
240. The Three Sea Ancestors

With a single powerful slash, Bai Wan was able to rip the barrier into a new hole.

By now, he had gotten the attention of the Sea Dwellers below. They were looking up at the beast that dared go against the night Sea Race.

Some pitied Bai Wan while many felt that he deserved what was about to happen in response to his provocation of the emperor's might.

They were not wrong.

Bai Wan saw thousands of soldiers swim towards him. They were all powerful Sea Dwellers.

Some looked like the emperor, humanoid/titanoid with green skin, green hair, elongated ears, slender tall bodies, and deep green eyes. Others looked like crossbreeds between different sea creatures and humans.

Bai Wan did not have time for this. He had left Alia in the hands of the Sea race for decades. He did not even know what had become of her.