
Swallowed Star 2: Origin Continent - English (Tunshi Xingkong)

Finally passing through reincarnation Lou Feng and his two guests arrive at the Origin Continent. Far away from their primal universe, they must rebuild their status of invincibility, but this journey will surely be filled with obstacles. I will NOT be making any chapters private even though I need to pay for them because this is not my novel. If you can, any donations are appreciated to help fund purchasing the chapters on Qidian. https://buymeacoffee.com/thejhingerbreadman Disclaimer: This is not my original work and do not take any credit for the original Chinese version of this novel. I am simply translating it. If you want it taken down, please contact and I will do it immediately. Please support the author at: https://www.qidian.com/book/1039391177/

TheJhingerbreadman · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Becoming A God King

Sorry everyone, this is all I've got today. Space Marine 2 just came out so I've been playing it all night and now I have to go to bed. See you tomorrow and have a great sleep/day!

During normal cultivation, there are moments when one's state is at its peak, and they have flashes of insight. But after consuming the Primordial Spirit Crystal Fruit, its energy nourished Luo Feng's soul, allowing him to remain in a state of perfect clarity, greatly enhancing his comprehension, and speeding up his thoughts by 20 to 30 times.

Luo Feng began to use the materials from the golden-scaled beetle and other perfect Chaos-level lifeforms to analyze and study.

"If I could fully grasp both the Life Essence and Life Body paths, I could easily figure out the Three-in-One Form," Luo Feng thought.

However, relying solely on the accumulation of these two paths at the peak of the Chaos Realm was clearly not enough.

Luo Feng understood that this would be a slow process. Studying and researching would also be a form of accumulation.

"Perhaps, I'll become a God King first," he mused.

In the Original Universe, within that special space at the Source of the Origin, Luo Feng's divine power avatar was also facing the complete Primordial Path of Life.

"Life Essence, Life Body," Luo Feng observed carefully. From different angles, the complete Primordial Path of Life presented various forms: sometimes a 24-clawed dragon, sometimes an eternal river through time and space, sometimes an immense divine body, sometimes the origin of countless lives, or even life as a concept itself.

Luo Feng's mind and will were constantly being baptized by the Primordial Path of Life, drawing him closer to its mysteries.

"Three-in-One?" Luo Feng muttered, recalling the detailed information recorded in the "Life Body" section of the first tribulation in Four Tribulations of the Lifeform.

The feeling was tantalizingly close, yet still just out of reach.

Cultivation was often like this—many peak Chaos Realm and even Chaos Transcendent cultivators were stuck at bottlenecks, unable to grasp even a broken branch of a grand path.

Meanwhile, in another layer of the Star Tower, within Morosa's personal cultivation space, Morosa was quietly meditating, fully absorbing the golden-scaled beetle's body. Morosa had returned to his true form, appearing as a beautiful, fair-skinned small being, his appearance naturally alluring. As the favored child of the Destruction Path, his power as a world beast was no longer hidden. This was Morosa's truest form.


Suddenly, Morosa's aura surged, and a terrifying ripple spread from his inner "world," extending in all directions. His body was undergoing a natural transformation, evolving from the Chaos Realm to a higher level of life.

"I've broken through," Morosa opened its eyes, full of excitement. "From the Chaos Realm to the God King Realm, this is a fundamental transformation."

"My inner world has now taken the shape of its final form," Morosa said, ecstatic.

The core of a world beast lies in its inner world. With each life-level breakthrough, its world undergoes a transformation. Becoming a God King represents the greatest transformation.

From the first level of the God King Realm to the ultimate level (the eighth level), the inner world continues to improve until it becomes perfect.

"I've spent 80 eras on the Origin Continent, and I've finally reached the God King level. It took longer than I expected, all thanks to the golden-scaled beetle's body," Morosa said. "That single golden-scaled beetle body was more effective than a thousand special Chaos Realm bodies."

It was as though the heavens themselves were feeding his rapid progression toward becoming a God King.

Suddenly, a figure appeared nearby—Luo Feng. Through his soul enslavement bond and his sensitivity to the Star Tower's internal movements, Luo Feng immediately sensed Morosa's breakthrough.

"You've broken through?" Luo Feng looked at Morosa. Though his demeanor was still somewhat playful, his aura was clearly much more terrifying.

"Master, I've become a God King," Morosa chuckled. "All thanks to the golden-scaled beetle's body you gave me."

Luo Feng nodded slightly. This was a gift from his master, Emperor Chu. Luo Feng had only kept 1% of the materials for himself and given the rest to Morosa.

"It seems the results were quite good," Luo Feng said, pleased. While his own cultivation on the Dao was arduous, Morosa had made steady progress and now reached the God King level first.

Morosa was still brimming with excitement. "Master, before becoming a God King, my inner world took the shape of its final form! Now, I have many new abilities."

"Oh?" Luo Feng looked at him.

"Even if I don't reveal my world beast identity, I can still use many abilities," Morosa said confidently. "For example, I can now use a curse-killing technique through my inner world. As long as I've seen the enemy once, I can curse and kill them!"

"A curse?" Luo Feng was shocked.

As someone who had studied the Destruction Primordial Path, he knew it contained many destructive methods.

For instance, the "White Sky Lineage" of the Destruction Path was known for assassination and curse techniques.

"At the first level of the God King Realm, few can resist my curse technique," Morosa boasted. "With it, I can destroy all of an enemy's clones and any life-saving measures they have, forcing them to reincarnate."

Luo Feng was stunned.

Forcing even first-level God Kings to reincarnate?

"Besides cursing, I can also fight directly. My clone can take many forms and hide its aura just as easily," Morosa continued confidently. "I can cause chaos across the Origin Continent without anyone discovering my true identity."

"Master, do you want me to act?" Morosa was eager, having suppressed his urges for far too long. "With my curse technique, no one will know who killed them."

Luo Feng chuckled. "Be patient."

Morosa blinked, looking frustrated. Still need to wait?

"A thousand changes in your clone form and curse techniques that leave no trace?" Luo Feng shook his head. "No matter what, you're still at the first level of the God King Realm. There are far more powerful beings on the Origin Continent, especially in the two great ancient kingdoms. Do you know how many of their methods you are truly aware of?"

"Tracking through cause and effect, tracing the past and time-space trails... You think you can truly hide?" Luo Feng said.

"These ancient beings may seem mysterious to you, but to the two great ancient kingdoms, they've likely been fully understood. Those who specialize in curse techniques that can force a first-level God King into reincarnation—there are probably only a handful of such beings."

Luo Feng looked at Morosa. "Don't get overconfident."

"If you take the risk, you might get discovered," Luo Feng said calmly. "You've only been on the Origin Continent for 80 eras. What's the rush?"

"Yes, Master."

Chided by his master, Morosa had no choice but to behave.

Because of the soul enslavement, Luo Feng could sense Morosa's deep-seated desire for destruction. It was only through this soul control that he could suppress Morosa's destructive urges and keep him obedient.

"Even in the future, when you become a peak world beast, you won't be able to act without my permission," Luo Feng warned.

"Understood," Morosa nodded obediently. "Master, just now my strength improved greatly, and I got a little arrogant. But now I'm thinking clearly again."

"Good, now show me the Destruction Primordial Path you've mastered," Luo Feng ordered.


Morosa immediately demonstrated the Destruction Primordial Path he had comprehended.


In a flash, Luo Feng saw an enormous, dark black hole, surrounded by countless tangible secret patterns that naturally explained many aspects of the Destruction Primordial Path.

"This… this…" Luo Feng was utterly shocked. While other cultivators would struggle to comprehend these secret patterns, Luo Feng could discern a great deal of information from them.

"Has he mastered all eight branches of the Destruction Primordial Path?" Luo Feng couldn't believe it.

Though he had known that Morosa's growth naturally involved simultaneous progress across all eight branches of the Destruction Primordial Path, this was still astonishing.

Even for powerful cultivators in the Destruction Star Lineage, they usually relied on one branch to become a God King.

After all, the speed of comprehension varies greatly.

"Yes, because I absorbed the golden-scaled beetle's body, and my inner world grew naturally. When it underwent its transformation, I naturally comprehended all eight destruction branches," Morosa explained.

Luo Feng was silent.

Morosa had mastered all eight branches. Luo Feng, on the other hand, struggled to even master one, finding it incredibly difficult to comprehend. Yet Morosa had easily grasped all eight branches of destruction at once.

"I feel that mastering the eight branches isn't particularly hard," Morosa said. "It's just the foundation! What comes next is the difficult part—gradually fusing the eight branches together. By then, I'll need more food, or I'll starve quickly."

Morosa looked at Luo Feng.

Since Master isn't letting me act, I'll have to rely on him to feed me.

"Mastering all eight branches at once," Luo Feng thought. "There's not much I can say."

Even the creators of Four Tribulations of the Lifeform and The Seventeen Blades of Annihilation believed that at the Chaos Realm stage, it was best to focus on just two or three branches.

Then, as one became a God King, they could slowly expand their focus.

"I'm overthinking this," Luo Feng realized. "I shouldn't be viewing a world beast's growth from a cultivator's perspective. After all, Morosa is destined to reach the ultimate level of the God King Realm."

Luo Feng studied the vast, dark black hole before him.

The massive black hole enveloped half of this space within the Star Tower. The eight branches of destruction were the very foundation of this immense black hole. These eight branches complemented and reinforced each other.

Although they had not yet fused, the mere synergy of these branches allowed the immense black hole to function perfectly.

"This is too perfect," Luo Feng thought in awe.

Even a God King can use a broken branch of a grand path to create cosmic operational laws, possibly even creating a universe of their own.

Yet here, an entire world was being built on the flawless coordination of all eight branches. The perfection of its operation left Luo Feng amazed.

"This is beyond the functioning of Morosa's inner world…" Luo Feng observed. "Compared to this, both the Eight-in-One Form and the Ten Directions World Form seem too basic."

Luo Feng knew of two types of Eight-in-One Form. One involved a single large particle containing two Yin-Yang particles inside. The other had eight equally sized particles fusing together. Both were considered highly advanced world forms.

The Ten Directions World Form was also fairly well-developed.

However, the "world" formed by these eight branches of destruction was far more impressive.

"Eight branches as the foundation, forming a world…" Luo Feng's understanding of worlds deepened as he absorbed this realization, leading to a clearer understanding of the Eight-in-One Form as well.

Emperor Chu was right: Studying a more advanced world form before studying the complex forms yields much better results.

With the help of the Primordial Spirit Crystal Fruit, and after studying the core of the world beast's inner world and the destruction branches that formed its world, many of Luo Feng's previous doubts about the Eight-in-One Form were resolved.