
Surviving In My Novel

(Extended Hiatus) Being a socially inept terminally ill person for most of his life, Simon dies after completing his novel. What is waiting for him? A cliche mess that he had written himself. Watch as he becomes OP through his knowledge and random coincidence. “Why did I make my MC an edgelord?” “Why does this system make me too OP?” “Why am I bored?” “Why did I put harem in my novel?” Read before the MC drops this novel himself!

Oscillating_Sine · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
129 Chs

Fire (4)

The calm whispers of the wind breezed through the empty streets of this demon infested city. The calmness that may never be witnessed anywhere else, however, that may not be a good thing. Why was it so quiet? Where is the devil candidate? And what is it doing? Simon only knew a few things. He knew that the demon may just very well be a 6th tier demon advancing into a rank 7 devil visionary; judging from the magnitude of the roar, and that this devil candidate had possibly gathered every single demon in the city for the ritual.

Such a thing would be terrifying for Haven to deal with, especially when the lords themselves were rank 7 visionaries too. Based on the fact that demons are stronger than humans of the same tier/rank, than a devil of rank 7 could possibly become a match for the Lords of Haven.

'This did not happen in the original plot. The big event was supposed to be a tier 5 demon boss fight scene where half of James' group is wiped out. Even then, James just barely scraped by with his powers. But I wonder... how is his powers progressing?' Simon wondered as he was led away by Richard.

'I just hope both of them are okay... I don't know what I would end up doing exactly if they aren't.'

The duo eventually arrived at an abandoned warehouse which was conveniently just at the outskirts of the city. 'A large warehouse, plenty of room for an ambush. This is just too cliche.' Simon inwardly laughed as he continued walked towards the entrance.

"We are here, I hope you enjoy your short stay." Richard chuckled as he jumped to a second story window.

Simon walked through the entrance immediately, finding himself in a near destroyed interior. The upper stories had caved in and all of the floors were now crumbled cement pasted on the bottom floor. With little to no delay, he set his eyes on the middle area of the rubble.

"Well hello there Simon!" Richard greeted.

Simon centred his gaze at a group of ten students and two occupied chairs in front of them. Occupying them, were James and Sienna. Both of them slouched their head back, unconscious.

"You might be wondering about how we caught them so quietly and moved them here under your nose. Well since you are going to die, I'll show some professional courtesy and tell you."

Each one of the students grinned in their white suits as they waited for Richard to continue speaking. Simon simply stood at where he was and inspected James and Sienna's wounds.

'Leg lacerations, facial bruising, broken bones... what's this?' Simon quickly inspect Sienna with much more attention for detail.

'I came just in time, these people really don't have any self control... if I didn't make it, 'that' could have happened. That...'


"What is it? Don't you want to hear how I have advanced to 5th rank and perfectly executed the deed? Isn't my speed just amazing? I snatched both of them so fast! And I am so close to obtaining my legacy core! Master Winston promised that if you die, he will help me form a legacy core! Such an amazing deal!" Richard laughed maniacally.

"To bad you have to die."

"It's such a shame that you can't even manage your own people. Ever heard of discipline? And yes, I know what all 9 of you tried to pull." Simon spoke in a cold voice.

"However, I forgive you for your gross impudence towards me."


Bodies started dropping one by one, like a mass execution. One by one, until only Richard was left.

'But for your impudence towards them, No.'

'For a group of early rank 4 visionaries, they feel too weak.' Simon thought as he deactivated [The Wraith's Talons].

With his current control over theory that he had gained through absorbing the contents of the revisions, he could now comprehend more techniques and calculations than many geniuses working together. Paired with his strong visualisation base, he was unstoppable.

"What...? What- did... y...ou.. ju...st... do?" Richard trembled as his knees hit the ground.

Describing the scene that had just happened would be somewhat boring. Simon had only drawn out a minuscule amount of his power to summon a single 'Talon' and pierce each of the students' necks. It was simply just too boring.

"Fuck... I AM GOING TO-"

With a single motion, Simon phased right in front of Richard, appearing a centimetre away from him. With the eyes that could pierce through the moon, Simon looked directly into Richards soul (figuratively), sending shivers down Richards spine as he lost momentum and crashed to the floor.

"Heh, you think that's all I got?" Richard chuckled as he laid prone.


A scarlet hot projectile zoomed straight towards Simon's skull and instantly passed through it.

"Too eas-"


"To easy my ass." Simon said as he pointed to his completely intact face.


"Now let me tell you something... if you are going to kill someone, plan carefully."

Simon suddenly materialised 50 Talons around him in an orbiting manner. With the motion of him pointing to Richard's helpless position, he grinned as the daggers also pointed at the helpless soul.

"Orbiting blades?! PP-81G??!!" Richard cried out in a cold sweat.

"Too bad, when I'm done with you, no one will say your PP is 81G."


The sun set on the infested city. A smoking mess could be seen from the scene of the warehouse, but no one inside. Simon had already evacuated the unconscious James and Sienna to a small house in the outskirts of the city. With the moon high in the sky, Simon had no choice but to wait. He did prefer not encountering the more nocturnal varieties of demons.

<I see you absolutely destroyed those scumbags earlier. Congrats, now onto urgent business. As you may already know, the threat of a rank 7 devil may very well come upon you and your group. This is nothing for me, but you can't handle such a thing at your level. Your blades won't be able to penetrate such a devil.>

'So what should I do?'

<Well, you can wait it out. I will be here in 2 days time anyways.>
