
Surviving as a princess

I was hit by a car and now I'm reincarnated as a princess. The thing is this empire has more than 20 princess and prince, how am I supposed to survive?

Thalassa_Luna_Moon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Chapter 10

"What eyes?" I asked curios of what she means. She stared at me oddly before replying, "your eyes flickered blue which symbolize your a royal family member. It also means you are almost pure blood royalty."

I was surprised, I understood that blue eyes mean royalty and usually almost pure blood, I have seen it on the First Princess, but I was surprised I have it. She look at me seeming to wait for my answer. "I don't know anything about my blue eyes. But I am Ruo Xuan the 18th Princess of this Empire."

"Well Your Highness why have you came to me?"

"I want your support on my side!"

"By that you mean making your mother or you being claimed into my clan, my house?"

"Yes your grace that's exactly what I mean."

"Is this about the consort rising unto higher power?"

"No this is not. I want to rise into power, I want to survive."

"Hmphh hahahaha. Alright I will give you a chance because you have made me interested."

I left and she kept her promise soon my mother, from the title Consort was given title Virtuous Lady and got house moon surname (Yue) making her Virtuous Lady Yue. I and A Qi was also elevated to Royal Princess. We were also given a new palace closer to the Emperor.

Soon the Duke visited my mother and it seems like they enjoyed each others company which made me relieved. The Duke seems to have took a liking to mother and they became sworn sisters (A sworn sisters is someone you would die for usually a person you are close with in training or in a place). I waited and finally the Duke came to my room (Xuan and A Qi has separate rooms).

"Your Royal Highness, it seems that you are in good health after I met you last."

"Yes your grace you too seem to enjoy the presences of my mother the Lady"

"I enjoyed her presences she is like a younger sister to me"

"Since you came to me first, I want to request a favor"

"What type of favor princess?"

The room fell in to silence. I have been thinking of making my own order of knights, even though it wasn't just for the purpose of knights.

"First I would like to train my magic. Second I would like to learn the art of martial arts and weaponry. And lastly I would like to create a personal knight order."

I didn't know how she would respond. I mean someone just asked for a favor to create a order.

"I can grant your first and second request easily. I would personally train you. But the knight order isn't just for knights is it."

"It isn't but I hope you will help me make the order"

"My apologies but I wouldn't be able to grant you. But I will make you a deal. You are allowed to build your own without my help and without my interference, but you must master house Moon's martial arts. Then I would not interfere maybe I might even help you."

I thought about this deal. If she made the order it will be her people, they won't fully follow my order and learning house Moon's martial arts is something not just everyone can dream about. After sometime of thinking I replied, "I want to take that deal." Then the rest of the night the Duke and I just ate and enjoyed each others presence playing chess.

I will be giving the rankings on the next one

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