
Supernaturally Drake

A tragic twist of fate has drake pulled from his universe as a child. Fortunately, death steps in and returns him from whence he came. Back to his universe. The Teenwolf Universe.

PalerThanPorcelain · TV
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


In complete darkness, a body floated in the void. Undisturbed by time and space. A contented smile on its lips. No one would know just how long it floated there for and no one needed to know.

Time passed but space stayed the same.

Out of nowhere, the body released a pulse of energy. Twisting and warping the space around it, with that pulse of energy, the body's owner woke. Two beautiful golden eyes opening eerily slowly.

Drake was awake.

At peace but feeling slightly confused he gazed around, only to see nothing but darkness in all directions. In spite of his current situation, his dark sense of humour reared its head and he started to sing.

"Hello darkness, my old friend" He smirked.

"I've come to talk with you again"

"Because a vision softly creeping"

"Left its seeds while I was sleeping"

"And the vision that was planted in my brain"

"Still remains"

"Within the sound..." He took a long deep breath, sighing the last part.

"...of silence"

Silence fell once again in his surroundings. Shutting his eyes he enjoyed the quiet.

"That's quite a voice you've got there, Drake." A voice echoed around him.

Drake's eyes shot open.

"Who's there?" His golden eyes flared to life as they narrowed, while he observed his surroundings.

"Have you been here so long, that you've forgotten how you ended up here?" The voice asked, sounding amused.

"I know how I got here." Drake spoke coldly.

"And how did you get here, if I may ask?"

"I died." The coldness in his voice subsided for a second, revealing the slightest amount of sadness.

"That you did, young Drake. That you did." Sadness now seemed to fill the voice.

Silence fell for a few moments before Drake spoke up.

"So who are you?"

"You already know that young Drake." The voice said mysteriously.

"I do?" He asked questioningly.

"You do. In fact, you've spoken my name already; well, a variation of it at least."

The cogs in Drake's mind began to spin and click into place. It was then that his epiphany hit.

"You're Death." He said, sounding amused.

"You seem amused by that?"

"Well, wouldn't you be, if you'd just met the most feared absolute in existence?" He snorts. He continues.

"Besides I'm dead, and considering I didn't believe anything happened after one died; this is a nice surprise." He chuckled to himself.

"You're a strange being, young Drake." Death chuckled. Drake shrugged.

"I've been called worse."

"Ahhh Yes…." Death said in a sagely tone.

"....The Hollow, if I'm not mistaken." Drake flinches.

"Yeah…." He sighs.

".....Never was a fan of that nickname."

"I personally never thought that nickname fitted you….." Death says.

".....besides, It wasn't your fault that you couldn't connect with people. Especially considering that that wasn't your universe, to begin with."

There was a pause in the conversation.

"Death, what do you mean by that?"

There was no reply.


Again, no reply.

"DEATH?!?!" Drake shouted with every ounce of strength he had.

"Okay, Okay, keep ya hair on." Death materialised and stood before him.

"D-d-death?" Drake stuttered out.

"Yeah, who did you think I was the tooth fairy?" Asked Death, sarcastically.

Standing in front of Drake was a woman with bright silvery hair and pitch black eyes, who looked to be in her mid-20s. Her figure, a combination between an A-list model and a top athlete.

Drake couldn't help but gawk at what he was seeing.

"What are you staring at?" She asked, smirking slightly.

"You're not exactly what I'd imagined death to look like." He answered truthfully.

"And what did you imagine me to look like young Drake?" Her smirk grew a little more.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. Older maybe. More skeltony. More like the grim reaper I guess." He said, stroking his non-existent beard.

Death just giggled.

"The grim reapers are merely my assistant's so to speak. There's too much death for me to deal with all by myself, so the reapers do it for me." She said smugly.

"Right, makes sense I suppose..." Drake said, confused by the fact that death needed helpers.

He shook his head, trying to rid his mind of distracting thoughts.

"Now getting back on track, what did you mean, by it wasn't my universe to begin with?" He asked seriously.

It was death's turn to sigh.

"I thought you'd forget about that…" Drake glared.

"Okay, okay, now where to begin?" She questioned herself. Drake spoke up sarcastically.

"The beginning, maybe."

"Hardy har har." Death replied, trying to hide her smirk.

"I know, let's just do quick-fire questions, that'll make explaining it easier."

Drake nodded in agreement.

"Ask away."

"Why did I end up in a universe, not my own?" He asked

"One of the many universes, in the multiverse, died. Causing a massive explosion of cataclysmic proportions. Otherwise known as a big bang. When the big bang occurred, it caused a few minor tears in the universes surrounding it. One of which, unfortunately, was yours." Death explained.

"Still doesn't explain how I ended up in a different universe."

"When you were a child, no more than one or two, you fell through one of these tears. Where you were then found by your adopted parents, who raised you as their own…." Drake's eyes widened. She paused.

".....You didn't know you were adopted?"

"I had a feeling, never thought to actually check though. Whether they were my birth parents or not, they were my parents. They looked after me, Clothed me, and fed me. Gave me more love than I probably deserved, I couldn't thank them enough, even if I had all the time in the world to do so. I can't imagine how much pain I caused them with my death." Drake spoke, smiling sadly. Looking up at death.

"They're alright, right?" He asked.

"They lived happy lives, Drake, I personally looked after them when they passed." Drake's eyes widened once again.

"They died?" Death nodded.

"But, I only just died." It was death's turn to smile sadly. She spoke gently.

"Dearest Drake, time passes differently here. What seems like seconds here, is millions of years elsewhere. Understand?"

Drake nodded dumbly, not quite believing what he'd just heard. Minutes passed before he managed to pull himself out of his thoughts.

"Shall we continue?" She asked. Drake nodded.

"Which universe was I originally from?" He asked. Death laughed, which confused Drake.

"What's so funny?"

"It's just I wish I had a camera to record your face when you find out." She said in between laughing.

"So which universe is it?" He asked grumpily.

Death finally pulled herself together enough to answer.

"The teenwolf universe."

Drake's jaw hit the metaphorical floor.

"You're joking?" His face was completely blank.

"Nope." Death popped the 'P' for extra effect.

"So let me get this right. My favourite tv show just happens to be the world I was originally born into?"

"Yep." Death once again popping the 'P'.

"And everything is exactly the same as on the show? The storyline and everything?" He asked, more than a little excited.

"Yep, yeah and yes." she answered.

"What about the characters? Do they all look like their actor counterparts?"

"Yes, though there may be small differences."

"Like?" Drake asks.

"They may look better or worse, depending on how they look on the show. So beautiful people will be, well more beautiful and ugly people will be uglier."

"So no differences in the storyline at all?" he asks.

"Nope, though there obviously will be when I send you back."

"Huh?" Drakes mind short circuits.

"Could you repeat that?" he asks.

"Which part?"

"The last part."

"The 'When I send you back' part?"

"Yeah, that part." He mutters.

"I'll be sending you back to your world." she says with a smile.

Drake just stares at her in confusion.


"Why what?" Death asks.

"Why would you send me back? I've already lived a life. Why send me to live another?" Drake asks, still confused.

"Because young Drake, it wasn't your fault."

"What wasn't?"

"The fact you fell through a tear in the universe when you were a baby. Thankfully, your parents found you, otherwise, you would've died." Death spoke truthfully.

"Okay, but why send me back at all?" He asked

"Truthfully?" She asks.

Drake nods.

"The higher-ups, myself included, viewed your life and despite how you felt about people, and how people treated you, you still tried your best to help the people who needed it. You didn't judge them, you didn't point fingers or laugh, you simply helped. You changed countless lives for the better and you weren't even supposed to be there. For this, the higher-ups and I wish to reward you, as a small token of our appreciation." Death explained.

Drake nodded.

"When you put it like that, I guess I can't help but understand….." He paused and bowed toward Death.

"...Thank you." For the first time ever, Drake shed a single tear.

"There's no need to thank us Young Drake, you deserve this." Death smiled gently toward him.

Drake wiped his eyes and spoke.

"So how does this work?"

"Well, first things first, I need to explain a few things."

Drake nodded.

"So first thing, in your world you were born a werewolf…"

"What? I was born a werewolf?!?" Shouted Drake.

"....YES, now if you let me continue…" Drake nodded.

"Like I was saying, you were born a werewolf, not just any werewolf mind you, a royal werewolf. You have quite a few abilities that normal werewolves don't, here's a list." With a click of her fingers a list was in Drake's hand. Somehow he could read it, even in the darkness.




- Superhuman Speed (Can be upgraded due to reactive adaptation)

- Superhuman Strength (Can be upgraded due to reactive adaptation)

- Superhuman Senses (Can be upgraded due to reactive adaptation)

- Superhuman Agility (Can be upgraded due to reactive adaptation)

- Night vision (Can be upgraded due to reactive adaptation)

- Telepathy

- Empathy

- Zoolingualism (Ability to speak to animals)

- Lie detection

- King's presence (Even the strongest Alpha's submit to your presence)

- Shapeshifting

- Born a True Royal Alpha

- Wolf transformations;

-- Royal wolf transformation (Turns into a wolf that's 3 metres tall on all fours)

-- Humanoid Royal wolf transformation (Turns into a humanoid wolf that's 4 metres tall)

-- Full wolf transformation (Turns into a wolf that's 1.5 metres tall on all fours)

-- Humanoid Transformation (Normal teen wolf transformation. Height becomes 7 foot)

-- Minor transformation (Eyes, Claws and teeth. All or separate)

- Instant healing factor (Though it can be controlled to be faster or slower depending on the situation)

- Reactive Adaptation(Always getting stronger(Includes everything), NO MATTER WHAT = No weaknesses) May gain additional abilities due to side effects of reactive adaptation.

- Somewhat invulnerable due to previous abilities. Eventually completely invulnerable.


"That's all of my abilities?" Drake asks, shocked.

"Well, there is one more." Death says nervously.

"What is it?"

"Immortality." Death whispers quietly, so Drake couldn't hear.



"Oh…...Okay....Wait? What? What the hell? I'm immortal?" He shouts.

"Well, yes."

"How?" Drake almost demands.

"The royal werewolf bloodline is the origin of all werewolf bloodlines. However, unlike normal werewolves, they have something extra. The blood of Lycans is running through them. They also have a chance of being immortal, though only a tiny number of royal wolves are ever born and none have become immortal, let alone being born immortal like you."

"Erm okay then, anything else?"

"Well, your abilities will probably grow stronger, the longer you live, also, the abilities on the list are your unique abilities, the common abilities of a werewolf aren't listed because you'll find out about them later and if they are, it just means that they are the original version and not the weakened version, you see in common werewolves. "

"So what now?" Asks Drake.

"All you've got left to do now is pick a reward that you want from, myself and the higher-ups, choose what you'll look like and where you want to be put in the storyline."

"A reward? Anything I want?" He asks unsure.

"Yes, one big reward and one smaller one. Do you know what you want?" She asks. Drake nods.

"Can I have the blink and world travelling ability of Ciri in the witcher and enough money, that no matter how much I spend, I'll never run out? And do I keep my memories?"

Death stopped to think over Drake's choices before giving him an answer.

"So we were always going to let you keep your memories, no point in rewarding you if we didn't. The money reward is easy enough to do, but I've got an alternative for your first reward."

"I'm listening." Drake replied.

"Why don't we just get Ciri to join you?" Death suggested.

"You could do that?" He asked, shocked by the suggestion.

"It's simple enough. Ciri isn't tied to any world due to her ability, so letting her come with you to the teenwolf universe would be kind of a break for her, due to nothing there being anywhere near strong enough to hurt her. Besides, you would still gain the abilities but Ciri would teach you."

"Can we do that then? Would Ciri mind?" Drake questioned. Death smirked.

"Not sure, let's ask her. Ciri?" Death called. An almost silent pop echoed and Ciri appeared.

"I assume you heard all that? Death asked her. Ciri nodded. Drake stood there confused, once again.

"Wait" What?" He tried to understand the situation but was still flabbergasted by how gorgeous Ciri was in real life. Her long ashen white hair fell over her shoulders, which only further complimented her slightly tanned rosy complexion. Her bright green eyes shone in the darkness. Her scar, prominent on her left cheek, somehow added further to her beauty.

Standing at 5 foot 9 (175cm) she was neither too tall nor too short, her body, trained to its absolute physical limit, yet still holding an ethereal beauty, which was enhanced further by the elder blood within her.

Carrying her sword upon her back, made for both an intimidating and beautiful picture.

Seeing his reaction Death couldn't hold back her laughter.

"I think you've broken him Ciri." She said between laughter. Ciri glared at her.

"Lady Death this isn't funny, If he reacts to me like this already, I won't be able to go with him." Ciri uttered sadly. Hearing that, snapped Drake out of his daydream, quickly realising what he'd done he moved to apologise.

"Apologises Lady Ciri, It was my first time seeing you outside of the game. You kind of took me by surprise." Drake blushed slightly at his last comment. Catching him blush, Ciri couldn't help but tease him.

"I understand, you find me hideous because of my scar. I'll understand if you don't want me to come with you." Before she had time to finish, Drake jumped in.

"No, you misunderstand Lady Ciri. I was in shock. I've never seen anyone whose beauty transcends the very meaning of the word...beautiful. Your scar only magnifies your beauty further."

Now it was Ciri's turn to be in shock, Drake's words were genuine, unlike her admirers in the past. His flustered attempt to make her understand, why he was staring, just made him cuter to her.

Death chuckled in the background.

"Alright, Ciri you've had your fun." Ciri pouted at Death for ruining her fun and Drake, glared at Ciri playfully for teasing him.

"That was cruel Lady Ciri." Drake pouted.

"Call me Ciri from now on Drake. We'll be spending a lot of time together." She replied playfully, licking her lips.

Death looked between the two and smiled.

"Back to more serious matters, Ciri, I'm assuming you'll be going with Drake?" She asked.

Ciri nodded.

"Now that, that is sorted. Drake, it's time to choose what you'll look like." Death stated.

A mirror appeared before him, showing him his old appearance only now his eyes were bright gold and appeared to be glowing.

It was at that moment that he realised why he attracted so much attention in his old world. He knew his looks were passable, but every time he looked in the mirror, something felt off, now he knew what, his eyes.

Looking at himself now was completely different. His body, tightly thread with muscle gave him a primal feel of pure unadulterated power; yet still retaining a beauty that would make many weak at the knees. His canines sharpened to a point, cheekily flashing themselves every chance they got. His once black hair, was now pitch black with some subtle streaks of gold running through it.

His golden eyes staring back at him held a familiarity that he hadn't felt in the past. Happy with his appearance he asked for Ciri and Death's opinions.

"What do you think about me keeping this appearance? It's passable, right?" He looked between Ciri and Death.

"It's more than just passable." Muttered Ciri, stopping herself from drooling. While Death nodded.

"I'm sure you'll have all the girls chasing you."

"He better not!" Growled Ciri, a little possessively, a glint of jealousy flashing through her eyes.

"You can choose your height later, as you can use your shapeshifting ability to alter your height." Drake nodded, though he'd settled on around 6 foot to 6 foot 5, for his height.

"What about my eyes as a wolf? What colour will they be?" Drake asked.

"They will be red like a true alpha's, maybe a little brighter. Why? Would you like to alter them?" Questioned Death.

"Can you do that? Any way I want?"

Death nodded.

"Can they be like my namesake? Like a dragon's?" He asked.

"Hmm, that shouldn't be a problem."

Drake looked back toward the mirror, his eyes now glowing red. However, this time rather than a normal pupil, his eyes were slitted like a dragon's. Glowing a malicious red, they looked intimidating to anyone who looked into them. Death sneakily smiled to herself after changing his eyes. though changing Drake's eyes was simple for her, it wasn't as simple as just changing the appearance. Death had added a little something into Drake's bloodline to accommodate the change.

That little something....The Bloodline of dragons.

She couldn't help but look forward to seeing how it would change her little Drakey.

Looking at his appearance, Drake nodded to himself. They were perfect. What he didn't see was Ciri's eyes boring into him, suddenly looking like she'd spotted some very tasty prey.

"Now, all that's left is for you to pick when to enter the storyline and your backstory. If it wasn't obvious already, I'll be placing you in beacon hills."

Drake couldn't help but giggle at the news. All that was left was for him to pick when to enter the story and they could begin their adventure.

First time writing. Please enjoy.

PalerThanPorcelaincreators' thoughts