
Supreme Immortal (Reverend Insanity FF)

Man Tian is reincarnated into reverend insanity with a peerless body. Reverend Insanity fanfiction. No romance, no harems, no heroine, no face slapping, evil protagonist

Heartless_Qi_ · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 12 Concealed immortal gu.

Half a month later, there was a water-like ripple in the golden sky.

The entire land started shaking.

Out of nowhere, there was wind as a piercing light shone at the peak of the sacred palace.

The light lasted for forty-five minutes, as it gradually dispersed. A tower appeared at a previously barren area.

Eighty-Eight True Yang Building!

It was a tower.

Like a spring bamboo shoot, it was tall and slender and was upright.

The tower's shape was vague with all kinds of gorgeous colors, like a body of colorful ink in the shape of a tower as it continually shook.

"This is the initial appearance of Eighty-Eight True Yang Building, and only when the storm and snow covers the northern plains, and all the small towers of Imperial Court blessed land sink to the ground, will each layer of Eighty-Eight True Yang Building stabilize. Only then can one enter inside and explore." Man Tian stood at the entrance of his residence and looked to the direction of the dome.

At this moment, there were shouts of jubilation and surprise in sacred palace. Gu Masters were cheering in high spirits while many mortals kneeled on the ground, praising the might of Giant Sun Immortal Venerable.

"But even when Eighty-Eight True Yang Building takes form completely, I won't be able to enter because I am not a descendant of Giant Sun Immortal Venerable and don't have his bloodline. Although it is not hard to enter if I really wanted.

If I want to enter inside, I would need Meng Zhao to get me a guest token. Well, there is no hurry, is True Yang Building so easy to rush into? Meng Zhao will need external help like me sooner or later and the smallest chance he gets he will naturally invite me in."

After a while, Man Tian retracted his gaze and walked back to his room.

As the door of the room closed, the sound of cheers from the outside immediately softened.

Man Tian entered a secret room specially meant for cultivation and sat upright on a cushion.

While in this world Man Tian created and improved many immortal gu infact if he couldn't create one in fear of the future or if it was already in use he would create a variant of it.

In this world gu are fragments of the dao thus two same immortal gu cannot coexist but a variant was naturally slightly different thus making it a new fragment of the great dao. This can be seen as many water path, fire path and even healing gu. This is made even more prominent by mortal gu seeing that two different gu worms with incredibly similar uses having immortal variants after the gu master ascends.

For example Man Tian's natal immortal gu is currently concealed immortal gu. It is a heaven path immortal gu researched and refined by Man Tian.

Concealed immortal gu is similar to Heavenly secret immortal gu. It can steal and predict the future of the heavens. It can naturally know the heavenly tribulations upfront. It's advantage on heavenly secret immortal gu is it does not require lifespan if one fails which is one in ten as opposed to the eight in ten chances of the heavenly secret immortal gu. Most importantly this gu does not need you to have a good relationship with the heavens infact the heavens will not know you even stole anything from it thus its name concealed immortal gu.

But the disadvantage of this immortal gu is that it depends on the users attainment in heaven path, the rank of the gu and the immortal essence its fed.

It is useless as a mortal gu as it cannot even know your name or even the clothes you are wearing at rank six it can barely steal anything good. Mostly only able to steal your upcoming calamities and tribulations. This considering if you are a master at heaven path below that let alone use the gu you cannot refine it. One can overcome this by refining it using the sympathy of heaven and earth but that would be advertising to heaven's will you can spy on it thus making it persue you death naturally this is not recommended.

At rank seven it can steal almost everything you want it to steal with almost zero failures at this rank you need at least quasi grandmaster to use it successfully.

At its current rank, rank eight, it can steal everything everything the heavens knows but you need at least grandmaster attainments in heaven path. One should note that the most rank eight have great grandmaster attainment in their main path. Man Tian tried very hard to lower its price.

Another disadvantage of this immortal gu is that uses nine beads of immortal gu of its rank or a hundred times beads of lower immortal essence and so on. But nonetheless it is more useful than heavenly secret immortal gu.

Man Tian already had a new killer move in mind to copy what Fang Yuan did to obtain all the secrets of the gu world and it requires Unified Essence, Yi Qi Zi.

(for those who do not know unified essence Yi Qi Zi please refer to chapter 2297 to 2298. It is only mentioned there and the novel is cancelled soon after.)

Heavenly Secret allows a Gu Master to question heaven and earth and directly obtain answers. It is likened to the one-time natural inspiration state which normally would only be possible when a gu masters ascend to immortality, specifically the three qi unification stage.

Heavenly Secret could expose the secrets of heaven and earth, even if the Gu Master did not have any evidence or clues, it could directly lead them to the truth.

The Gu Master does not need to have their thoughts collide nor make deductions, as long as the Gu Master grabbed onto that strand of Heavenly Secret, they would directly obtain the answer.

The Gu Master would not succeed every time they used Heavenly Secret, out of ten tries, at least eight would fail. When the Gu Masters fails, they would face a backlash. The backlash from Heavenly Secret was extremely powerful and caused Gu Masters to feel fear. The Gu Master's soul and body would be intact, the Heavenly Secret's backlash only targeted the Gu Master's lifespan. When the Gu Master faces a backlash, they would lose ten to seventy years of their remaining lifespan.

This backlash happens because the usage of Heavenly Secret Gu require expenditure of Heaven Path Immortal Materials to activate normally. If these materials didn't exist when the user activated the gu, it either immediately take away their lifespan, which is heaven path in nature, or cause the next usage's immortal material expenditure to be even greater, which means an even greater amount of lifespan taken later if the user activated the gu without heaven path immortal materials.

The answers gained by activating this gu also depends on the "relationship" between Heaven's Will and the user. If the user is disliked by heaven it would not give any answer/or gave limited answer that made it inefficent to activate the gu to gain answers. This disadvantage can be mitigated somewhat if it's used in a killer move and Heaven's Will didn't have the corresponding recipes of the immortal gu, making it unable to mount sufficient defense against the gu's effects.

In the records of history, Heavenly Secret was created by Paradise Earth Immortal Venerable, he possessed a Rank 8 Heavenly Secret, but after his death, Rank 8 Heavenly Secret disappeared without a trace and there has been no news regarding it since then.

While publically it's known that Paradise Earth Immortal Venerable created this gu, It is implied that Limitless Demon Venerable was the one who secretly created this gu and/or its concept. At one point Limitless Demon Venerable said that when he already reached the end of his road he asked Heavenly Dao for possibility for eternal life, of which Heavenly Dao answered that it's impossible. In addition, the rank nine recipe of Heavenly Secret was also within a truthful floating ice Limitless Demon Venerable left behind.

Heavenly Secret is something most Wisdom Path Gu Immortals knew about. Gu Immortals that knew about Heavenly Secret were mostly skilled at making arrangements ahead of time and making predictions about the future. Often, they could scheme against people without them knowing, causing others to fall into their trap unknowingly.

Heavenly Secret's deduction effect far surpassed Wisdom Gu's deduction effect, even Wisdom Gu in full power couldn't make deductions like Heavenly Secret.

Concealed immortal gu had in common with the heavenly secret immortal gu the final part of it's refinement. At the final steps of its refinement the Gu Immortal had to personally complete it, he could not rely on a refinement path Gu formation. This was the most unique part of Concealed Immortal Gu's refinement, almost all other Immortal Gu had no such requirement. Only heavenly secret Immortal Gu and concealed immortal gu could not be restricted by any rules, they had to be refined when they were in a state of freedom. So the refinement path Gu formation could not be used. But the Gu Immortal's control could not be excessive, otherwise, it would be a form of restriction and Concealed Immortal Gu would not be refined. This step required a peculiar balance, the intricacy could not be expressed in words, only the Gu Immortal, or gu master in this case, undergoing the refinement could experience it.

This time Man Tian had refined a variant of the second aperture immortal gu. Considering it was first conceived by a mere rank six strength path gu immortal.

Although Man Tian knew he was wrong and this was an opportunity left for Fang Yuan by the venerables and it was hinted to that gu immortal by the venerables nonetheless he figured it out. Considering the Earth spirit believed that the formula was made by himself it must be true unless the venerables tampered with its mind. Of course that would not be too far reaching considering this men and woman achieved the impossible.

Man Tian had refined a rank six second aperture gu which can reach upto rank eight then it would disolve(it will only be at rank eight it cannot pass one calamity let alone tribulation).

Although the second aperture reaching rank eight was good Man Tian had started researching a second aperture with just as much potential as your first aperture but it was not complete yet. So he just refined the original second aperture immortal gu.

"Both of my apertures have now already reached rank five peak stage. The first aperture is majoring in heaven path with the killer move I am not equal to heaven and earth and the second killer move I am above all beings under heaven and earth. while the second aperture is majoring in human path with the killer paths all beings are equal under my eyes.

The killer move I am above all beings under heaven and earth is a heaven path and theft path killer move it allows Man Tian to basically steal all the dao marks of the enemy while giving you half it and your enemy immediately become a mortal with a zombie like aperture with zero dao marks, basically a mortal, this killer move works as long as the opponents are in the same realm as Man Tian the down side being if you try it on a person who is a realm above you will lose forty five years of your lifespan and can turn you to ash if you do not have enough lifespan.

Although the killer move all beings under heaven and earth is naturally very disadvantageous this is considering a normal person. Man Tian already has around a billion and thirty thousand years worth of lifespan but it was not like Man Tian did not value an extra second of his life so the human path killer move makes up for it's deficiency.

All beings are equal under my eyes does nothing to the person who is of the same realm as you or lower but if that person is higher it will temporarily make them the same realm as you although they retain their dao marks their aperture goes down to your rank so does the production of immortal essence.

It is not impossible to deal with weak rank six gu immortals at Man Tian's level although rank six with immortal killer moves are another business all together.


Man Tian's brows slowly started to furrow.

He was well aware of the enormous gap between immortal and mortal; a mortal going against an immortal was as hard as ascending to heaven.


Days passed by, the golden light and silver light in the sky continued to switch between one another.

Eighty-Eight True Yang Building was still gradually forming, its sunset hues gradually rose and covered most of the sacred palace in its light.

Cool wind breezed through Imperial Court blessed land with birds singing and the fragrance of flowers filling the air. But at the outside world in northern plains, snow had continued to fall for over a month already.

Blizzard was spreading over the northern plains in full force with its bone-chilling cold wind and snow.

Both the sky and ground were a scene of white, and mist covered one's vision.

Trees had already started dying and were frozen into pillars of ice. Mounds and hills were covered with thick layers of snow and large piles had formed in valleys as well.

Beast groups died in large numbers and even weeds with vigorous life force were also frozen into ice.

Even when one spat, the saliva would instantly turn into ice.

But heaven never blocked all paths, somehow, there would always be a trace of hope left.

In each region of northern plains, there were remnants of tribes. Some were small and some big, and relying on geographically advantageous places like warm pond valley, they were able to resist the wind and snow and survive in the blizzard.

The first layer of Eighty-Eight True Yang Building had formed!

This was a joyful news, causing the sacred palace to go into a commotion. At once, everyone's hot topic was about this building.

Of course, most of the Gu Masters could only watch.

Meng Zhao went in excitedly, several hours later, he returned in a pathetic state, wounds covering his body.

His injuries were not light, but they could not conceal the shock in his eyes.

During the second expedition, he brought many Meng tribe Gu Masters.

Hei tribesmen had the bloodline of Giant Sun Immortal Venerable, they could freely enter and exit True Yang Building without restriction.

During such times, tribesmen were the most reliable. Why was there a need to share with outsiders what one could devour alone?

When Meng Zhao returned, he looked extremely tired. As for the Gu Masters who went in, only seventy two percent returned.

Thereafter, all sorts of rumors and information spread, they were all regarding True Yang Building.

Some said that the True Yang Building was a work of heaven, it was spectacular; some said that it was difficult to explore, every step was precarious; some said that the rewards for passing it was very enticing…

By now, everyone was moved.


Thank you for reading.

You should be able to guess the second use of concealed immortal gu by its name.