

" YOU BETTER PRAY TO YOUR CREATOR THAT I DON'T GET OUT OF THESE CHAINS . BECAUSE IF I DO , I AM GOING TO MURDER YOU. I AM TO SKIN YOU ALIVE. YOU WILL WISH YOU NEVER KNEW ABOUT MY EXISTENCE. YOU WILL WISH YOU NEVER CROSSED MY PATH . FAMILY OR NOT ,YOUR DEATH WILL BE ON BY MY HAND ,MANOV " Being an orphan that never got a chance to experience a family's love for a longer time, kicked out of the orphanage at the age of eleven, her anger grew even more. Anger, cruelty, hatred and thirst for revenge were what ran through her veins . Only because everything she ever cherished was snatched from her. Athena had to do whatever it took to survive ,not even realise she was slowly being addicted and being consumed by a darkness of evil. Becoming an unstoppable monster.

DaoistvLAdeg · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 9


It had been three weeks and Athena was still yet to wake up . No matter how much I remained cold towards everyone, deep down I was sad. I missed her challenging and talkative attitude. I just missed her voice. It took me long to accept it .

Whenever everyone went to sleep ,I would sneak in to her Ward and lock myself in just to be near her. I knew that there was not a slightest chance of being with her since I was 17 years older than her. I would say sweet things that on normal circumstances I wouldn't dare say. I would still kisses from time to time .

But as morning neared ,I would sneak out and go straight to office. I did work papers to distract myself or made missions.

"Alex call both Stella and Isabella.." he nodded and left my office

Leaving me to my own thoughts about the girl that had been occurring my mind.

The door opened again and they walked in

"You called boss !!?" Stella said in a serious tone.

"Take a seat ... there are missions for both of you."

They both sat down on the chairs facing me .

"This one is for you Stella. Target's is Petrick Keller ,he is known for sex trafficking. His problem is that he traffics children for sex but not before raping them . Our client is willing to pays $700000 for his assassination. She wants him to feel the pain her sister felt before dying ...his current location is in there .." I explained

"How should I kill him ??" She asked

"How ever you want so long as it's painful "

"And here his your target Isabella...he is a douchebag that thinks he is funny. The client didn't give us the reason for his death but is willing to pay $450000." I explained

"Ahhh...a handsome joker..??"she licked her lips

"Don't even think about fucking him" I warned.

"I wasn't going to ..." She raised her hands.

" Good. .. remember,I will need prove of the mission so as to send it to the clients"

" Okay ... consider it done " Stella said

" Dismissed"

They left . I leaned back on the chair and closed my eyes.


We left the office and went to the weapon room . Isa looked really excited . I couldn't tell what she was thinking but I could tell that it was something nasty.

Instead of taking guns ,I just took my knives and went out to the medical room.

" Good morning Dr Eric"

" Stella,are you here for your friend?"

"No .. actually I going to a mission,so I need your tools for this one "I said leaning on his door.

"My tools?? I am a doctor not a killer"

I rolled my eyes

" I am talking about your surgery tools...I am in a hurry"

"Oh ...in those shelves over there..each shelves is labelled"he pointed

" Okay thanks ...."

I took everything I thought would come in handy for my punishment.

I put everything in a ladies hand bag

I went to the mechanics and lent their grander.

With everything set I went back to my room and showered. I placed the grander in a small suitcase and surgical tools in a hand bag.

I did some makeover and dressed in a white business woman suit and got in my heels. Finishing with a red lipstick, I got up , took my bag and pulled the suitcase.

I was about to leave my bedroom when Alex got it in a hurry.

" Everything alright Alex ??"

I asked because I was confused

" Fuck....you are breath taking..." He licked his lips

I blushed at his comment

" What are you doing in here Alex ... should you be in Cindy's room?" I asked

"Don't mention that slut ...she is long dead.."


"Yeah ,I killed her .she knew never to fuck another guy while I was fucking ...but she did anyway "he explained.


"So what are you doing in here ?"

" Um...just got lost ..see you , fuck you look sexy in that out fit " he said opening my door.

" I know " I walked out and he closed the door and went to his room.

I walked to the garage and picked a car . I got in just as Isa zoomed out on her motorcycle. I also zoomed out to my mission.

After a long drive of two hours,I packed in a hotel that my target was in . I got out and took my bag and suit case and went in . I didn't check in ,I just walked past them . I saw him ,he was looking at a little girl of thirteen years. I couldn't get closer to him even if I wanted,he was heavily guarded.

I had an idea and hoped it would work or else I was dead .I went to the girl and hugged her

"There you are....you have grown so much .... please play along

$1000 bucks for it and more if you help me " I whispered the last part in her ear.

"Omg ...I missed you " she played along.

"Come on I need to show you something.."I pulled her further from his hearing but in sight.

"What the heck lady ?"

"$3000 bucks for your help ..." I said

"Okay , now you have my attention " she leaned in

" You have see that creep that is heavily guarded ,he had been lusting on your body....I want you to go there as if I just told you that he is a famous man and you would like some advises on how to be successful privately...he might give you a key card because he can't be seen leaving with a child to a room..."I explained.

" Wow...then what else...I will go with him ...no.?"

" No you won't go with him ,you will just give me the key card and I give you your money "

" Okay ....you better be trustworthy" she said.

"I am "

I stood up ready to leave ,

"you will find me outside in a white Bugatti."

"Okay "

I left and waited in the car. After 20 minutes ,I was beginning to think that maybe she was caught or she ditched me but she'll came out and looked around .she finally found my car and got in .

" Fuck ...that guy is creepy...he wouldn't stop touching my thighs . disgusting.. HERE" she gave me the card and I gave her the money.

"Thanks ...$5000...this is the best holiday ever .." she got out and ran to wherever she was going.

I got out and took my stuff and went in . I went to the last floor ,I looked for his room and got in . The punk has booked the whole floor to himself .

I closed the curtains and ran the shower like the little girl was having fun in a fancy bathroom .

I sat on the couch in the corner and waited

" You guys can leave ...I want to alone today ..if you know what I mean."

" Are you sure boss ...we can always wait outside "

" Go and have some fun , I will see you tomorrow...I don't want anyone here...I want to enjoy without disturbance"

Fucking Patrick said,if only he knew he was going to die.

"Okay boss...see you tomorrow "

He got in whistling and locked the door. He didn't even bother putting the lights on. He just removed his clothes till he was naked. He gave himself a little Stroke on the dick.

"Aaahhh....baby girl come to daddy

" he said going in the bathroom

" You should be ashamed of yourself " I lit up the bulb next to me.


I got up and went to his pants and took out his gun.

" Your fucking NEMESIS" I shot both his knees

" Aaaaaaaaaahhhh...fuck..Do you know who I am ??"

He yelled

" Yes " I picked my bag and lined the tools on the bed .

"You will pay for this with your life ....GUARDS "

" TSK...TSK..you just gave them a day off " I removed my clothes and wore a lab coat and isolation glasses.

" Where the fuck are you going ?" I took the a scalpel and cuffs. Strode towards him, kicked his face and cuffed him.

" Now let the punishment begin" I took a hold of his dick and stroked it first ,he moaned hardening in my hand

" Fuck yes .....that's it baby "he moaned.

When it was fully erect I cut it off,


"that's how every girl screamed when you raped them ....do you love the sight ??" I waved it infront of his face . I laughed.

I got up and put it on the bed and went back for his eyeballs. I took them out one by one.

" There ...you won't look at the kids anymore "

" Please just kill me " he pleaded.

" Oh ...I am killing you ." I put the eyeballs on the dick and stitched them together giving his dick a well decoration.

" Something is missing..."

I cut of his mouth and nose . And stitched them on it. It was a wonderful artwork.

" I could be an artist..don't you think "

I laughed and took out my phone and took a picture. I sent the picture to Alex.

" Now what's next ??"

I took the grander and power it on .

" Here come the separator...la la la ...here comes the viper .." I sang

I cut him in pieces ,legs ,feet , thighs ,arms ,hands and lastly the head.

I was covered on blood from head to toes.

" Say hello to the devil for me..." I held the head and threw it on the floor .

I went to the shower and cleaned up.i wore my clothes again looking like nothing happened. I packed everything back in the suitcase and took the camera that was recording everything. I left the room and out of the hotel . I drove back to HQ.


I was in ice 's office discussing his issue of Athena.

" So you have something for her? which is it, attraction,lust,or love?"I asked.

" Definitely not love , maybe lust,I just can't stop having these thoughts of bending her on this table and fuck her stubborn brains out" he said drinking his whiskey in one shot.

" Do you think she would ever even let you touch her , that girl is a ticking boom. You saw what she did to her friends " I said laughing.

My phone vibrated, I looked at a message from Stella. I thought it was because she needed backup but what I saw made me throw my phone on the desk and gagged.

" What is it with you,if you keep doing that I am going to puke"

I pointed to the phone for him to see for himself

" Holy shit, that is way too cold for a girl" he said

" I so agree,these girls are crazily dangerous man, Athena is not even trained but she beat up the ones that went through it..I fear if she goes through it ,we would be creating an unstoppable monster,so I beg you, don't let her do it"I said

" I wasn't planning on doing it either"he said looking at the ceiling.

"Let's go and see how she is doing since you have an unknown connection" I said to lighten up the mood.

" Don't piss me off"

We were about to leave the office when the door was pushed open.

"WHAT UP BITCHES"Isa yelled happily holding a box . I wondered what was in the present box . I was well wrapped.

"Please don't tell me you fucked him " Ice said.

" Lying is a bad thing boss, " smiling innocently

" I thought I made it clear not to fuck him "

" In my defence,he seduced me " he said . Isabella was one crazy bitch .

" What's with the present ...?" I asked

" I got it from my baby " she giggled evilly.

Just then Stella entered evilly grinning.

"Did you love my present Alex ?"

"No...i am a man how can you sent that " I scolded

"REPORT"he said

Instead of reporting ,they just put a present box and a camera on the desk and left.

I opened the box while ice took the camera.


Inside was a head with a dick in its mouth.

" JeeZ...and I thought I was cruel " he said playing the clip .

Those girls were a great definition of PURE EVIL.