A SHITTY DEVIL REINCARNATE'S THE MC INTO THE MARVEL VERSE WITH A SLIGHTLY OP CHEAT,A GOOD STARTING POINT AND A YANDERE DEATH AFTER HIM......WAIT WHAT! mc will be evil and ruthless,there may be some mind fuckery involved so don't complain no ntr no beta mc BTW if you recognise it,it doesn't belong to me,including the cover pic
PREVIOUSLY ON DRAGON GOES HOUSEHUNTING(personally I didn't like it that much only saw half a episode)
"Remember this day my love,for today vena daughter of vahn died and vena wife of baldur odinson and the Queen of shadows was born!!"
In return vena shows a wicked and happy smile as her eyes go pure pitch black
Baldur lands the ss.sexy on a habitable but uninhabited planet before going towards a empty field and taking out the capsules that contained the remaining vuatu he gave the capsules to vena and backed off.
Vena threw the capsules on the field causing them to flash and unleas the remaining vuatu,they weren't much only about 6,000. And considering that's there entire species isn't a lot at all. But he wasnt one to talk about that considering the entire population of asgard was about 15000.(A/n based on loki episode 2)
Before they could react shadows sprang up and restrained them all
"My father is dead! ,I am the goddes of shadows now!, you will either submit to me and my husband baldur God of the sun or die!"
10 year had passed since the day vena and baldur became the leaders of the vuata, unsurprisingly not a single one of them had refused to submit,like stated before the vuatu believed in power and now that vena was the goddes of shadows and was married to the god who had killed their own previous god they had no qualms in submitting to them.
Vahn still placed a slave seal on each and every single one of then regardless.what can he say he was born paranoid (quite literally in fact)
The efficency and lethality of the vuatu had only increased under baldurs training making their reputation even more fearsome and making it so that baldur now controlled an army of 5900 assasins as strong as the asgardian elite warriors and 100 assasins as strong as one of the warriors 3. Though they'll most probably stop being usefull once he becomes truly powerfull he'll keep them around just to be able to say that he has an army of super magic dark elf assasins...heh
Thinking upto their ,Baldur layed down on a ritual circle he had prepared and closed his eyes taking a deep breath he pushed magic into the circle activating it and then.....he died
baldur opens his eyes and finds himself staring at his soul mate, lady death looking at him with worry and concern
"My love if you had needed me,all you had to do was say my name and I would've come!,what was the need to perform such a ritual to come to my Realm!!"
Merely smiling at her concern baldur walks upto her and says "I belive you know that I have not layn with any women till this day?"
Confused at her beloveds question she nods indicating she knew ,ofcourse she did how couldn't she, she worried about this fact everyday even after accepting that fact that her love would have what the humans call a harem,yet her beloved didn't do such a thing yet not even with the vuatu wench.
"And would you like it if I had my first time with someone other then you?"
"No ofcourse not!!" She snapped ,yet she immediately shuts up and gets scared that he might mind and be disappointed in her like he was before.
"Yet you're very being made up of death would not allow you to join with my mortal form no?" (A/N even if he is a god he's still mortal )Hearing his words and knowing them to be true ,tears start appearing In her eyes before they are wiped away with his next words.
"Yet I'm not mortal right now am I?,hell I'm not even alive and this is your domain isn't it,the spell will keep me dead for a mere 3 min but this is your domain ,you decide how fast or slow time passes here....you decide who can touch you or not...." before he could continue what he was saying he was already tackled into a bed that had suddenly appeared behind him by a very horny, excited and happy death.
She sat on top of him while grinding her crotch on his and attacking his lips clumsily but with fervor. Ripping both their dresses away seeming to forget or simply not care about the fact that she could have just willed them away.
After a couple of minutes of intense kissing baldur grabs a hold of her hips and turns them around pushing her beneath him.
She got boned.
.and then she moaned
R18 END(evil author noises)
my exams just ended so I'll try to update a bit more regularly now