
Swapped Lives (Magnus Chase fanfic)(dropped)

Mina doesn't know where she is or who she is. Last thing she remembers she was in a car. When someone else in her body shows up things take a turn for the worse. By the way, most characters in this story are from Magnus Chase. I do not own them. I however did come up with the main character, Mina.

Genderfluidcat37 · Livros e literatura
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6 Chs


"What was that for!?" Magnus yelled interrupting me and Halfborn's conversation "What did she do to you!?"

I looked up to see the new girl, Mina, standing over Alex's body as Magnus yelled at her. She pointed her sword at Magnus but seemed reluctant to stab. I had seen her yesterday and it seemed like she favored Magnus. I thought she might have a crush. 

"She took my life." Mina said

"What do you mean? How could she take your life?"

Mina didn't answer. For just a second she looked like Alex and Alex looked like her. I blinked and the effect was gone. I guessed it had just been the light but it was kind of unsettling. Magnus stood glaring at Mina. She moved to sit back down and he suddenly pulled Alex's garrote out of his pocket. He quickly wrapped it around Mina's neck and I had to assume Alex had been training him.

"Why did you kill my girlfriend?" He demanded

"Believe me I didn't want to. It was necessary. Please don't chop my head off."

"I don't want to but it's necessary."

He pulled on the ends of the wire and it tightened around Mina's neck before chopping her head clean off.

Thanks for reading this so far! I try to add more every day but sometimes I have schoolwork to do. I've also started writing a Percy Jackson fanfic so let me know if you want to see that too. Thanks again!

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