
Supernatural Symphony

Supernatural Symphony~ A world where humans and supernatural powers coexist maintaining a balance, filled with mysteries of nature. Starts a story of Melvin , a young boy with a playful and carefree demeanor, possesses an extraordinary gift. Despite his humorous and lighthearted nature, Melvin has battled with depression and loneliness before his journey to Arcane Haven. Hopes to find a new way of life in his new place Arcane Haven, what challenges he will face? Well let's find out-

MehulRoy22 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Vampire Party

Chapter 8: Vampire Party

Peaceful night in Arcane Haven

9:15 pm

Leo is busy reading an animal encyclopedia, engrossed in the details of various species. Meanwhile, Melvin is immersed in his world, wearing headphones and singing along to his favorite songs.

Melvin (singing loudly): "Am on my knees while am beggin', cuz I don't wanna lose youuuuu... Hey yeah~... Ratatata... Am beggin', beggin' youuuuu...Put your loving hand out, baby~"

Leo, growing increasingly annoyed by the noise, attempts to focus on his reading.

Melvin (sings with enthusiasm): "Des...pa...cito, quiero raspirar tu ceolo despacito~ I dunno the rest of the lyrics-o~ But still I try to singit-sooo~ Des-pa-cito~~"

Leo's patience finally reaches its limit, and he takes decisive action by swiftly throwing Melvin out of their room.


(He slams the door shut)

Melvin (chuckles): "Ah geez, guess I disturbed him quite a lot, huh? Well, let's go roam around a little..."

Melvin decides to take a leisurely walk, allowing Leo to read in peace and finding solace in the tranquility of the night.

Melvin started roaming around in the campus, enjoying the tranquility of the late-night scene. The empty pathways and the calm ambiance of the night had a soothing effect on his mind.

As he strolled, he reached a serene lake that glittered under the moonlight. The reflection of the stars on the water's surface created a mesmerizing sight. Melvin paused to take in the view, lost in his thoughts.

Melvin (whispering to himself): "What a beautiful sight... This place is so different from my hometown. No pollution, no chaos, no late-night jerks roaming around..... just peace."

Melvin lost in his thoughts, takes a seat in chair nearby and start talking to himself while looking towards lake.

Melvin: "How long.. is it been since i felt so happy and free.

You noticed it too right melvin, since you came here, your depressed and lonely self seems gone.....     You made your first friends.. who are better than any person you have ever met...."

While he was busy in his thoughts, a sudden movement in the distance caught his attention. A dark, swift figure flew across the sky near the lake. It was far so he couldn't recognise what it was.

Melvin (intrigued): "Huh! What... Is that?"

*That figure disappeared swiftly*

"It was too big and fast to be a bird... Almost ...looked like something humanoid...Could it be a student?"

Mia's voice: "Talking to yourself, Melvin?"

Mia's sudden appearance behind him startled Melvin.

Melvin (surprised): "Waah!! Mia! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

Mia (chuckles): "Sorry, I saw you lost in thought, so I thought I'd say hi."

Melvin: "Oh, no problem. I was just admiring the lake. By the way, what are you doing here at this hour?"

Mia: "Oh, I was just coming back from the library. Lost track of time while reading, as usual...hehe."

Melvin: "Oh library? You visit there daily?"

Mia: "Yup, books are my first love after all."

Melvin: "Nice, you really are a bookworm."

Mia (laughs): "Guilty as charged. But hey, everyone has their interests."

Melvin(laughs): "No wonder why leo calls you nerd."

Mia: "And you didn't told? What you doing here this late?"

Melvin(explaining about leo): Well...."bla bla bla bla".

Mia: "Oh haha, so leo got annoyed by your singing. Uff that guy, he could just come in library if he wants to read"

Melvin: "Hehe.. not his fault, my singing sucks anyways."

Mia: "So that's why you decided to roam around campus huh!"

*Melvin remembered about the thing he saw*

Melvin: Oh yeah and btw.. just now i seen something unusual flying above lake in far...

Mia: "Unusual? You like what?"

Melvin: "Am not sure, but it seemed way bigger and faster than bird... It was in distance so idk..

Can any student fly from academy?"

Mia: Yes... Many students, students from fairy race and from 2nd and 3rd year humans can fly too...."

Melvin: "Oh.. but who would it be at this time"

Mia: Ya... Its not allowed either to take flight at this hour in academy, well... Who knows....., and you wanna roam around campus more?"

Melvin: "Oh yeah sure"

Mia: Sure thing. I can show you some interesting places around here.

As they ventured forth, Mia revealed various aspects of the campus that melvin didn't seen till now. The theater's grandeur, the allure of the swimming pool, the vibrancy of the mall, clubs, and the vast expanse of the sports stadium left Melvin in awe.

Melvin (impressed): "This campus is astonishingly vast, it have almost everything !"

Mia: "Indeed, they've tried to provide every facility within the campus boundaries, so students don't have to go outside of campus."

While venturing, they came near a building, glowing inside with much noise coming.

Melvin: "What's that commotion coming from that building?"

Mia: Oh, you didn't heard of it yet, that's the Blood Bar. It's a place exclusively for vampire parties.

Melvin's eyes widened at the mention of "vampire party."

Melvin: "Wait, did you say "vampire party"? And a "Blood Bar"? Campus even have that!?"

Mia (amused): "Yes, it might sound ominous, but it's actually quite harmless. Vampires gather there for daily for their blood party. But don't worry they only consume synthetic blood."

Melvin: (relieved) Synthetic blood, oh yeah i heard about it I guess. But still it gives me creeps."

Mia (teasingly): "You're not scared, are you, Melvin? Want to check it out?"

Melvin (exclaims): 'What? Are you serious, Mia? They will suck us up!!"

Mia: Come on, don't be such a scaredy-cat! Let's go in, it'll be fun.

*Mia starts dragging melvin, while melvin tries to struggle*

Melvin (protests): "No way, Mia!!! You want both of us dead!!" 😱

Mia (persistently): "Relax! They won't bite. Well, not literally."

Melvin (resisting): "Ahh! I don't want to become an entrée on the vampire menu!"

Just as Mia continued her attempts to convince Melvin, the door of the Blood Bar unexpectedly swung open.

Door slowly creaks open, revealing Kaya stumbling out with a slightly tipsy expression on her face and one bottle in hands.

Melvin and Mia exchange surprised glances before blurting out:

Melvin and Mia: "Kaya!"

Kaya blinks a few times before breaking into a grin.

Kaya: "Oh my! I knew i heard someone outside! But didn't expected to see you two melvy~!!"

Mia can't help but interject with a teasing tone:

Mia: (teasingly) "Heh? "Melvy," huh? That's a funny nickname you gave."

Kaya simply giggles, her words slightly slurred:

Kaya: "Yes mia,*hiccup*. After all, he's my friend now, nya~"

As Kaya approaches, getting a little too close for comfort, Melvin's nervousness becomes palpable.

Kaya: "Ah! It truly warms my heart to see you here, Melvy~"

Melvin (nervous): "Heh, well, we were just taking a walk by..."

Kaya raises a slightly inebriated eyebrow:

Kaya: "Taking a walk at this time? *Hiccup* Mia, what were you planning to do with Melvy at this hour?"

Mia remains unfazed by the double meaning question.

Mia: Nothing, Kaya. Melvin just wanted to explore the campus.

Melvin (thinking): "Why does she sound like we were up to something bad" -_-?

Kaya's voice takes on a playful tone:

Kaya: "Oh, I see. So you wanted to explore, Melvy~ giggles Nya~ why didn't you call me then? Well Come inside then, we'll have fun" *hiccup*

Melvin's panic starts to rise as he tries to explain:

Melvin (panicking): "Wait, hold on! I can't go in! I need to go!"


Kaya chuckles, a mischievous glint in her eye:

Kaya: "Uff, don't be like that, Melvy~ We like having more guests, *whispering* especially someone like you~"

As Kaya's words continue to swirl around in his head, Melvin's panic escalates:

Melvin (frantic): "Uh, I appreciate the offer, but I'll have to pass! I'm feeling a bit under the weather and need some rest!"

Kaya tilts her head, bemused:

Kaya: "What happened melvy~ you look stressed out! Ok come in with us, we will suck all your-- *Melvin cuts in between word and Ran shouting*

Melvin(Runs away): AAAAAAAA!!!

Kaya's confusion is evident:

Kaya(confused): "Huh? What happened to him? I was going to say, we will suck all your stress.., vampires are good acupuncture massagers after all..."

Kaya's attention shifts to Mia as she playfully asks:

Kaya: "Well..., Mia, do you wanna join?"

Mia shakes her head with a knowing grin:

Mia: "Nah, i will pass, i was just saying that to tease him, haha,

Thanks for asking though, but some other night. I'm wiped out. Catch you later!"

Kaya waves her hand, slightly unsteady:

Kaya: "Alrighty then, take care, dear Mia!"

Kaya turns back toward the blood bar, presumably to continue her revelry.

Mia's laughter echoes in the corridor as she departs:

Mia (amused): "Well, looks like melvin ain't getting good sleep today..."

Meanwhile, melvin rushes into the dorm room, door slams open, and a breathless Melvin bursts in, his heart racing.

Melvin (panting): "I thought I was done for back there!"

Then he notices Leo in the room, with some red liquid in his mouth.

The two lock eyes in a brief, comical standoff.


Leo shouts awkwadly: "Huh? What the hell, man! It's just some sauce from the burger I ordered!"

"Leo lets out an exasperated sigh and clears the confusion"

Leo: "Seriously, dude? How you get scared of every single thing i do!?"

As the night grew darker, the unexpected encounter with Kaya left Melvin both relieved and bewildered. Back in his room, the tense moment with Leo and the harmless truth about the red liquid brought a humorous end to an eventful day. Little did Melvin know, his adventures at Arcane Haven were far from over.

To be continued ~