
Supreme Evolution: Rebirth

In a world beset by unprecedented change, a young man named Bultear is killed and revived with a special role as the Supreme Evolution candidate. After revival he soon finds out that he has fused with Sigmund, a stray dog he took care of, gaining thus two sets of Evolver abilities, while others only have one set. The machinations of powers that be have something big in store for him. In front of Bultear is a world 500 years after the Great Fall, where the emergence of Evolvers poses a great danger as well as a chance to storm high into the sky and etch his name in history! The cogs of this machine are ever turning, how will the mysterious, supernatural fog surrounding our main character affect him and his role in all of this? This is a story of beasts, vampires, mutated humans and many twists and turns set in the wild Victorian era!

Luke770 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Training's Start

Bultear's eyes reflected a number of people in this enormous training field, there were four of them. One of which he was all too familiar with. The one in front who was tall, wearing a long coat draped over a simple white T-shirt with his blue hair in a buzzcut; introduced himself as Fjoroft Morost the captain of the 3rd division. The second person stood quietly a little further back with a greyish white coat hanging over his thin shoulders, his pale face showed a polite smile as he was introduced by Fjoroft.

" Milek Sinew, 3rd seat."

After receiving a nod of greeting from him, Fjoroft then turned his head to the side, pointing to the man to his left; a short, bald man in a black suit and top hat.

"Squad leader of the second platoon Brock Kiker"

"Pleasure to meet you Bultear. I've heard much about you."

After his greeting Fjoroft then glanced lightly to his right while coming closer to Bultear.

"I believe you two have already got to know each other."

Bultear squinted his eyes as the man in question, Pax, who now had markings on his face, approached with a sheepish smile.

"Long time no see. You seem wel-"

Pax was promptly ignored as Bultear walked past him like he wasn't there.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Bultear, but you already know this."

"Indeed Bultear, our fates are shared it seems." Said Brock lightly, acting as if he didn't notice Bultear's blatant show of disrespect towards the second highest ranking member of the 3rd division. He seemed the most talkative out of all the people here.

"It was us who had found you next to that Evolver plant and took you back with us."

Chimed in Fjoroft, his hand clutching Bultear's in a hadshake.

"I know, the first thing I saw was your noticeable coats as they took me away."

' To have me brainwashed and tortured.'

"The special division coats do indeed leave off quite an impression, though personally, I always thought they were too lacking in taste."

" Stop it Brock, these coats are a show of our status. They represent the mighty E.S.O.P organization. "

Added Milek form behind them his long legs moved in slow steps, the sway of his long, dark, neatly combed hair made him look like a branch in a breeze. The most striking feature was his skin that was so pale it was almost see-through, as if looking through glass; his veins even nerves were visible. It unnerved Bultear.

Brock's face showed immediate disagreement, but right before he could form a rebuttal, Fjoroft stopped him with a wave of his hand.

" We have no time for this. We now must asses our new member. Bultear do you have experience in fighting?"

"I don't have any experience in fighting. I was just a janitor four days ago."

" Okay, usually when a member awakens after receiving an injection they intuitively feel what organs have evolved thus making it easier to see which abilities they have. Is that the same for you?"

"Yes, I already now one ability."


"My nose, I'm able to track people's unique scent like a dog for example, I'm also able to smell changes in people as in their mood, feelings and such."

As he spoke, he remembered the words of that ethereal voice.

''The moment you were stabbed by the leaves of the Evolver, Sigmund in his near-death state, started the process of evolution, and human, so did you along with it.''

When he first heard that he thought that Sigmund had Evolved like that plant and ran away somewhere, but now, realizing that his heightened smell resembled that of a dog's in tandem with the attack he used to kill Krell made him change his mind conjure a thought that frightened him greatly.

'Did I fuse with Sigmund back then?! That would explain all the abilities I have until now.'

Holding back the expression of shock from showing on his face, he turned his focus back to Fjoroft who had stepped back.

"Interesting, you might make a good scout or interrogator then."

The irony was not lost on Bultear nor Pax. Smiling lightly Pax said

"Depending on his other abilities his profile of Evolver might change."

"I agree, do you know of the other two abilities?"

" I don't"

He decided to keep the 'Sigmund attack' a secret for now since he had no clue how to do it again, it might as well be a unknown ability to him.

"Well then, let's start. Sinthia, Milek if you will."

" Yes, sir" " Understood."

When those words left their mouths, Pax, Fjoroft and Brock took their leave, leaving Bultear alone with the 3rd and 5th seats of the 3rd division.

"Umm... what are you doing?"

Questioned Bultear when he saw Milek approach him.

" Us Evolvers are beings made for fighting, for feats that regular human are unable to comprehend. We battle insanity daily, be it our own or that of others. As such, we show our best in stressful and dangerous situations. In moments where insanity is closest."

Saying so, he put his pale hand on Bultear's shoulder lightly. Before he could even comprehend anything, an overwhelming pain washed over him. He fell to his knees entirely paralyzed. His nerves were screaming in pain with, what he felt was a thousand ants biting at his nervous system.

[Nerve Death]

One of Milek's Evolver abilities; his skin had evolved to be able to directly attack and damage the nervous system. A sinister ability considering the fact that he specialized in physical, close quarters fights.

"Hey idiot, how is he supposed to learn anything about himself if you immobilize him before he gets to do anything." Scolded Sinthia.

"The output isn't even that high... okay you're right."

Removing his hand, he looked at Bultear who had fallen to the ground spasming.

" It seems he can't continue... shit... I usually fight much stronger enemies, so my perception of what small output was supposed to be was a little skewed."

Said Milek turning around. Sinthia wanted to say something, but shut her mouth when she saw a wobbly Bultear stand up.

"What is it?"

When he turned around, he was greeted by a fist flying at his face. The fist that was heading for his face slightly grazed his nose as he barely dodged, the sheer surprise made him take a step back.

"I have had enough of you fuckers fucking with me!"

To the surprised Milek a really pissed off Bultear declared.

"*hehe* Now we're talking."

And so, Bultear's training had begun.