
Supreme Conquest System [Raitoningu] - «A2T,A+2T,A+40EP»

[Story made by a Brazilian and translated into English by Google translator, in case of complaints already to Google...] I'm reposting this book, only this time in the right category, the 'Fanfic'. ;) //// If you were able to go to a different world, which world would you choose? furthermore what if you had 5 more wishes? [Note: This story has a gigantic harem, so for those who don't like it, I recommend not reading it, apart from scenes +18, be warned.]

GODShura · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
65 Chs

New Abilities, New Feelings ⁵

This chapter has not been revised or edited, so it may contain some errors. ◑﹏◐

So enjoy. (๏ิ₃๏ิ)


[Chapter 5] - New Abilities, New Feelings

//Time Skip//

It had been 6 days since I took command of the ship Triton.

Halfway through I created a new skill [Presence Manipulation], This skill allowed me to manipulate my presence to the point where no one would notice me, even though I was by your side.

This was our last day of the trip, because the ship passed through the protective bubble and arrived at the wharf of Fishman Island.

Upon my orders the merfolk of the ship chatted with the rebel merfolk waiting for us on the dock, Hody Jones was a child of just 8 years old at the time.

I left the ship and followed the rebel mermen back to their base.

There I found what I wanted.

"Hey, where are my slaves? Especially Gol D. Roger's wife."

Hody Jones said with a bit of annoyance.

Triton Achi:"Sir we couldn't, when we arrived at her location someone had already taken her away."

Hody started to break out in anger.

Hody Jones: "Shit, you worthless people tell me who took her away."

Before the mermen could say anything I interrupted them.

"Hehe~ I was responsible for removing Rouge... So what are you going to do about it?"

Hody jumped back when he noticed my figure right behind the merfolk.

Hody:"Human? Quick arrest him don't let him get away!!"

But to his surprise none of the merfolk moved.

Hody:"You useless arrest him!!! FAST!!!"

I almost couldn't hold back my laughter.

"They won't listen to you…not anymore."

Hody's eyes widened.

Hody:"You did something to them!"

"Until you're not that dumb..."

"Too bad you won't remember anything after a while..."

After saying that, I use my abilities to invade Hody Jones' mind and make him follow my orders.

"Phew~ until I finally finished."

My work didn't even last ten minutes.

After controlling Hody and his troupe, I head back to the ship.

I board the ship and go to my quarters and lie down on the Ex-Ship Captain's bed.

The days went by, the merfolk I manipulated went to collect information on merfolk island.

Currently I am 3 years away from Shirahoshi being born, and 9 years away from Otohime being attacked by Hody.

"I have plans for Otohime so I can't kill Hody Jones right now..."

So I made him no longer kill and torture innocent humans, only the innocent ones.

If he caught some dirty noble, well... It would be tragic.

During this time I also approached Rouge.

I wasn't prey to my advances, so little by little she gave in more.


"In between."

The door opened and Rouge entered.

Rouge:"Can I talk to you?"

"Of course."

She blushes, then comes over to the bed and lies down beside me.

Rouge:"Where do you come from Diego?"

I start stroking her hair.

"A very far away place..."

Rouge:"New World?"

Well she's not literally right or wrong...

"Far farther..."

Rouge:"Farther than the New World?"

Rouge:"But how? Nobody has reached the end of the New World until today."

"You're right, no one ever arrived, but I came from the other side, so..."

Rouge had a shocked expression on his face.

Which was soon taken over by her shyness.

Rouge:"Um~ Diego-san can you stop touching my hair?"

Though her mouth said it, her body was more honest.

[System: Congratulations on starting the Divine Harem System.]

[System: This is the host's first time using the system, would you like an introduction?]


[System: The system has 7 tools, Status, Inventory, Store, Worlds, Harem, Quests and Transfer.]

[System: STATUS, shows you your information like your name, level and abilities.

It also shows information from people around you.]

[System: INVENTORY, serves to store any items acquired on the worlds you've been on.]

[System: SHOP, the shop contains all items from all the worlds you passed available to be purchased, SHOP can buy items, convert items into other items of the same value or in currencies. Note: All coins can be used.]

[System: WORLDS, contains data from all the worlds you passed, including their coordinates.]

[System: HAREM, allows you to see the status of your wives, wives, lovers, girlfriends, sex friends, etc...]

[System: MISSIONS, provides a variety of quests for the Creation of the Divine Harem, for each completed quest the user will receive HP (Harem Points)]

[System: TRANSFER, this tool can be used when all goals in the world are completed, and transfer it to the next world.]

[System: Each mission completed, generates HP "Harem Points" these HP's can be used in the shop of the Divine Harem System or can be used when transferred to another world.]

'How can you use these points more effectively?'

[System: Ex: you can use HP to define your age, time, family, identity when transferred to another world.]

'I understand!'

'Thank you, System!'

[System: You're welcome]


NAME: Diego Uranus

AGE: ??

LEVEL: 0 [EXP 0/10]

SKILLS: [Stable Harem (P)],

[Union of Souls (P)], [Protective Teleport (P)], [Unlimited Resistance (P)], [Fertilization (A)]

HAREM: None.


"5 Skills, I think they're all playboy in nature."

The ability"Stable Harem (P)"Allows the user's Harem to be stable, preventing your women from being jealous."Union of Souls (P)"when a woman reaches 100% affection for you, their souls will be intertwined one to other. They will never betray you even in death."Protective Teleport (P)"Every time one of your women is in danger, they will be teleported to a safe place, the teleport cannot be stopped or stopped."Unlimited Resistance (P)" Your stamina is unlimited and no woman will beat you in bed."Fertilization (A)"This ability allows you to control your sperms so you don't get your partner pregnant.

"These skills are very good, they solve a lot of my future problems."

"But there are still a few more skills to complete."

I spent a few minutes creating a few more skills.

Being them...

[Sweet honey]: All liquids expelled from the body like odor, saliva, semen, sweat and urine are as sweet and nutritious as honey. [Divine Voice]: For women your voice is totally irresistible, attracting them. [Incubus Aura]: Your body at all times releases a pheromone that attracts 100% of women. [Divine Dick] Your penis It has the perfect size, curvature and shape. [Divine Hands]: Your hands, when touching a woman's body, induce an enormous pleasure.

While creating new skills, Rouge cast me not-so-discreet looks.

Her eyes looked more and more fanatical to me, her face also blushed slightly.

'I think my skills are a bit abusive...'

///POV ~ Rouge\\\

'But what are these feelings?'

I was sitting next to this mysterious man so I could feel my chest jump.

'Your smell is so sweet!'

*Snif~ Snif~.*

Without realizing it I moved closer and closer to his chest


'There is!!!'

His voice scared me but...

Instead of pulling away, I moved even closer to his chest.

"Me- me..."

I felt my face heat up, way beyond normal...

'This feeling...'