
Surviving in Monster Girl world as a Slave.

Mature Content~~ Living in a world where everything is boring but peaceful while there maybe incidents some times but other than that peaceful, but who the fuck would have that that world become like this. Novels, light novel, the one we read as a kid and even now as adult for entertainment and enjoyment, where monsters, magic, other races and many other things. Now that fantasy world has become reality, where other world has merged with ours making things more evolve and now seeing things like magic in daily tv episodes and talk about other races. While that may look like some fantastic world but don’t be mistaken, it isn’t. I was struggling to get a job in this age and day, when I find the job I was very happy that now I will become successful and live very beautiful life but that thought too like that wasn’t for too long. Because the job was very different from the one I thought, though I am not complaining who would or can reject a fantastic job like this where I can enjoy the day and night with very beautiful girls and Monster sexy beautiful girls from other worlds. “So tell me, How does my Pussy looks.” “Don’t just stand there and look at me chest, it is very embarrassing.” “Yes… yes that is the spot.” This is the story of my job with Beautiful girls and Monster girls.

subaru_oni · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 8: Perversion fantasies

It was a grim realization, further solidifying the age-old adage – the weak suffer what they must. The world was indifferent to pleas for mercy or cries for justice. It was a place where the strong thrived, and the weak merely survived.

In this harsh and unforgiving world, the weak were constantly reminded of their place, always at the mercy of those stronger than them. It felt like an endless curse.

This grotesque reality stung even more, now.

Despite the seismic shifts that had turned the world into a chaotic mess, my position in it remained stagnant. Always at the bottom, always vulnerable. It seemed that no matter how the world changed around me, my fate as the underdog was sealed.

The woman before me was a stark embodiment of this disparity. Her very presence, exuding confidence and control, was a reminder of everything I wasn't. Every chuckle, every playful glance from her, felt like salt on an open wound.

It wasn't that I believed the world to be fundamentally unjust. I understood the nature of power dynamics. Those with strength or resources wielded them, often at the expense of those without. It was a tale as old as time. The desire to assert dominance, to use one's gifts – be it power, wealth, or magic – was an innate human instinct.

Yet, amidst this understanding, a bitter question plagued me: Why was it always me at the receiving end? Abandoned at birth, every semblance of stability or success I'd painstakingly built over the years had crumbled away, just like dust in the wind.

The cruel irony? The answer to my agonizing question was clear. I was in this predicament because of my perceived weakness, my inability to stand tall against adversity, and my lack of strength to change my circumstances.

Before I realized it, tears blurred my vision, a culmination of years of pent-up frustration and helplessness. Yet, even in this vulnerable moment, a spark of defiance ignited within me. I glared at the woman, tears streaming down, a mix of sorrow and anger.

Such a display of emotion felt humiliating, yet it was my silent protest, my way of showing that I still had a shred of spirit left in me.

A tidal wave of emotions threatened to drown me. Here I was, my vulnerabilities laid bare for all to see, tears streaming down my face.

The weight of it all felt unbearable, and I wished, more than anything, to vanish into thin air. But her amused eyes kept me rooted, reminding me of my current powerlessness.

The mysterious woman, reveling in her control, began to close the gap between us. Her voice was almost a purr, her words dripping with both mockery and a hint of genuine fascination.

"You have a resilience not often seen. Most creatures, when confronted by a situation like this, would cower. Their very essence would shrink back in fear. Yet you? You're different."

Her fingers, cold yet oddly comforting, traced my tear-streaked cheek, wiping away the remnants of my pain.

"What is it, hm? Anguish? Humiliation? Being immobilized, every part of you exposed and yet completely unable to act? Do you find it all so unbearable?"

She leaned in closer, her voice now a whisper, dripping with taunt and temptation. "Or is it something else? Could it be that you're not truly embarrassed by this display? There are many who would revel in such exposure, who'd pay for the privilege. But you? Your distress is different. It's not about being seen, is it?"

A sly smile played on her lips, her face inches from mine. "It's because in this moment, despite everything, there's one thing you can't do. One primal desire you can't act upon."

She chuckled softly, her breath warm against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. "Isn't that right? The yearning to claim, to dominate, to be one with another. The deep, ancient impulse to ensure one's legacy. To merge, to connect. But right now, you're powerless to do so."

This intense proximity, her words, her breath - they were intoxicating, disorienting. The room seemed to close in, with her as the sole focal point, pulling me into her gravitational field.

A relentless and unforgiving heat enveloped me, consuming every fiber of my being as though a blazing inferno had taken merciless hold of my body. My skin prickled with an intensity that was both foreign and alarming.

The source of this intense heat was the disdainful woman opposite me. Her words, chilling in their loathing and unflinching confidence, only added fuel to this furnace.

"But you can't. Yes, because I am vastly superior to you. Your current concentrated strength, enhanced a hundred times, would still be but a grain of sand before a mountain in comparison. You're rendered so powerless that you can't even resist the simplest magic," she taunted, her cool demeanour in stark contrast to the searing heat coursing through me.

Her hand, the instrument of her mockery, callously grazed the sensitive flesh of my arousal, eliciting an unintended reaction, increasing the intensity of the inferno inside me.

"Perhaps," she continued. Her voice, a harsh whisper was filled with contempt. "Your only course of action left is to scuttle back to the safety of your mundane life, playing and replaying today's events. Perhaps you'll find momentary relief in satisfying your perverse fantasies about me, a poor substitute for the real thing. It's pitiful, really. The frailty of the human condition, forever yearning, yet unable to claim the object of your desires."

She paused, her icy words hanging heavily in the tense air between us. Her claim, as disdainful as it was, rang with an unfortunate truth.

"But don't despair," she added with a mirthless chuckle. "Most men here are just like you - impotent, impuissant, and woefully incapable of satisfying any woman's needs. They are mere losers in the grand scheme of existence."

Her bitter words were a serpent's whisper in my ear, a twisted comfort in my wretched state.

"And so, I will extend a rare courtesy to you, a pitiful creature as yourself. A service of my own."

Without wasting a moment further, she began to work her hand over my cock. Her touch was precise, her strokes metered - a dance of seduction that promised tempests of pleasure.

Throb. Throb. Throb. Throb.

My mind was in a whirlpool of sensations, teetering on the edge of eroding sanity.

Her seemingly simple maneuvers were anything but. Under her deft touch, even the most intricate techniques seemed pedestrian. However, I gritted my teeth and balled my fists, forcing myself to remain grounded, to endure, and most importantly - to resist.