
Satisfied Return

Zelphyr and Narberal made the journey back to Nazarick, whilst ensuring that they were not being monitored. Despite casually crossing the borders between countries, it seems that their movement were not once spotted. That was something Zelphyr felt was extremely lacking in this world.

From what he was aware, the only people who possessed some sort of reconnaissance device was the Empire and the Slane Theocracy, however unlike his own, they were highly limited.

'I suppose that is what happens when the cultural level of the world is so low. Not that I intend to accelerate it much'

When Zelphyr was in his former world with his guild, he had debated about whether he should accelerate the cultures of the lands he owns, nevertheless he eventually decided not to. His reasoning being that it will create a bad reliance on him. Although he intended to rule, he did not like the idea of having to babysit millions of useless beings who looked to him to do everything, thus he decided to assist the development of his territories within the level of their current cultural restrictions. This will prevent the peasants from growing useless and will ensure the countries develop at a natural rate.

Some may disagree and say that such a thing only slows down his progress and grants the peasants a chance to fight back as they retain independence however, Zelphyr already knew how to ensure complete obedience.

"Narberal, when we get back, I would like you to co-ordinate with Shalltear to send the agreed supplies to the Dragon Kingdom. Assign a team of Doppelgangers with Hanzos for guards to escort the supplies from the outpost in the forest."

Narberal tilted her head in slight confusion as she processed Zelphyrs commands.

"Lord Zelphyr, may I ask why we could just open a gate? Would it not be more efficient, so we can focus our forces on higher priority tasks like your 'science project' as you call it"

Zelphyr smiled at her phrasing, had it been anyone else, he would have thought that was sarcasm. Luckily, his time with Narberal has taught him that her sharp tongue is always equipped, for better or worse.

"While it is easier, I would like to keep such tricks to a minimum for now. After all, would it not be more fun to surprise those human armies? After all, many of the humans of this world are filled with pride and ego."

A mischievous smile floated upon his lips as he spoke out a slightly childish reason.

"Lord Zelphyr, I was not aware that you had the same tendencies as Solution"

In response, Zelphyr shook his head with a wry smile. It seemed his attempt at a harmless jest had caused quite the severe misunderstanding.

"Fortunately for the humans, that is not the case. I do not care enough for them, with the exception of a few, to torment them in such a way. While I admit they can be quite humorous to watch, my true idea was behind the impact such a performance would leave. I am sure that the repercussions will be felt across the map, to the point that those scaly sleeping beauties will be awakened."

Narberal sunk into a deep thought as she mulled over her lords words. From it, she could infer that he does in fact not have a torment fetish as well as the fact that he wished to draw out the dragons, judging by the description.

"My Lord, do you wish to fight the dragons now? If that is so, I am sure that Nazarick can prepare an extermination squad to massacre those winged-lizards."

Zelphyr smiled at Narberals confident statement. It was moments like this that Zelphyr felt he was truly blessed to have such people around him. Although it would not affect him even if they were timid, it at least made the day more enjoyable.

"Maybe in the future Narberal. For now, giving them a shock is enough. Dragons apparently possess boundless wisdom after they reach the level of Dragon Lord, I would like to test that theory by seeing what moves they make in response to my display. Should they launch an all-out attack without regard, well that just proves they're nothing more than mutated reptiles and are worth nothing more than that."

Time passed with the two talking about the future, although nothing of true importance.

Eventually, they arrived at the outpost and teleported back without stopping like before. Despite liking his travelling so far, Zelphyr admitted that Nazarick truly felt like home.

Although he had not been in this New World for too long, he had practically spent the majority of his old life there too, albeit virtually. He completely understood why Momonga seemed to have an obsession or attachment to the tomb, something that he originally felt was strange.

'I suppose, the only thing I really miss from my last world, is the toilet'

A wry smile sat upon his lips as he climbed the stairs leading up to the entrance to the Great Tomb.

As he progressed, he shook his head as he felt the buzzing presences lined up against the inner wall of the tomb entrance, alongside one presence who was knelt in its path.

"Lord Zelphyr! Welcome home!"

A soft, tantalizing voice sounded out, soothing Zelphyrs tension he had accumulated from the travels. Even with a stupidly strong body, travelling inside an enclosed space is as tiresome as it was when he was in his old world.

'It seems I need to get used to this travel. I used to walk or teleport everywhere in Yggdrasil and I never used transport other than bicycles in both my other lives.'

From his research, it was common for foreign dignitaries to travel using carriage rather than conveniences such as floatation spells as a display of etiquette and power. Of course that was only when they were travelling as an aristocrat.

'Now then, let us see how our plans have advanced'

"Albedo, I should thank you for the beautiful sight you give me upon my return"

Albedos cheeks blushed a rosy red as her breathing hastened, luckily her desire to maintain a sophisticated image in front of her master kept her from acting out.

"It is a servants duty to greet her master when they return, My Lord"

Zelphyr smiled before turning to the people lined up against the walls, as he did, they all bowed their heads as though they were adamant to not meet his gaze.

These were the various summons who were patrolling the first floor of Nazarick. Usually, they would be walking the corridors in their assigned areas, however it seems Albedo wanted to create a miniature welcome despite his protests when he contacted her earlier.

"Thank you all for the welcome, you may now resume your duties. You are all essential to Nazarick, we cannot leave our posts for too long"

Zelphyr pleasantly smiled at the troupe of summons as he gave them an order.

The mixture of monsters including skeletons, vampire brides and a couple of low level demons left into the darkness with their heads held high, filled with pride.

"Right, let us head in. Narberal, you may have the rest of the afternoon off, report to Yuri Alpha and spend the rest of the afternoon doing whatever you wish. You have been very reliable, thank you"

Narberal looked at Zelphyr as though she wanted to say something, however her eyes widened slightly before she nodded with red tinted cheeks and walked off.

Zelphyr smiled as he watched Narberal walk off.

Little did he know, Albedo who was still knelt had an expression devoid of warmth as she watched Zelphyr compliment Narberal. Catching onto this, Narberal quickly left without raising her comment to her lord.

"Albedo, you can stand. Kneeling like that will dirty your dress."

With those words, Zelphyr bent down slightly with an extended hand. To which Albedo grabbed softly and allowed herself to be pulled up, all the while blushing like a school girl.

Although he was aware of her deeper personality, Zelphyr enjoyed seeing this side of Albedo every now and then.

'For a Succubus, she really is quite pure. I suppose that was the settings I messed with'

Zelphyr started walking deeper into Nazarick with Albedo in tow.

No conversation took place however Albedos face maintained a genuine smile the entire time as she followed behind her lord for the first time in days.

"Now to try get Lord Zelphyr to the bedroom..."

Albedo murmured under her breath as she looked at her Master from behind.

Zelphyr shook his head slightly as he heard Albedos whisper.

"Calm down Albedo, we have all the time in the world"

His voice was low however it seemed to drift directly into Albedos ear, causing her back to straighten as she begun to imagine how much they could get done with so much time.

"Erhem... Of course Lord Zelphyr. Please excuse my behaviour. May I ask where you are headed?"

Zelphyr smiled with a childish glint in his eye as he answered Albedo.

"I want to check up on my little experiment. I don't think there will be much change but, I would like to see the set-up Aura finally decided to go with"

Albedos eyes lit up slightly.

"My Lord, may I go with you? I must admit that I have yet to check up on it since your absence"

A hint of guilt entered her voice as she admitted to not fully completing her tasks.

"Do not threat Albedo, I left Aura in charge of setting up the experiment whilst I was gone. That is why I did not ask you to check on it."

Albedos expression did not clear up, instead it evolved into a slightly displeased expression. Nevertheless, she quickly removed it and resumed her staple soft smile.

Hey Guys!

So, it seems over 3 weeks have gone by since I last updated. That was my bad for being irresponsible and saying it would not be as long of a wait as before.

Turns out my plans did not go the way I intended, as is life.


Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate it!

Xrkerrcreators' thoughts