
Supreme Elf God

Zeka8 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Other Gods!

{ Hello Readers! I'm back from Christmas break and frequent updates will return. I hope you all enjoyed Christmas as well as I did <3 }

Meanwhile, as the various Divine Apostles listened to their fate from the Original 6 Elves, the situation in Ezreal's Divine Realm located within the Divine Domain was much calmer. Ever since regaining his power and creating the Elves in this world, Ezreal had very much enjoyed his calm life.

Ezreal had once thought as to why he had previously given up most of his power and jumped into the cycle of reincarnation, where he would've stayed eternally if not for a mishap and after deep introspection, he came to one conclusion.


It was simple.Being Omnipotent,Omnipresent and Immortal, life was boring. He had known everything that could possibly be known, and everything that was, is and would happen was always appearing in his mind. With such eternal knowledge, boredom was only a matter of time.

Thus, after experiencing countless lives during his period of endless reincarnation, Ezreal knew what to do after retaining his power. In order to limit the possibility of being bored, not only did Ezreal come to this realm and create the Elves, curious to see what would happen, but he also massively limited his Omnipresence and power.

Aside from massive events that could possibly effect the wider Omniverse and monitoring the Elves he created, Ezreal had completely turned off his Omnipresence. This allowed him to experience the grand luxuries of life. He used his eternal learning abilities to learn how to paint, play chess, create and play music and play games.

In his free times, he would watch the top rated Animes, TV Shows and Movies across the Omni-Verse, and without his Omnipresence spoiling it and with his previous Earth life experiences, he could truly appreciate them.

Ezreal was currently walking around his Divine Realm. Lustrous green plains as far as the eyes could see. A sea of serene and beautiful flowers outlined the walking path. These flowers were of different shapes, colours and fragrances, but they all had one thing in common, these flowers were the most beautiful and the rarest flowers to exist in the Omni-Verse in all of time.

Elegant Rivers could be seen in the distance. As Ezreal continued his calm walk, he came to a stop in the middle of a celestial bridge, looking off into the distance at the beautiful scenes. The massive, nature filled mountains, the snowfilled patches and most importantly, his incredible residence. All of which he created. Ezreal admired his creations greatly.

However, his most proud creations were the Elves, whom he was constantly keeping an eye on. He had watched as Terra, the Saintess and Apostle he had created, had grown into an elegant young lady whom was at the peak of power for his age and smiled. However, he occasionally glanced at the other various Divine Apostles and frowned, wondering what he would do with them.

However, his thoughts were quite rudely interrupted as he sensed a variety of beings approaching his Divine Realm. From his senses, he immediately locked onto 3 beings, two women and a man. All of them were gods and among the gods whom were in this World, they were definitely at the top of the hierarchy in terms of power.

Ezreal frowned, wondering what these people could possibly be doing here and how they found him. Although Ezreal made no great efforts to hide his Divine Realm, as he assumed it wouldn't be very fair to other Gods in this world and he wanted to immersively play as the Elven God, he knew he placed his Divine Realm in a rather unexplored area within the entire Divine Dimension.

He had learned the history of this world and knew that an indefinite amount of time ago, the Divine Dimension was nearly destroyed and a large amount of the weaker gods were killed, needing to be replaced. Most of the Gods were then ruled by the Council of Gods, whom were the strongest and most influential gods, among this council was the Goddess of Light who had her human Apostle, Aether.

One of the long standing effects of that event, which was now called "The Culling." was that a large area of the Divine Dimension became unexplored and lots of Gods and Goddess' stayed in these unexplored areas, unwilling to be found and wanting to stay alone.

He situated his Divine Realm in an unexplored area, and thus he was shocked that these three ( 3 ) gods who were all powerful for this world's standards were obviously coming straight towards his realm. These thoughts only stayed in his mind for a moment as the three ( 3 ) gods had already arrived outside his Divine Realm and called out to him. The one who called out to him was the only male in the trio. He had jet, matte black hair and pitch black eyes that looked like an abyss. The man had a very muscular build and was a towering 7'3 in height. His ears were, however, replaced with the ears of a wolf and he had a very elegant wolf tail sticking out of his back.

"Hello. I am the Beast God, Fenrir and I am here with the Dragon Goddess, Tiamat and the Goddess of Light Valeria, members of the Godly Council. We were currently on an exploration of this uncharted area and noticed your Divine Realm which was truly large and radiated a truly powerful and elegant aura.May we speak?" Fenrir's voice was rather rough, yet held a tone which mixed maturity and authority both. The two Goddess' beside him also showed curious expressions after Fenrir's inquiry.

Time seemed to move eternally slowly as Fenrir, Tiamat and Valeria waited. It seemed as if hours had passed, yet in reality not even 10 seconds had gone by. As Fenrir sighed and was going to turn away, deciding that this was a failure, a brilliant gate appeared.

The gate seemed to hold the secrets of the Omni-Verse, with a rainbow coloured theme and a serene aura. Out stepped the gate was a 6'5 young man. Tiamat and Valeria's eyes both widened in shock. Only other council gods and top tier Evil Gods knew, but these two had existed since this world and Universe was born. Eons upon eons had passed and nothing could possibly faze them, yet this God's looks and aura was so perfect that they couldn't help but be slightly shocked.

The young god was 6'5 in height and his skin was absolute perfection, with lustrous, clear and smooth skin to which an imperfection couldn't ever be seen. The god's body was perfection, with the perfect shape of muscles in these ladies eyes, not too big but not too thin muscles, just the right size to be intimidating but not overbearing. His elegant heterochromia eyes of ethereal green and brilliant gold seemed to hold a universe. His most distinctive feature however, was his ears. Contrary to basically every humanoid race. this God's ears were distinctly long.

The God was wearing a pants and top pair both with the colour of ethereal green, and both held golden accent lines. Over these, was a golden and elegant imperial robe with green accent lines over it. His shoes and gloves were both pristine white with a beautiful green ring on his left middle finger with an tree carved onto it. On his right middle finger, there was a golden ring.

The shocking thing was this golden ring made the three Gods and Goddess' feel threatened, and that shocked them. After "The Culling" incident, these three ( 3 ) Gods and Goddess had never felt threatened aside from eachother and other members of the council, and the threat from most other council members were also slim. They were the well acknowledged, three of the top 5 strongest Divine Gods, thus this threatening aura made them shocked.

Ezreal had stared at the three beings whom had appeared in front of him. A strange silence permeated the area as all 4 people wondered what to say. In the end, Ezreal decided to speak first,

"I am Ezreal, the God of Elves. Why don't we have this discussion within my Divine Domain?" Ezreal spoke, his voice ethereal yet masculine, elegant and authoritative, serene but powerful.

Instinctively, Fenrir, Tiamat and Valeria all nodded, and followed Ezreal through the gate. Once inside his Divine Domain, their shock only increased. The sights were truly unparalleled, with massive mountains, beautiful rivers and fields of flowers and other plants never seen before in all three of their lives. This only deepened their curiousity towards the mysterious God Of Elves.

Eventually, they arrived at the Gigantic Castle in the middle of the entire domain. The Palace was brilliant and once inside, they quickly found a room and all sat together. The room was filled with various paintings, from paintings depicting Dragons burning Cities to ash, to paintings depicting beautiful ladies dancing in the snow.

In front of them, glass cups holding wine was placed. All of this wine was brewed by Ezreal while he was learning Wine Brewing during his time here, and these wines he prepared for them were his greatest creations.

After everyone savoured the wine's delicious taste, Ezreal decided to break the ice.

" I have long heard of the names of you three. However, I am admittedly very curious as to why you would come to here, an uncharted part of the Divine Dimension? As far as I'm concerned, there hasn't been a search party in this area since "The Culling" took place." Ezreal spoke, sending the trio into silence.

Eventually, Valeria, the Goddess Of Light spoke. She was around 6'2 in height, yet her body was stunning. Her eyes and hair were golden and her luscious golden hair reached her hips. Her body was truly curvaceous, with the perfect golden ratio. Nevermind the volumptous factor of her body, with big perky breasts and a sizeable buttocks, she was the peak of attractiveness.

"The Abyssal Monsters have began invading the Mortal Realm and as such, we were looking for other Gods in uncharted areas who were willing to help battle back the Abyss Monsters. The strongest of these Gods found would even earn at Seat in our council and get the respect of all of the Gods. We need all the combat power we could get for the inevitable war. However, we certainly didn't expect to meet someone like you. Judging from your looks, your Apostle and her allies are the ones who defeated and captured our Apostles right?" Valeria spoke, a charming look flashing her face.

Ezreal instinctively raised his eyebrown at that look, remembering the "Ara,Ara." he had seen in too many animes.

He sighed and responded," Yes that was my disciple, although I certainly didn't expect her to cross paths with your disciples soo soon. However, do not fret for the lives of your Apostles as they are safe. In fact, let us see what they are up to."

Ezreal finished speaking and waved his hand, a holographic screen appearing showing the Apostles facing the Original Six Elves.

"Welcome Apostles Of Gods, we are the Original Six Elves, and you're here to listen to your fate."