
Sweetie a lie and its her love story

Sweetie lives in a lie and every moment created for her is a lie and the most troublesome thing is she is unaware of that will she know what is there for her in a lie and understanding is just another problem that has to be gained anyway. Suffering is a painful word but is more sorrowful when a lie adds to it.

STBboss · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Disappointment and leaving the homeland

Jill: I am too much disappointed in you why did you leave yesterday?

Sweetie: I am sorry for that but I was feeling unwell I thought leaving will be a good option.

Jill: ok get up go wash your mouth and face then let's have breakfast.

Sweetie: ok

After waiting for a few minutes Sweetie appears and she has plates in her hand she puts them down and then she goes to the kitchen to bring cups too. Both of them eat breakfast silently and then go upwards to Sweetie's room to pack her luggage. Jill helps Sweetie during the packing process and then they start talking about things they will do together in London. Jill and Sweetie on the next morning leave their homes and meet at the platform of the school where the senior judge has been waiting for them and take them with him to the airport. When they reach the school in London they look at each other and they laugh at each other Mister Ergon the senior judge takes them inside the hotel near the school and tells the receptionist that they will live in this hotel for 12 years and there is the pay of their every need and bills of the rooms they will live in, after payment Mister Ergon tells three of them to ask the favors from him whenever they want on which three of them says ok to Mister Ergon. Mister Ergon gives them his number and takes them to their rooms after doing his duties he leaves the hotel to prepare for their school life.

Jill: I am going to call mom that we are already in England, what about you Jian?

Jian: I will call dad when I put my all things in the right place also, I have to go to buy notebooks.

Jill: if you don't mind I can give you company.

Jian: thank you princess, but there is no need.

Jill: ok oh! Sweetie what about you lets go unpack your things and put them in right place.

Sweetie: ok let's go

When Jill and Sweetie set sweetie's room up then they go to Jill's room for putting the things in the right but before that suddenly a receptionist comes inside the room and tells them that both of them are going to share the room and mister Ergon told them to say it to Jill and Sweetie after that the receptionist helps Sweetie and Jill in making space for things and setting things in the right place. Jill and Sweetie settle into the lifestyle of England and lives there as part of them and they pass forward without any stop Jill and Sweetie become the most talented people in the class and participate in several quiz competitions and other competitions and get several further scholarships that make Sweetie get more nearer to the time when she will get revenge from her uncle Albert and time lead to such a point where Sweetie and Jill both grow up and becomes the high school students Sweetie starts part-time job while Jill turns into a total book worm and she does several other courses which will help her to complete missions of her life.