A SHITTY DEVIL REINCARNATE'S THE MC INTO THE MARVEL VERSE WITH A SLIGHTLY OP CHEAT,A GOOD STARTING POINT AND A YANDERE DEATH AFTER HIM......WAIT WHAT! mc will be evil and ruthless,there may be some mind fuckery involved so don't complain no ntr no beta mc BTW if you recognise it,it doesn't belong to me,including the cover pic
Imeaditly opening a portal to planet virtu
I see hela on one knee with a hole In her stomach and bleeding from her mouth glaring up at a old man who was flooting in the air surrounded by lightning leering at her.
Instantly I felt RAGE consume me!
Zues is ridiculously strong ,he himself is a sky father, in the comics he has took on and defeated both the hulk and galactus ,thanos once claimed he was as strong as odin.
Basically he was stronger then the current me, if I wanted to I could tell him my identity as Prince of asgard and use odins identity to tell him to fuck off as even zues isn't dumb enough to pick a fight with the norse pantheon over a single women....and yet....This BASTARD! Dared to lay a hand on MY WOMEN AND THAT IS UNFORGIVABLE!.
the moment I appear on the planet both zues's and helas eyes land on me, yet before they can even react I have turned into light and appear infront of zues.
The bastards fast ill give him that, he reacted fast enough to almost block me but almost isnt good enough proven by me burrying my fist in his stomach and sending him flying through a mountain
light beats lightning bitch get used to it, even my father odin isn't as fast as me
Turning around to look at hela I walk towards her and cast a basic healing spell on her before picking her up ,opening a portal to hel and throwing her threw it.
As she is now she'll only be a burden to me in this fight, will she be pissed at my action? Yes of course, but she's a warrior she'll realize what I did was right and get over it.
I turn around to see a massive lightning bolt fall from the sky a couple meters infront of me to reveal zues floating there in all his glory gazing at me with lighting filled eyes in pure anger.
My own eyes light up with a white flame as my side of the planet goes up in flames. I start to float until I'm equal in height to him and get ready for the most difficult fight of my life yet.
Both zues and I charge at eachother simultaneously at speeds not visible to the naked eye...well the mortal eye that is
We exchange hundreds of thousands of blows in mere minutes and instantly its obvious that while I'm slightly faster then him he has more experience and divinity then me, slowly putting me on the back feet
I duck his punch and try to uppercut him only for him to lean back and try to kick me in the chest ,I tilt to my left and open the palm that was supposed to hit him letting out a beam of light , zues dodges to the right bringing his hand down and along with it a lighting bolt about twice the size ragnarok thor threw at hela.
Turning into light once again ,I back away a couple hundred meteres and escape the bolt, rasing both my hand in the air spirit bomb style ,I create a massive miniature sun and throw it at him , zues brings his hands together final flash style and releases a gigantic and constant stream of divine lightning at it causing them both to clash and the resultant explosion to almost completely destroy the landscape of the planet.
"You're not half bad child, I recommend you apologise for your indiscretion now before I get serious and erase your potential and future in my anger"
The moment I say that the entire sky starts burning as giant pillars of light start falling on zues.
Zues merely smiles at me before taking out a lightning bolt....wait thats not a lightning bolt but THE lightning bolt!.
" So be it " after saying that zues pulls the lightning bolt back and throws it at me causing it to grow to the size of an entire continant! and give of so much power even odin would start sweating.
"Ah shit"
Immediately I take out my weapon, cast all the defensive spells I know and let out the entirety of my divinity into a beam of power strong enough to one shot entire planets both my beam and zues lighting bolt collide in a awe inspiring and dazzling display of power ,before the lighting bolt starts to overpower my beam, I had expended my divitny just to deal with the lightning bolts terryfing might while zues ADDED his divinity on top of the lightning bolts power.
And before I knew it I was completely overpowered and BOOM! the entire planet was blown to smithereens.
Zues was turning around to leave before he instantly backed away and gazed at where the ex planet was as now instead of empty space as there should be stood A SUN! And from that sun silently arose a completely unharmed baldur
I can't win this ,I feel the lighting bolt hit me and the sheer divinity and power in it even making my nemeain loin skin useless ,the lightning burning me the god of the sun from the inside out, with my last conscious thoughts I twitch my fingers and open a portal.
I Come to consciousness and immediately have a feeling reminiscent of home ,opening my eyes I realise I'm laying on the surface of the sun I had just portaled in, its light healing me and its warmth empowering me , I rise out of the sun to see zues staring at me with shocked eyes.
This time im the one who smiles at him
" Come olympian, let us dance"
honestly the only reason I haven't dropped this fic is because you all still bug me about it