
Brother Sister

The Earth is truly vast world filled with wonders, larger than any average worlds, it was a land filled with both magic and technology.

Since, the day dimensional gates and invaders made an appearance, the world's very structure build up change.

The world is filled with City-States spread across ten extremely vast Continents from the previous seven 252 years ago, each with their own unique cultures and unique histories.

Its Cities were interestingly a mixture of both technology and magic, where one could find uniquely designed buildings carved in runic patterns.

Some of these embedded runic patterns served as a defensive formation during enemy attacks.

It wasn't uncommon to come across gigantic creatures flying through the skies, so building and such, are built strong and sturdy to withstand such random beast attacks.

Moreover, the constant never-ending war between Earthlings and invaders never one's ended, as until now, the war still continues.

Every single corner of this expansive new wide world had its mysteries, the invader's aims, called dimensional gates, is both a blessing and a cursed for the Earth's inhabitants.

Due to the mana and a higher energy called essence being released from such dimensional gates, humans, and animals of Earth mutated.

Most humans gained amazing power and abilities, they used to either dived the dimensional gates or served as a countries defense against invaders.

In response to such miraculous human awakening, the government and other organizations, used these opportunities to build schools to hone talents and build up forces. To either dive in dimensional gate or defend the country.

One of such school is where Kent and his sister Erica enrolled themselves.

Great Asia Continent, General Saint City New Philippines, Martial Awaken Academy.

"I'm here, did you miss your brother that much?"

"Shut up, where have you been?"

"That's a trade secret."

"Don't tell me…! You got a girlfriend."

"Huh…! What made you think of such thought?"

"Never mind, you said you brought launch for me."


Erica pouted, grabbing her brother's arms, dragging him to her classroom.

"Let's eat here."

"Hey, you're jealous of something, aren't you."


The two joked around enjoying their meal, several eyes gazed at the two.

Erica is a cute silver-haired girl on the verge of becoming a woman, her luxurious looking golden eyes that seemed to see through everything is one of the many prominent features she possessed. Erica is a famous girl, if it wasn't for her childish yet demonic attitude, she could be counted as one of the most sought beauties in school.

On the other side, Kent is a silver-blue-haired handsome yet beautiful man, he possessed incredible features that could shame a woman. Kent's perfect smooth silk like skin is sought, envied by a number of woman. This, among his many strikingly marvelous features, the most prominent one is his pair of hetero chromatic eyes glisten in deep crimson and light sky blue.

"So, brother, do you have plans for the afternoon?"

"Don't tell me?"

Erica smirk, grabbing Kent's wrist hard.

"You can't escape this time, you'll be going with me inside a dimensional gate's."

Kent could have easily escaped his sister's grasped, but for some reason he decided to avoid showing off his strength.

Kent couldn't help but rolled his eyes, seeing his sister's unladylike actions forcing someone to do a thing using force.

"No man would marry you if you keep behaving like a thug."

Hearing her brother's teasing voice, Erica tighten her gripped onto Kent's wrist.

"Stop, stop, you'll break my bones."

"I won't marry someone, if they aren't as handsome as my brother, moreover, they need to be stronger than me."


"Your standards are too high, even those of royalties or high nobles would have a hard time achieving your standards."

"I can't lower my standards, I can't have someone weaker than me marrying me, I rather be alone than protect someone that supposed to protect me."

"Then you'll marry someone as long as they're strong?"

"No, no-no, I didn't mean it like that, love should develop first."


'How can someone development a loved interest onto you if you're going to smack their asses if they're weak.'?

Kent didn't voice out his thoughts, playing smart, avoiding his sister's wrath.

"But brother, return to the topic, you'll be accompanying me this afternoon into a dimensional gate."

"We can't let mother and father's name be shamed, aren't we."

Hearing the last sentence, Kent's expression turned ugly. On the other side, Erica expression turned solemn.

Their parents have long gone, Kent becoming the house head the moment their parents passed away. It isn't literally passed away that they've died, their parents has been missing for 6 years' now.

Their parents are one of the most powerful awaken warriors of New Philippines, in Great Asia Continent.

However, no matter how powerful an individual is, chances of dying against invaders or when exploring dimensional gates is still apparent.

Their parents entered a newly emerging unique dimensional gate trying to gather information. However, the moment they've entered, the dimensional gate's entrance locked them inside. Such occurrence never one's happened, people usually can enter and exit dimensional gates as they please, yet this gate locked the entering individuals inside.

This happened in multiple dimensional gates all-around the world, resulting to numerous powerhouses to be locked inside.

No one knew what had happened to them, but if one were to think of the outcome, being trapped inside dimensional gates for years without food. Even if they're are enhanced awaken humans, the end result will end up for them being dead.

Inside dimensional gates are like a new world of plane's and wonders, each of the dimensional gates had their own unique ecosystem. Some of these planes held an endless desert, endless ocean, poisonous forest, undead plane, and many more. So surviving in such dimensional gate's trap for years is closed to the impossible.

Due to such unfortunate event, the invaders got a bit of an upper hand in the war. They've taken advantage of the locked powerhouses, and initiate a great offensive attack successful conquering several cities, resulting in a disastrous casualty counts.

So, the moment Erica mention their parents, her bright expression turned solemn. She wanted to be as strong as their deceased parents to make them proud.

Just like their parents, Erica possessed a trait of a unique ability that could only be found among 1 to a 10 million humans.

Traits are unique abilities that grow together with its host, the stronger one's becomes, the stronger and more abilities one could use.

[Yin Yang Empress]

Erica can freely manipulate and control both flames and froze, just like breathing. The two contradicting strong elements inside her played a harmonious unity. Moreover, her flames and froze didn't require for her to used mana. Unlike the common process where one uses mana to let out energy, Erica has a unique storage capacity inside her apart from the mana heart and martial core.

Humans already have two energy sources inside their bodies called mana heart and martial core, yet unlike the common-sense, Erica possessed another one tripling her energy capacity.

But unlike the two where she needs to train and cultivate them in order to increase their levels and energy count, the additional energy source possessed a much larger energy capacity 500% compare to the two, and it grows in capacity when she grows herself.

What's more amazing is that this energy core of hers automatically converts and purifies any form of energy, it's energy absorption and recovery is also in another level completely.

500% higher capacity for each energy core Erica, more like possessed ten additional mana heart and martial core.

But instead of boasting such incredible uniqueness in the public, the two hides decided to hide such crucial information about her special energy core.

Who knows what might happen, humans are greedy, vicious and envious creatures, the pair of brother and sister is smart enough to avoid situations where they need to confront greedy and envious individuals because of her special energy core.

On the other hand, while Kent is a silent, and preferred to be alone, people didn't regard him as a talentless individual.

No one knew who spread it but, there's a day when someone saw Kent clear a dimensional gate all on his own. Moreover, there's a video recording that been shared publicly showing Kent exit the dimensional gate near their house.

So while Kent's prowess and abilities is unknown, the masses's focus is more towards Kent instead of Erica.

That time Kent himself didn't know there's someone else spying on him, unknown to him, it is a stalker who's lucky enough to avoid Kent's sense out of exhaustion.

"Were the only ones' going in?"

Kent ask looking at his sister in a serious expression, sensing a vicious plot behind her cute, bright smile.

"Unfortunately, no someone is accompanying us."

Kent found his sister's smug look a bit dangerous.

Kent couldn't help but shake his head, thinking of what plot this little sister of him has to brew for him.

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