
Survival of the Dead

Four complete strangers, eventually come together and depend on their strengths to survive in an unforgiving world, where the dead have risen.

IceQueen102 · Terror
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1 Chs

Ch. 1 Jeremy Kegan

"Alright, is she ready for the shoot yet? Or are the make-up artists not done." I ask.

One of the girls comes up behind me and taps me on the shoulder. "I don't think we can do the shoot, she isn't feeling well, and no one else is on call."

I sigh and place my hand on forehead. "I thought we always had at least one person on call."

She just shakes her head. "Not this time, sir."

I close the door behind me, and place my coat on the coat rack. I decide to leave my camera gear in the car, I have another appointment this afternoon anyway. I plop onto the couch and turn the news on. Seems like there is a huge flu epidemic, and hospitals can't keep up with it. I relax and close my eyes, not really paying attention to the TV. I end up dozing off for a bit and then there is a sudden banging on my door.

It jolts me awake and I quickly turn the TV off. I head to the door and look through the peephole. The banging continues, and I recognize the person at the door, it's my coworker, Hilda.

"Open the door God dammit! Please!"

I unlock the door, and open it. She runs into the house, slams the door behind her and locks it as quickly as she can.

"What's wrong? Is someone after you?" I ask, giving her a questioning look.

She turns towards and wraps her arms around me, squeezing me rather tightly. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

"What's going on with you?" I demand, slightly irritated.

"Haven't you been watching the news?"

"I turned it off when you started banging on my door like a madman." We head back to my couch in the living room, and she turns the news back on.

We watch it for a while, staring as we see people, innocent people, get torn apart, and eaten alive.

Breaking the silence I ask. "Is this for real? This has to be some sort of prank."

Hilda shakes her head. "It's for real all right. You know, the model for the shoot. She turned into one of those things. I tried to get her off one of the other workers, she ended up biting me. Why do you think this is happening?"

"You were bitten? Let me see it."

She hesitates, and then lifts up her sleeve, revealing a bite mark on her forearm.

"It's still bleeding, let me get some bandages-" She grabs my wrist, and pulls me back onto the couch.

"No, it's okay."Tears well up in her eyes, one slowly makes its way down her pale cheek. "I already know, that it's not worth it. Save your supplies, and get to a safe place." She wraps her arms around me, as tight as she can. "I just wanted to spend my last moments in this world with you."

"Hold on, your not going to die."

"Don't you get it? Everyone gets flu symptoms and then passes away. And when they come back, all they want to do, is kill people. You saw it on the TV, it's for real this time."She releases me from her grip and looks me in the eyes.

I can tell that she is serious, she has never lied to me before. This is all so hard to believe, so much to take in at once.

"I want you to remember me, but don't let me turn into that. I want you to kill me."

"What?" I say, shocked at her request.

"I need you to shoot me in the head, that way I won't turn into one of those things. It's the best way to do it."

"You watch way to much TV."

She laughs quietly. "Well, I hope what Hollywood does in the movies is how it really is." She smiles at me. "Please, and come to think of it, once you kill me, it will be easier as you survive in this new world."

I sigh. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you the most."

We say our goodbyes and I get a knife from the kitchen. I sit behind her, and she stares at one of my favorite photos I took. It's a field, with wildflowers, gently swaying in the wind. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it has to be done."

I take in a deep breath, and with all my strength, I plunge the knife into her skull. Her body goes limp and falls back as I take the knife out. Tears begin to poke at the back of my eyes, I try to fight them back, but it's no use.

I lay her down on my couch, as if she were laying in a coffin, waiting to be buried. I shake my head and gather a few boxes to put supplies in. First, I clear out my car, taking out all of my gear, and just leave it on the ground. Once I am back in the house, I go through my entire kitchen, taking all the canned food, boxed noodles, jars, and all the fresh fruit that I own. I put it all in boxes, and put it in the front seat of my car. With the other boxes, I put blankets, knives, a shortwave radio, and then my father's stash of weapons. I haven't used any of them, just a defense pistol I own. Luckily for me, I have a loot of ammunition. I wish my father was still here with me, he knew all about survival, he wasn't around long enough to teach me all he knew though.

I finally finish gathering all the supplies I think I need, and before I forget, I grab my father's survival kits, and a survival guide, this can help me start a fire when I need to make something. I decide to grab my cooler, fill it with a few frozen meats, a gallon of milk, some veggies, and since there is room, I put my spices and seasonings in there, I know that those don't have to be cold though.

I fit everything into my car, say my last goodbye to Hilda, and hit the road, hoping to find a place where I can stay for a while.