
Supreme commander (Cybran SI) Rogue commander

Dez_Burns · Videojogos
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8 Chs


Two months has passed since the battle for the world of Millwood This planet was liberated from the oppressive rule of the UEF.

All the UEF officers were killed since they refused to surrender on the planet, leaving only a population of 2000 civilians and 1500 symbionts that were liberated.

The UEF data Archives on the colony help Enigma 7 immensely in filling in the holes of his knowledge on this universe, even though some of the information is outdated, it is still quite helpful, star charts, history, science, and many more things that he would need to know how there was even a manual in here and how to run a colony for dummies.

It made enigma chuckle a bit at that one. He still remember back in his old reality, reading a book how to work a computer for dummies.

Even now still gives chuckles from time to time and thanks to his enhanced intelligence with the AI implant inside him helped him sort out the information with relative ease.

After all the wreckage was reclaimed by his engineers after the conquest and liberation of the planet, he began constructing Housing for the symbiont population, as well as to make sure the civilian population of the former UEF understands that he's in charge now.

It wasn't easy at first especially when these people grow up in a society where they are fed lies daily through propaganda machines.

Although some of the civilians did come to his Side after they learned about the secret loyalty program from some of the symbionts that work hard in the colony, as in result, many of the family members reunited.

Those family members reunited with their families became sympathetic to the symbiont cause for freedom and liberty.

However, the remainder that was not easily swayed to the symbiont cause we're still reluctant to switch their loyalty so quickly.

Enigma was fine with this since 75% of the population is on his side why the remainder are still on convinced as long as they do not pose a threat to his operations he's fine with them, continuing the live out their lives as they have been.

Now he's already begun training new commanders for his army, and already drawing up battle plans to invade nearby UEF worlds, but there will be some time before that he still needs to set up his own economy based on this world, where he will be able to support other commanders on other worlds and invasions.

He even finished up construction on his own quantum gate on the planet. However, I had another use other than transporting individuals from one planet to another.

He also used to the crate new ACUs for his future commanders, and they are a carbon copy of his own machine.

He also has to update all the technology on the planet, as well. Since some of the tech he uses, is a little more advanced simply because his ACU is from the timeline. After supreme commander, and supreme commander forge alliance.

Biggest example of his more advanced technology is that his mass extractors no longer need energy from his own resources to continue operating since each one of the mass extractors are built with their own power source.

The same is true for the rest of his structures his energy and mass is only used when he's creating newer units and structures.

He is also not held back by the tear system that other commanders in this universe are blocked by a great example is the UEF Commander that he defeated, could only use tier 1 units because of his low ranking.

Enigma has no such weaknesses when it comes to units since all of his starter units and structures are all tier 3 by their system.

He's also able to pump out those units as fast as a tier 1 on their factories. Meaning he's able to pump out a lot more units down a lot more powerful much more faster.

Another great advantage that he has over his enemies is his research stations, which is in a constant state of research and newer technologies and potential new units for him to use against his enemies plus the help of his other symbiont brothers and sisters also helping out with that research making it go even more faster.

however, despite all of those advantages that he has, he's still vastly outnumbered by all the other factions, and they have much larger resource pools than he does so he hast to play it smart for now.

After all, he doesn't have long before the UEF figures out, they lost the planet when their commander doesn't check in for their monthly inspection update, especially when he deactivated and reclaimed the UEF quantum gate that was on the planet.

Now he builds and prepares for the long haul of this war, as well as the future invasion of the seraphim in the Future

He also has to Watch out for QEI A artificial intelligence created by Dr. Bregman and later, reprogrammed by the seraphim help them in their invasions, which resulted in the enslavement of multiple symbionts.

Another reason why he doesn't want to be anywhere near Dr. Bregman and the Cybran nation because QEI made them compromised by alien forces way before their invasion.

Enigma knows what is coming, but he doesn't know when it will happen. All he can do is prepare for the worst and train up his new people the best he can.