
Nina Is Going to Die

Although she was still worried, she knew she would be doomed if Henry started getting ideas and ran into her house.

Charlotte even thought of moving.

But she felt that if she suddenly moved, it would make Henry even more suspicious.

Anyway, no matter what she did, it wouldn't seem right.

Henry was a force to be reckoned with.

So she would maintain the status quo.



Charlotte opened the door with the key in her hand.

Typically, when she walked in, the eight babies all came to greet her.

But today was an exception. Yolanda and the eight babies were watching TV so attentively that they didn't notice Charlotte's arrival at all.

Charlotte's eyes fell on the TV, and she was immediately startled.

On TV, the death of another young woman was being reported.

The young woman was a cafe employee, and the cause of death was a shot to the chest.