A SHITTY DEVIL REINCARNATE'S THE MC INTO THE MARVEL VERSE WITH A SLIGHTLY OP CHEAT,A GOOD STARTING POINT AND A YANDERE DEATH AFTER HIM......WAIT WHAT! mc will be evil and ruthless,there may be some mind fuckery involved so don't complain no ntr no beta mc BTW if you recognise it,it doesn't belong to me,including the cover pic
...god of the sun huh,well that will come in handy fooling the masses,now go shoo old man I want some of them milf titties.... ehm I meant milk ,I want milk.
I was currently in a crib,pure gold ofcourse,tacky as fuck if you ask me but then again loki and frigga were the only ones in this family with any semblance of class,I was just chilling In my crib,wobbling around you know baby shit,talking about that you wanna know how my day went? Well ,I shat,I wobbled ,I drank some milk..hehe milk,and then I shat and wobbled at the same time,so like how I spent my time In my previous life basically,just when I made this sub par joke I could feel the room suddenly darken and get much colder,holy shit does asgard have ghosts!,Sam,Dean, motherfuckers where you at! but then suddenly some one entered the room from the window and the moment I saw her i let out a cute little tiny baby gasp,for she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, I knew exactly who she was the moment I saw her,she was my soul mate ,she was lady death.
The moment I was created and brought into existence by my father,I knew I was different, unlike my siblings I was incomplete,a very part of my being ,my soul missing just as I had that thought information sprang into mind,information about a man,my soul mate, a man who would dominate this entire universe, a man who would love me creature of death that I am as I am, this information brought me untold joy,until I got to the part that said he...was not born yet,I instinctively knew when he would be born and I despaired once again at how long i would have to wait to be united with the one who shall complete me,but I am death so I stealed myself as I would wait for him for aslong as it takes as only he can be my mate,that is why I hate that worm thanos,daring to lust after me when I belong only to my mate!!,if It wasn't for killing him upsetting the balance and the rules imposed upon us by father I would have wiped the worm out of existence centuries ago,nevermind that filth I was talking about my darling as they day for his birth had finally come!!, I was there floating outside the Palace watching in,to scared to go in lest my presence harm the women,my darlings mother and mess up the birthing process,I saw how when he was born the night turned to day and light shone upon him as if proclaiming his greatness and welcoming him to this world,a world which he shall soon rule,I heard when his father named him baldur odinson which means Prince and he who is most beloved a truly fitting name,I rejoiced more then any asagrdians did that night upon the festivities for his birth,and when finally his mother laid him In his crib and left,I entered the room,minimising my presence to the maximum which resulted in a the mere slight drop of temperature and some darkness,when I entered his head turned towards me and he let out a small gasp,could he see me!! ofcourse he could he was my mate!! I felt the connection snap into place and finally finally!! for the first time In my life I felt complete,he was my mate,mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine!!,still as much as it ached me I could not hold him lest I harmed him,but I knew it would not be long before I could embrace him after all.i have no doubts he shall become more then strong enough soon,after all he is meant to rule,and even my father he who proclaims to be the one above all could not understand my soul bond or my mates existence.
in my fic thanos will be a bit stronger then his mcu counterpart,not nearly as strong as the broken mf who could punch ego out of orbit like he was in the comics,but stronger then he was in the mcu.
mc will never be nerfed
mc will never simp or be beta in any kind of way
there will never and I mean never be netorere, netori on the other hand I'm not sure,we'll see about it.
and thanos being stronger will not make the mc weaker as,it is because the mc will be strong I want him to have some sort of challenge and mcu thanos couldn't provide that