
Supreme Gods Memories within a Cultivation World

An avid reader of manga and light novels suddenly gets reincarnated in another world after his death. He will use his smarts and cunning to act around his new family, act like a prince trying to better his kingdom and use his knowledge of light novels and his cheats to prevent cliche's happening and rule the world living out his desirers. While also using his cheats of heavens database and an internal world to his fullest advantage. ====================================== Note: The mc will fake act around his family, though they may grow on him into real feelings. He will do everything for the betterment of himself or what ever he feels like. There will be a large harem. Here is why: 1. In a cultivation world where one gains power in order to fulfil their goals, have a large harem is more common and uncommon. It is also one of his goals as I feel that 80% of people if given the chance would take advantage of the world and setting and just live how u wanna live, and in the MC's case that's to have lots of girls. 2. The MC's background. His background is as a loner who has no friends and wants doesn't want to be alone anymore. Hence why he wants a large harem. Its a way of him getting a large amount of people who he can trust within the cultivation world and love and care for him. The mc will be cruel as well, like if slaughtering an entire village of innocents will be more beneficial to him that not then he will have no scruples doing so. After all this is a dog eats dog world, morals have no place until your strong. He will enslave a lot of the girls for his harem, though lots will be for his maids harem. He will make tiers due to wanting to have thousands. Spoilers - His powers are Heavens Database - kind of like library of heavens path but different. An internal world - he can put stuff, things and people in there, including himself. And finally memories of multiple supreme gods - giving him knowledge of almost everything. Finally. This is only my second novel, i personally hate MC's who are illogical and dont take advantage of their status, power and knowledge. So expect a semi OP MC. but I will be making him less OP by making it slow for him to cultivate and put restrictions on his powers, these will be logical restrictions though, not random annoying ones for the sake of making mc not OP. He will be OP, just a logical way that makes sense kidna. Its Op, hard to make sense of it.

Doublenile · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
80 Chs

Alpha Down

Seeing the alpha quickly approaching Fen Chang turns and runs away towards the trees. He was currently in a small open area which would be disadvantageous to him due to their speed. Thought the trees still give them the advantage it will at least allow Fen Chang to minimize the attack areas and have places to manoeuvre from.

Seeing the human that killed 5 of their pack run away the alpha and the remaining wolfs chased him relentlessly with rage in their eyes. This was no longer them on a hunting mission, this was about them getting revenge for their comrades.

Once a little bit into the forest Fen Chang turned to check on the wolfs. Seeing them still chasing behind him with the alpha at the front Fen Chang prepares his next move.

The wolfs are faster than him so it didn't take long for them to catch up. Seeing the alpha close and going in for another attack. Fen Chang sends a quick jolt of Qi through his scythe causing its blade to become dull.

He then runs past a tree and just as the alpha was about to attack Fen Chang uses the scythe as an anchor and uses it swing around the tree using his momentum.

Due to the other pack members not being far behind the alpha they got caught off guard when Fen Chang swiftly came spinning around the tree.

Seeing the chance, Fen Chang changed the blade back to its razor-sharp edge and manages to slice another wolf in half while also managing to slice of the leg of another.

He was now behind the pack due to his movement; this caused the 3 wolfs to stop again in order to turn around. Seeing them lose their momentum Fen Chang sprints towards the final 2 pack members.

Seeing the human charge, the wolfs thought that it was their chance and pounced forward with all their strength ready to bite off his head. Smirking, he grabs his scythe and brings it flat in front of him and uses the handle to block their jaws.

Due to the sudden stopping of their momentum and their mouths attached to the pole for a split-second Fen Chang used this chance to swing the scythe. Causing the large curved blade to skewer the 2 wolfs in the lower back instantly killing them.

He swiftly pulled back his scythe ready for the alpha but the alpha was already in front of him and manged to claw at his chest before circling around and going in for another attack.

Holding his hand against the claw shaped wound on his chest Fen Chang thought about the situation.

'All the minions are dead, apart from the 1 with the missing leg but its as good as dead. Only the alpha remains, but the problem is due to me killing its pack it's incredibly angry and is much faster and stronger than at the start. Luckily the wound on my chest isn't fatal as I managed to just use the pole of the scythe to block it from going deeper at the last second. I should use its rage against it as right now it seems to just be charging in without a care due to its rage. Ok! Let's beat this mother fucking wolf and make a sick keychain from one of its fangs as a trophy.'

The next attack from the alpha was about to hit again until Fen Chang manged to react and block the paw with the handle of the scythe.

Seeing that its attack got stopped made it even more angry and instead of going to the retreat it kept pushing forward and tried to attack using its other claw swiping at his legs.

Seeing it go for the attack instead of retreating gave Fen Chang a chance. Seeing its paw come towards his right leg. He lifts in up the moment it was about to touch and quickly smashed his foot down, pushing the paw down and squashing it into the ground.

Feeling the pain for its paw being broken under the human's foot allowed the wolf to regain a small amount of clarity. Enough for it to overpower Fen Changs leg and retreat a few meters away.

Seeing the wolf retreat and holding its broken paw in the air slightly caused Fen Chang to laugh and taunt the wolf. "Painful isn't it when you stub you toe. Man, you must be one heck of a dumb wolf to be in pain over a stubbed toe, shame on you wolfy."

Even though the wolf couldn't understand what the human was saying it clearly could tell they where taunts. Which caused what little clarity it just got to disappear again as it got lost in rage again and charged forward without a care in the world about its paw.

Seeing that his taunts worked and the wolf was charging angrily. Fen Chang flexed his legs firmly planting them in the ground. He ignored the blood and pain all over his body and cocked back his arms with scythe in hand ready for one almighty slash attack.

The wolf not noticing Fen Changs minor movements to increase power and stability, thought that it would be easy for it to dodge the humans attack and them kill the human.

It charged forward with ferocious speed. The rage made it forget about the pain in its foot as it didn't seem to be hindering its speed.

It took less than a second before the wolf was in front of Fen Chang. Waiting for the most opportune time to strike was crucial for Fen Chang.

'NOW!' he thought and quickly sliced though the air with all his strength and within a fraction of a second the wolf that was charging at him was split in to. The 2 sliced parts still carrying the momentum slapped into Fen Chang's body, covering him in guts and blood.

Once seeing that the alpha was dead, Fen Chang although wanted to just sit down and relax, knew he couldn't or would probably die. He quickly summons the rest of his strength to move his body over to each of the dead wolfs and stores them in his storage ring.

He then backtracks a bit in the direction he came from as he had already identified a good small cave for him to rest in and a river nearby to clean himself.

Even exhausted and wounded Fen Chang rushes towards the river he found. Once at the river he strips his clothes and starts to wash off the blood smell as he doesn't want to attract other predators' attention.

After a quick wash using a survival soap product, he made got rid of all smells and applying some external paste on his wounds to prevent them from bleeding. He made his way to a small cave that was unoccupied.

Once in the cave Fen Chang recited the Demon Dragon Refining Technique in his head to draw in demon and dragon Qi into his body and use it to heal his wounds. After an hour the flesh wounds on his arms and legs are gone without a scratch left, the big wound on his chest however still has a visible scar but is fully healed.

'I will take another hour to heal the scar left behind but it should heal over the day. Its healed enough for it to not affect me at least. Seems fighting is the best way to improve after all. After that fight I can feel the areas that were attacked and damaged during the fight are now slightly stronger and my skin as a whole is minimally tougher.

It's as if the body cultivation technique not only infused me with demon and dragon Qi to heal me but also stimulated my body to adapt a little bit and make me stronger against attacks at a similar level to the ones that did damage. That means the more I fight and the more I get hurt the stronger my defence will become.

Though I don't like the sound of constantly having to be hurt, it will happen anyways so it's an extra, I guess. Now although I have healed my wounds. My Qi reserves are still only at 50% as I used almost 90% during that fight and most of the remaining 10% getting back here. My stamina is still not fully back yet either.

I think there should be a technique within the database that could be useful let's check… Ah yes this is it. The Qi swallowing technique. It's a technique that allows me to regain Qi and stamina from monster flesh I eat. Though it won't help me with advancing cultivation it will greatly help with getting Qi back when I eat Qi rich meat.

Let's learn this and then cook some of the wolf meat. I should then send the meat I don't use to the girls in the inner world and give them a preservation method from the database that will allow the meat to be stored as small bits of jerky but keep the Qi. Then I can regain my mana though snacks and rations, would be useful for my army as well.'

Following a Qi preservation cooking technique Fen Chang cooked the alpha wolf meat after butchering it. Before then following the Qi swallowing technique to intake the Qi within the meat, refine the Qi and then use it as a supplement to regain his Qi reserves and stamina.

After 30 minutes Fen Chang had fully recovered his Qi and stamina. It was now mid-day and Fen Chang wanted to hunt at least till it started to get dark.

So, he set off wading through the snow in his outfit of which he has many spares of. During the next 4 hours the sun was almost set since its winter. Fen Chang had managed to find a few other beasts but they were not that difficult and only left him with a few flesh wounds. But each beast still left him valuable experience even if not the best results with his body strength.

Fen Chang was undecided whether he wants to continue his hunt at night, as although it was riskier it would also help him train in night attacks. In the end after weighing the pros and cons, he decided to continue and he would rather train against night attacks using weaker beasts that stronger ones later down the line.

Fen Chang continued forward killing all the beasts he could find. Each beast he killed improved his skills. Eventually it was pitch black and the only light was from the quarter moon in the sky.

Fen Changs senses where on over drive and since his sight was impeded, all his other senses had to work overtime to keep him safe.

Late evening Fen Chang found a river with loud crashing sounds coming from upstream.

'The sounds are probably from a water fall. I'm pretty far in so and a water fall is a good place to make a temporary base as I would be shielded by the water curtain. Let's check it out and if there is no natural cave behind it, I can create one using the pickaxe I had made using high-end materials.'

Following the river upstream the crashing sounds became louder and louder. Fen Chang eventually reached a majestic waterfall crashing down onto the river. The area was surrounded by beautiful trees covered in snow making the scene even more beautiful. Combined with the dim moonlight shining off the river. And the ripples and vapor from the water refracting the light to look like stars. It made the area look ethereal.

Although dark, Fen Chang having spent quite a lot of time hunting in the dark. His eyes had adjusted to the light level allowing him decent vison. At the sight of the waterfall and its surroundings made Fen Chang stop for a second to admire the beauty.

'Man, I never saw something like this back on earth. Its so soothing. Though now is not the time to admire it, I can do it in the morning. For now, I should find or create a small cave for me to stay in for the night. I can't afford to get careless'

Fen Chang then walks towards the water fall and follows the rocks that lead to a small under hang. Seeing there were no cave already their made Fen Chang inwardly mad as he hoped for some secret godly inheritance or something. In the end he just sighed and took out a pickaxe and chipped away at the stone to create a small cave enough for him to sleep in for the night.

Once the small cave was done, Fen Chang set up a few traps to alert him of enemies and piled up the stones to cover the entrance. Once done he pulled out a makeshift bed he created and flopped down to relax before falling asleep.

Just as he is nodding off to sleep, he hears a loud splash which he ignores and chocks it up to the waterfall. Little did he know that the huge splash was something else entirely.

First fight scene fully done. I am happy with it. The MC used smarts and techniques to fight his way through the wolf pack. My personal favourite part is when he swung around the tree. He did this by using his scythe as something similar to a hook and then held the handle tight and because it was hooked onto the tree the momentum made him do a really quick turn and ended up behind the pack.

SMARTS FOR THE WIN. Then there is also how he timed the final attack. What did people think of the extra detail of the 2 halfs of the alpha still having momentum crashing into him? I thought it was a cool detail since normally in cultivation novels momentum seems to be non-existent and they just freeze in time.

Let me know what people think. Comments always welcome. Please keep them constructive if possible though.

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