

" YOU BETTER PRAY TO YOUR CREATOR THAT I DON'T GET OUT OF THESE CHAINS . BECAUSE IF I DO , I AM GOING TO MURDER YOU. I AM TO SKIN YOU ALIVE. YOU WILL WISH YOU NEVER KNEW ABOUT MY EXISTENCE. YOU WILL WISH YOU NEVER CROSSED MY PATH . FAMILY OR NOT ,YOUR DEATH WILL BE ON BY MY HAND ,MANOV " Being an orphan that never got a chance to experience a family's love for a longer time, kicked out of the orphanage at the age of eleven, her anger grew even more. Anger, cruelty, hatred and thirst for revenge were what ran through her veins . Only because everything she ever cherished was snatched from her. Athena had to do whatever it took to survive ,not even realise she was slowly being addicted and being consumed by a darkness of evil. Becoming an unstoppable monster.

DaoistvLAdeg · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 6


He gave her another hot slap .she could hear a little ringing inside her head .she shook her head.

"hah!what happened little 'tigress',you seemed to be strong a little ago and proud you being tigress."

he mocked Athena, earning a crazy chuckle from her.

"Stupid men and their pathetic ego ,you are all stupid. you disparage women every chance you get. You think women are frail and that's where you are wrong."she spitting blood on his face.

Her actions made the man boil in anger,he punched her twice,..

Athena regained her energy , kneeling the man in the balls,

He got off her, groaning in pain but recovered quickly.

They both stood up ready to fight each other.

Athena attacked first receiving a kick that sent her flying back to the ground.

" You think you can fight me ? I am a very well trained man,while you are nothing but a street kid with no parents,no one to love"he laughed, kicked her again.

" let me guess they abandoned you, didn't they? tsk tsk,if it's your mother,she might be somewhere sucking a dick" he laughed.

Athena became furious ,she hated it when they said bad things about her adoptive parents Rosie and Mark. She couldn't care less about those that have birth to her.

He gulped because he could sense danger.

"You-do-not-to-talk-about-my-parenets,"she said walking straight to him,she was blinded by rage..the man tried to throw a punch but got a broken arm in return,and another..


Athena kept punching the man till he blanked out but that didn't stop her ,she let out her anger on him screaming.



she didn't even notice people behind her. Receiving a knock on the head ,she collapsed on the man who was half dead.

The other men that just arrived at the scene were shock that a 16 year old can defeat one of their best man.

"That girl is one hella devil,Seth you were watching from the beginning why didn't you stop her,she could have killed him,"one of the men said

"Take them to the car,we must treat Victor"Seth ordered in a cold voice.

"This is going to be interesting,"

"ALEX GET YOUR ASS TO THE CAR AND STOP TALKING NONSENSE"Seth yell at the man that wouldn't shut up and left.

They arrived somewhere in the mountains of Russia after long hours of drive . The car stop at cave opening but after a short time , there was a way in.

Getting in the cave ,which was freezing,Seth put his hand on the scan and cave opened the last doorway.

"Take the girls to the dungeon "he ordered

"Fine "Alex said

Seth made his way to ICE 's office door, gulped and knocked with shaking hands because of who is in the office,

" COME IN"said the coldest voice inside,he got in and drop on his knees


The owner of the cold voice belonged to a man known as ICE. There was a story behind that name,no one knew his real name except their former, who happened to be his uncle. He was ruthless , fearless, heartless, never smiled or laughed,or joke around,he was hot tempered.

" We successfully got 6 girls ,among them is a wild one. she got in a fight with Victor ,beat him to the core, now as we speak he is in the examination room getting treatment. And there is a crazy one. The girls range between 16 and 18"Seth ended holding his breath awaiting his response

"Hmm,a fighter you say?"

"Yes sir ,I believe if she were to be trained ,she would be a danger to us."

"Are you that weak Seth?"

"N-no sir"

"Good,where are the girls now?"

"The dungeon"

"Okay ,you will be going to Robert tomorrow, now get out"

Seth got up and silently left the office closing the door behind him ..he released a huge sigh resting against the wall.

"Damn that guy gives me creeps" he mumbled to himself and that's when Alex was passing by.

" Once you look deep into him,he is a sweet man "he chuckled pointing at the direction of the office.

"Ice and sweet in the same sentence, that's impossible"

"Just be open with him and everything will be fine...but not too much"

" That won't be necessary,I am leaving tomorrow "

"You must be jumping with joy at that "

"you have no idea. Which means you are next in line" Seth said and left

" Ah shit"


Athena woke up with a bang on her head.Groaning she got up from the cold concrete floor and looking around. She realised that she was locked up in a cell and the smell was horrible.

The first thing she thought about was her best friend Ella. She hoped that she was safe.

she turned around to the noise coming behind her saw two more girl.

"This place is hell,a place for no weak or your fate will be like mine and other girls" a girl in the corner said

"Please explain a little more"Athena said.

"You were just abducted by a group of assassins.,.their leader is Ice.he is cruel,kills without faltering"

"They want us to be assassins??,why not target boys not girls "

"Well there is what they call training,that is the only ways you gain your free movement .you either go through training , which no girl has ever survived or you become a sex toy,like me"

Another girl who appeared to be new as Athena ,gasp.

"Before you decide, they show you what training contains, hanging on a rope above a pit of deadly snakes, getting in frozen Lake outside naked , walking on red hot stones slowly and others"she explained.

"WHAT" they all yelled in shock.

Snakes were Athena's greatest fear. She hated how they hiss.she could face anything except snakes.

"Yup ,either that or you get a dick everyday unless you have a good owner "

" back up ,did you say frozen lake !?who i their right senses would throw a naked person in there?"athena freaked out to the world she was brought in.

"Judging by your reaction at the mention of snakes ,I would say you are petrified of the reptile devilsssssssssss" a girl that looked like she was mentally ill said . Even if she would try and be serious,one would see her craziness.

"I am not scared,I am just frustrated at what I am going to through to be free "lying through my teeth,they don't need to know that.

"yeah right!ssssssss"she mocked,

"By the way I am Isabella,I think I am going to enjoy it here" mentally ill, definitely ill. Who would enjoy being captured.locked in a cold cell.


" I am ruby"a sweet blonde said

"Penelope,but just call penny" one with long black hair said ,she looked Asian

"Um i-i-i an Mary"she is super shy

"I am Cindy"the redhead on the corner that was narrating as to what to expect.

"Stella, don't call me Ella" the badass with tattoos said.

"So Cindy , you said they throw you in a frozen lake ,why?if it's not deep then I don't mind"Isabella said

"Not deep??"she laughed"they use Baikal lake ,the deepest lake world wide,why do you think I chose to be a toy,,they do that to 'evaporate your emotions' as they say it.or maybe they just use it because they know that no girl can survive it "she explained.

"Are the guys hot?"penny asked.

"You got that right"she answered blushing

"Are they gentle,?". penny sure does love men

"yes ,some of them ..."

"So the toys live in here,?that must suck,"Isabella said chuckling.

"No ,we don't stay here ,am just here serving punishment,for something I did"she explained

" what did you do"

"Well I was supposed to serve ICE before he left ,so i hid in Alex 's room fearing for my life,heard he fucks to death..no girl has ever came out of his room alive "

" that's cruel " Mary said

" when you see him ,you will see that he matches his name,he doesn't take a no for an answer,but atleast he doesn't fuck virgins"

Athena could already feel that it was going to be hell for her. She wondered if she would ever see Ella again or if she will die.

They sat in there chatting like old friends. telling each other what they did in the street. They were all orphans except Mary, she was kicked out by her stepmom .Her mother and father were still alive but divorced.

The opening of a door caught their attention. A cute guy that looked in his late 20s entered.

"ALEX" Cindy got up and threw herself in his arms.

"Now we know why she was blushing when they asked her if they were ge-" Stella put her hand on Isa 's mouth.

"If they were what?"Alex asked

" oh don't mind her ,she speaks rubbish sometimes" Stella said giving an awkward chuckle. Isa bit her to free her mouth .

"SPEAKING RUBBISH?,WELL MR CUTIE,I will tell you .she was blushing because we asked if you guys gave out good fucks ,ho ho ,that's when she became all tomato red , right Cindy"

"Isa you fucking snitch"

" Don't ever say I talk rubbish."

"Damn that girl is crazy" Alex said under his breath but they all heard him

" we know"all said

"Come on baby let's go"he said hugging her shoulder guarding her out

" You better keep up the pace pretty boy , because once the blush stops it means you no longer give her the good stuff"

" ISA?" athena yelled

"HEY I am just giving a fellow team mate some tips because girls do know how to fake a moan"

" Damn you got a mouth,"Alex exclaimed

"Damn you got a dick" Isa shot back

"Fuck,I wonder what you are going to choose"

"Training of course, don't need your STDs in my system "

When Alex and Cindy left ,they all turned to Isabella.

"What ??"

"YOU WANNA GET US KILLED?" Athena was very angry at her behaviourbut Isa didn't even flinch.


"As if I am not going to die"she said

"Or you could be taken to that ice , we will see if you will still say that....never thought of that hah?"

" I hope he doesn't snitch" ruby said

" Don't worry he won't,he will be focused on Cindy moaning his name"


"Oh sorry?"

They laughed