
Surviving in a Fantasy Jungle full of Magical Beasts

Brad was a jobless 24 year old guy who lives alone living of the money he had won in the Lottery, many would say he is quite the lucky person but Brad doesn't think so. Besides winning this lottery, all he had in life was ridicule and disdain from people he knew. They only showed smiles when he had struck rich, this made him quite averse towards human interaction. An orphan who was known to be quite a smart one but a very lazy person. He felt that life was dull even if you work hard so he spent his days alone by himself watch tv and videos in social media to pass his time. Until an unfortunate accident happened in a nearby hidden secret facility. A wormhole appeared and swallowed Brad along with his bed and half of his closet. Follow Brad as he awakens towards the real harshness in life in a brand new world of Fantasy where he would discover many new things and find himself a changed man. Note: Cover picture is not mine, if the creator of this picture wants it to be taken down just message me. (Author's warning; This novel might be quite graphic in words as I would use curse words without mellowing it down. Possible R-18 in the future with some degenerate stuff too and a little bit of gory bits too so if this is not your cup of tea then don't read this. Might do also include Fan fic elements but we'll see how I develope this.)

Eledian · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs

Expensive Equipment

[He stood tall as an Orc, he was as elegant as the elves, strength of a giant, speed of a birdman, skills of a dwarf, fights like a barbarian, yet also hunts like a beast. He is an enigma that baffles me till this day as he was of no country nor kingdom but his knowledge and wisdom could put those sages to shame. He is a warrior, a hunter, a blacksmith, herbalist, an archer, a dwarven engineer, he is many things. I see that his future is bright but a shame that he is not one of ours, but I had the pleasure of being his friend and I see no future to those he deemed as foe. -Page 32 of Archbishop Shiken's diary during his stay in the Beast Continent.]

*Clang *Clang *Clang

Metallic sounds were heard as the four woke up, they were sure that BRad is now awake and is currently in the forge. They've never seen him work in the forge as they were only shown a glimpse of it. First to get up and dress herself is Rhean who wanted to see Brad work up a sweat.

"Geez, to think she's a child of Erlune baffles me." Kent felt exasperated with the actions of the little nun. But he still sat there writing on a small book that he had with him, he always had a habit of keeping notes of daily day-to-day activities he had done.

"Well Goddess Erlune is not only the Goddess of Mercy but also a Goddess of Love, you know they don't stop their devout believers from having a romantic relationship. At least our little bundle of trouble could find someone she fancies, I too find him very attractive." Brendel then finished changing in the small bathroom Brad made for them in the second day.

"But don't reveal any deep secrets to him, we still aren't sure if he really does not have any relations to any countries friendly or not friendly. I too still find him a very nice person but the skills he had shown us was totally built to fight humanoids of the same size as the user." Ashea the elf still said as she haven't taken off her suspicion towards Brad.

"I know, but I could tell he doesn't trust us that much either. But that's okay as we could tell him we don't even know where in the Beast Continent we are." Brendel then went out to watch what Brad is making now.

"Ughh, those hopeless girls. How have the mighty fallen." Ashea put on a pitying expression.

"You too have fallen." Kent nonchalantly said which made Ashea blushed and covered her face with a pillow as she screamed of what she felt.

"*inhales deeply* How can't I?" Ashea put on an aggrieved expression. "Did you see how elegant he carried himself when he went out with that armor? Elf or no, he looked more like what a proper noble could be, not like those pompous arrogant self entitle kids at home. Urggh!!!" Ashea punched air as she acted like a teenage girl with a crush.

"Oh how the mighty elf had fallen haha-hmphrr!!" Kent laughed but was greeted with a pillow in his face.

"I'm gonna watch him make stuff!!" Ashea then hurriedly changed in the small bath that was made for them.

"Go get him! hahaha!!" Kent was amused at the antics of the three girls. He silently wrote on his diary as he thought of what to do should winter be almost over.

"Bye!!" Ashea ran past him in a blur. He stayed there for a while and finished writing what he wanted as he too went to change. He soon arrived at the forge where he could see the three was watching intently at the working Brad.

"What's the matter? You all seem serious, what seems to be the reason." Kent went to the door to see what's happening but he too stood there stunned, his eyes followed the silver-like metal hammer that Brad was holding.

"Is that?" Kent asked

"Yes it is." Rhean answered

"But that's very rare!" Kent said

"We know." Ashea nodded too.

"Yet that's about five kilograms of pure mithril!" Kent was horrified at how a precious metal was only being used to make a forging hammer.

"That's not all, look at the anvil he is using." Brendel pointed at the whitish anvil that Brad used, Kent's eyes bulged seeing that.

"Nightmare Jabberwok's bone? That pattern, it is a Nightmare Jabberwok's. To extravagant!! This forge alone cost more than two small cities!" Kent was horrified as he looked around the room in detail as he tried to identify the materials that could be seen.

"It seems we should teach Brad in how valuable his things are. It's making me feel guilty at how we are mooching of all of his hard work." Brendel said.

"Right, I think I could handle the food part. I have experience in working in kitchens, And his tools are quite diverse even if they are all stone tools." Ashea nodded, even if she was distrustful she couldn't deny that she too had gained so much just from the week they had stayed here.

"I'll be his assistant!" Rhean volunteered but was shot down by Kent.

"Look around you, see that wooden gears and what-not? He could already do many things without your help, find something else cause I think you just want to get close to him." Rhean pouted when she heard Kent say that.

"Alright, I could feed the animals in the pens. I remembered where Brad stored the food for the giant critters." Rhean was quite mild natures so the Beast inside were calm when around her.

"I'll help in the heavy stuff, I might not be as strong as he is but my body is still trained for heavy lifting." Kent said.

"Me too, I am okay in a little hard work my race is the definition of heavy duty." Brendel said and smiled.

Brad was so focused that he didn't notice the four talking nearby, he started to forge early as he had a sudden idea that might be very useful. He had remembered an anime he used to watch and love so he decided to make the armor and weapons of that Character to the best he could. Coupled with his tall large stature and immense strength, he thought he could pull of such a get-up.

He decided to make an armor similar to the character Guts in Berserk which he remembered last night in his sleep. He knew he was not that good in swordplay but why would he need that if he had a large sword to swing around. Brad immediately put the idea into work but he made the armor first cause his metal reserves were only enough for a full body armor.

Soon he stoped and looked at the breast part of the armor that he was able to finish, he knew it was made with crude techniques but he tried and all that matters is the big ass sword in the end. He cooled down the finished product and realized that the four were already there watching.

"Ohh, you're all awake. I'll make breakfast shortly after I finish this part." Brad smiled.

"No need, we'll help from now on. If I may ask though, are you making an armor?" Kent asked.

"Yes, yes I am. It is a set armor for me as I just had a great idea after all the sparring we did."