
Sweetie a lie and its her love story

Sweetie lives in a lie and every moment created for her is a lie and the most troublesome thing is she is unaware of that will she know what is there for her in a lie and understanding is just another problem that has to be gained anyway. Suffering is a painful word but is more sorrowful when a lie adds to it.

STBboss · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Start of a lie

Sweetie: mom papa where are we?

Papa: girl this is our new home you are still 3 years old yet you ask a lot of questions.

Mama: darling behaves your self how will she know it's our new home and we left the old one let's not argue in front of our daughter.

Papa: ok honey we will not discuss what happened are you happy now?

Mama: ...…yes.

Papa: Sweetie my baby welcome to our new home let me show you your room. I decorated that room especially by myself for my daughter, hm are you tired sweetie after all we traveled a lot of kilometers away from home let me take you to be, d my sweetheart.

Sweetie: papa it's already dark please tell me a story.

Papa: ok my girl.

When he reads the story in between the story sweetie's eyes go down and she falls asleep. Her father looks at her, smiles at h,e,r, and turns off the light so his daughter's rest time will not get disturbed. While sweetie is asleep she see a nightmare and shouts higher but no one comes to see her ,she get's scared because it was not a nightmare she was asleep 3 years ago when she was three but now she is six and not watching a nightmare but is part of reality it was a night mare 3 years ago but it came true after 3 years between those three years she goes to school and grows up there is a person who often visit them and was her uncle but now he is not her uncle anymore but is her enemy the killer of her parents and the robber of her property yes, it is something unusual that happens on new years eve when sweetie was sitting with her family and suddenly her mother goes inside the kitchen and comes back with a knife in her chest and was bleeding so much when sweetie watch this terrible thing she faints right away but when she opens her eyes with a loud shout she watch that no one is here to see her she runs downwards and in front of her there was a lot of blood present on the floor she gets all sweaty and call for her parents but no one answers her she cleans the area and cry loudly that's where she changes into a beast a wild monster who loves others in pain .

At the age of six, she lost those people who were important to her. After cleaning all the floor and walls she get's to know there is nothing left for her to live for her all dream vanishes as she thinks that what will she do without her parents because her uncle is not here anymore and that the dead bodies of her parents are already gone she is alone in home and she don't know how to do house chores she gets all sweaty after cleaning so, she goes to bathroom with swollen eye which are filled with tears she clean herself and wear the dress her mother brought for her on her birthday that was in December 19,and it makes her think about the happy times with her family she wears the dress and run towards her father's study room she get's to know that all the property papers are gone except for the house in which she is living is already under her name she feels uncomfortable after looking at the papers she goes to the lounch of home and she see that now the home is all clean and suddenly her tummy growls because after all hard work she is hungry now she runs towards the kitchen and look inside the fridge which is filled with tasty dishes she eats a little and than again starts crying and fell asleep on the dining table when she wakes up in the mid of the night she goes inside her room prepare everything for her school and complete all the work that was uncompleted in her notebooks.

As for further information about sweetie she is an intelligent child with a high IQ level she does read faster and is thehehehehehe

smartest student in their school. Sweetie put an alarm on the clock and closes her eyes after that she reminds all of what happened that day and she takes an oath in her heart that she will work hard and will make a good living at such a small age she tries to compel herself to not look at the past but to look forward and she thinks about revenge at the same time.