who owned the biggest wine producing company in the whole of Country Z and far across other countries.

She was proud, rude and her arrogance knew no bounds. She was an extreme contrast to the Kimberly Hills of years ago when she first stepped into Country Z. Looking at her now, she's not an easy going person.

Camera lights kept flashing, reporters were all over the place as she stood in front of her new company with her secretary and only friend, Camilla Liu, with the paparazzi.

She held a scissor to cut the ribbon of her new company titled "H&K Constellations".

She cut the ribbon as she gave Camilla a warm bear hug and everyone clapped their hands in happiness.

"I did it again..." She said looking up at the sky before walking in and the others followed.


Kimberly lazily rolled on her cozy and warm bed immediately she heard the sound of her alarm kept on a small table near her queen sized bed.

She slammed her hand on the alarm, yelling for her to prepare for work. She curled herself into a ball and went under the sheets pressing her head on one pillow as she cuddled another.

She groaned lifting herself up from the bed as she slowly tidied up her room. Dragging herself to the bathroom,not without slamming the door lazily. Twenty minutes later. She came out with a wet hair and smelled like mint. She wasn't the girly type when it comes to deodorants.

Picking her clothes, she opt for a navy blue gown that reached her mid thigh and a small cape round her neck. She glanced at herself in the mirror as she tied her jet black hair into a ponytail, bringing out a little bit of her hair at both sides of her face. She wasn't the make up type but her beauty was extraordinary. She wore her silver heels before walking out of her room and headed towards the kitchen to fix a cup of coffee.

She went back to her room to get her phone and as well pick a silver bag matching it with her heels. With the coffee in her hand, she checked the time and saw that it was already 9:00AM and she had a meeting by 9:30AM. She quickly drank her coffee in a hurry. She didn't bother looking for Camilla because She knew she would be at work already since she had to arrange things for the important meeting as her secretary.

She took her car keys from the counter as she stepped out of the house. She opened the car and quickly climbed in, putting her seatbelt on then she started the car, Driving out of her house. Pulling out of her driveway, she headed towards the direction of her new company.

Parking her car at her private parking lot, she quickly alighted from the car as She brought out her phone to check the time, just to find out it was almost 9:30.

" just in time..." she sighed heading to her private elevator.

Few hours later...

"Hey Kim, are you done for today?" Camilla asked as she stepped into Kimberly's office. They have been best of friends after Kimberly's two weeks of moving to Shanghai and now they lived in the same house. She have been really grateful to Camilla and her family. As Camilla's parents took her in and treated her like a daughter, they were her guardians, more like her second family.

"Yeah... just rounding up some of the documents, and I'm seriously starving." She complained with a pout as she stood up from her office seat. Walking to where Camilla sat as she plopped down into the couch beside her, resting her back on the seat.

She can only be this spoilt in front of Camilla and her parents, no one else.

"Okay... let's order pizza. At least I could get to see Justin's handsome face, that would always leave me wanting to get laid." She said picking up her phone to make the order as Kimberly immediately scrunch her face in disgust at what her friend said.

"And speaking of getting laid, it's Friday let's go clubbing and loosen up." Camilla suggested.

"Nah, I will pass and as you know... clubbing isn't just my thing."Kimberly said.

"Come on, don't be such a kill joy. It's gonna be fun I promise." Camilla begged.

"And most especially, you seriously need to get laid Kim." She whined as she added the last part.

"Seriously? No I don't." Kimberly said squeezing her face in disgust as she stood up heading back to her office chair to finish up the remaining documents.

"Please... please...please"

Kimberly paused to look at her as Camilla gave her, her best puppy eyes knowing fully that she couldn't resist it.

"Fine" Kimberly said rolling her eyes, earning a squeal from her friend, who couldn't hide the excitement from her face.

"Great! And we will be leaving by 7, better finish up so will could both get ready." Camilla said, immediately Kimberly's office bell rang that the pizza have arrived.

Quickly, Camilla stood up with a devilish grin walking towards the door as Kimberly glared at her trying to contain her laughter. She knew Camilla was up to no good with that grin on her face, as she went out to torture the poor delivery guy with her flirty questions.


Kimberly went into the bathroom to take a quick shower, washing off the days of stress. As soon as she was done, she toweled off and looked at the time and it was already 6:00. She was hoping to have a good nap before going out with Camilla as she took her time drying her hair.

After drying her hair, she walked into her walk in closet only to find out that have nothing to wear. Not that she literally don't have cloths to wear but all her clothes were either pajamas for staying at home or working gowns and suits. She don't really go clubbing at all. She started contemplating whether to go and ask from Camilla or not When a soft knock brought her out of her thoughts.

Camilla walked into her room already dressed and with two dresses on her hands, they were both hot but one thing was clear, they were both revealing too much.

"So tell me Cam, where are we really going to?" Kimberly asked standing akimbo.

"Okay, you caught me this time. There's this exclusive club for rich and powerful people that just recently opened down town."she replied excitedly.

"Cam, I don't think this is a good idea. Powerful people? Like how..."

"Don't worry I know what you're thinking but trust me, nothing will happen," Camilla said confidently.

"Now, come sit let me get you ready."

"What have I gotten myself into?" Kimberly muttered as she sat and Camilla started her adventure on her face.

After an hour of her adventure, Camilla handed her a black short dress. She took her heels matching it with her dress. Looking up to herself, she looked breathtakingly beautiful.

Camilla really exceeded my expectation.

"Are you sure that is me and not someone else?" Kimberly asked stunned as She stared at her reflection on the mirror.

"Its just you Kim, I only enhanced the beautiful features you naturally had."she said winking at me.

"Now let's get going, we don't wanna be late. Do we?" Camilla said grabbing her hand as dragged her out of the room, heading towards their parking lot.

Let the fun begin!!