
The beginning

My name is Moon Monsen. I was getting ready for work as a model for Victoria Secret early in the morning when I started getting a healing migraine. It felt like a screw driver was being drilled in my head. I feel my eyes start growing black and then I pass out onto my bed.

I woke up with a slight head ache not as bad as the migraine and got up out of bed. I smell the scent of cologne. I look around and really see my bed room. It looks like a boys room. Dark grey, white. Organized. WTH?

I rush to a door hoping it's the bathroom and thank god it is. I look into the mirror and guess who I see. The best football player of all time. Cristiano Ronaldo.

I couldn't have possible swapped bodies with him. Right? That's like scientifically not possible. But yet here I am. AS CRISTIANO! Like HOW COOL AND WEIRD IS THAT!?

I remember my phone number from my actual phone as a girl. I find Cristianos phone and dial my phone number. It's ringing then someone I'm guessing the actually Cristiano Ronaldo picks up. "Hello.?" He sounds like he just woke up. "Hello Cristiano my name is Moon Monsen. I think we have a problem. We switched bodies and I don't know how the hell it happened. I'm in your body but with my brain and your in my body with your brain. Help." He takes a second to comprehend what I just said.

"So your telling me I'm a girl right now in your body?" I start getting nervous. "Ha..ha yehhh. Go look in a mirror. It's to your left." "Ok I'll look". "HOLY SHIT WTF!" "I know I had the same reaction." "Let's meet somewhere! I'll go to my place which I'm guessing where your at right now. Be there in 10." "Ok"