
Operation Queen Hunt

D: Liu take me to the mansion

this is bad when young master uses this tone something bad will happen. And in a combination of that murderous eyes, something chaotic will really happen.

Liu: sir we have arrived and I have rounded up everyone.

D: very well, also notify the best investigators that is loyal to the family tell them I need them to find my queen. And anyone that will reject will be severely punished.

Alicia: son what is this commotion about?

" mother someone escaped from me within a bathrobe and dare she command me to not see my queen again. that is why I have gathered these professionals to hunt her down. And bring her home which is within my hold"

Alicia: my my the stoic prince had stepped up and chose his queen and is more showing of his emotions. But still, that fire within you can't change. Why not tone down the search and then when we see her that is when getting the others to safely transfer your queen.

As much as I'd like to admit, you are just like your father your face, voice, and most importantly persistent towards what you love and desire.

ok as for some of you, return to your post and I will be the one to hand pick the searcher and researcher to find out more and give results to me.

D: mother this is what we can only take off her personal information. the data and other assets are tight-lipped with this because she is a heavily secured doll of her grandmother.

Alicia: pretty impressive, OK EVERYONE YOU WILL REPORT TO ME AFTER 3 WEEKS AND BY THEN I EXPECT ACTUAL RESULTS FOR NOW OBSERVE. nobody will act except given the permission to approach including you my son.

D: as much as I wanted to mother this is my search and I can do as I desire.

Alicia: my dear boy did you know how many times I have run away from your father when I was younger and how long it took him to find me and not too late to find out that I was expecting with you. it took him half a year to find me and I was already heavy with you. you should see his shock state. In a verge of tears and passing out. and that is why you should let me handle this

D: I do not get your point.

Alicia: my point is I am a woman myself and our escape would be basically close to each other.

and now let us commence the queen hunt.