
Supernatural Symphony

Supernatural Symphony~ A world where humans and supernatural powers coexist maintaining a balance, filled with mysteries of nature. Starts a story of Melvin , a young boy with a playful and carefree demeanor, possesses an extraordinary gift. Despite his humorous and lighthearted nature, Melvin has battled with depression and loneliness before his journey to Arcane Haven. Hopes to find a new way of life in his new place Arcane Haven, what challenges he will face? Well let's find out-

MehulRoy22 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

First Battle experience

Chapter 5: First battle experience

As the fight continues,

Kris comments, "You've got some reflexes, Melvin. Throwing a punch right after blocking my punch. But aren't you going to use your telekinesis?"

Melvin responds, "Sure, if you say so...."

Melvin employs his telekinesis to launch Kris into the air, and then to out of ring but ofcourse kris easily teleport back to the ground safely.

Kris smirks, saying, "Aha! Thanks for the floating experience, but that won't work on me."

Melvin in mind: (Well, that was expected.)

*Kris dashes towards Melvin once more.*

Melvin in mind:  (The same move again? I must try different technique now)

Melvin uses his hand to release a force towards Kris, executing a gravity push.


The powerful force is felt by everyone present.

However, Kris manages to dodge once more using his teleportation.

Appearing right behind Melvin and landing a punch to his face. "Thups"~

Direct punch in face isn't easy to handle but melvin manages to maintain his balance and quickly retaliates with a kick, which Kris evades again by moving back.

*Melvin's friends observe with a hint of worry as they see Melvin struggling.*

Kris boasts: "Boom! I won the first hit."

Melvin responds calmly, "Yeah, you're good. But don't celebrate just yet."

Kris chuckles: "Considering your telekinesis won't work on me, surrendering might be your best option, don't you think?"

Melvin remains resolute: "No thanks, I'm fine."

Kris replies: "Fine, suit yourself."

While this melvin takes his time to strategize in his mind: (Hehehe... i think,..... i know what to do now, I've noticed something about Kris. Everytime he teleports behind me and lands a hit on me, he doesn't teleport immediately again to avoid my counterattacks. He physically steps back. This must mean his teleportation power has a cooldown. Time to put that to use.)

With confidence, Melvin extends both his hands this time to increase range of gravity push, releasing a larger area of gravitational force.

Melvin executes the move: *Gravity push!!*

Kris teleports to evade the attack, appearing behind Melvin once again.

Right that moment melvin in mind: As expected from kris, his main strategy is always attacking suddenly from behind.

Melvin confidently exclaims: "Haha, got you now!"

In this strategic moment, as Kris teleports behind him, Melvin immediately lands a punch on Kris's face before he can react with another teleport.

The students are amazed by the unexpected turn of events. Melvin's friends are particularly impressed.

Aria cheers: "Yes! He landed a punch!"

Mia :"Impressive! Melvin predicted Kris's move and manipulated him to teleport where he wanted!"

Melvin modestly states, "And now we're even."

Kris regains his composure and rubs his face, admitting: "Guess

..... I underestimated you huh. But I won't do this mistake again you know."

Melvin assures him: "Oh don't worry, now i know how to make you surrender too. You have a cooldown period on your power, right? About 2 seconds or something?"

Annoyed, Kris responds: "What!! So you've figured that out."

Kris challenges, "But that won't help you. I won't teleport to the same position every time."

Melvin responds calmly: "Yeah, I've already anticipated that." (Guess i have to use wide range attack now)

Melvin turns to Professor Alistair and asks: "Sir, can I disrupt the stadium ground a little?"

Alistair reassures him: "It's not a problem. Go ahead; don't let surroundings hold you back."

Melvin's question piques the curiosity of the other students, leaving them wondering about his next move.

With a determined smile, Melvin slowly lifts his hand up, extracting small boulders from the ground using his telekinesis. Many different size rocks and rubble floats in air with just command from melvin.

Everyone spectating starts muttering in amazement.

Mia, watching from the sidelines, exclaims: "Wow! That's amazing! Melvin really is something!"

Aria, concerned, notes: "But that's likely putting a lot of strain on his brain."

Mia is surprised: "Really?"

Aria explains: "Lifting heavy objects can strain the brain. I know from trying it myself. He can't hold it for much."

Melvin then addresses Kris: "So, if you step out of the ring, you lose, right? Heheh well, you can't teleport anywhere inside the ring now. Only choice is outside of it if you wish to not get hit."

*Melvin begins to spin those boulders so fast around the ring using his telekinesis, which also creates dusts and stream of air starts to flow throughout the stadium*

Kris struggles to evade the boulders, using his teleportation to dodge, but he's still getting hit as boulders are spinning so fast.

Growing frustrated, Kris mutters: "Ugh, this guy is unbelievable. I need to stop him."

Melvin in mind: (Thanks to the 2 seconds cooldown he have, he can't use it immediately to evade boulder, my attack won't do anything otherwise!

But problem is i can't keep spinning boulders for much longer!! Knowing him he won't surrender, but i have plan for that too..... Hope it works.)

Suddenly, Kris spots a small spot near Melvin's left where the boulders aren't coming.

Kris: (That spot..., no boulders coming there, i can teleport there, another punch in his face should stop this damn boulder spinning.)

Leo notices the spot and tries to warn Melvin, but Mia stops her.

Mia signals Leo to wait, saying, "Just wait and watch. I think that spot is intentional."

Mia's observation piques Leo's interest.

Melvin taunts Kris, "So, are you considering surrendering?"

Kris defiantly responds, "Not a chance!"

Kris teleports to the spot, intending to attack.

Melvin triumphantly declares, "Gotcha!"

As Kris teleports in left spot of Melvin sees his left hand already facing towards him, Melvin executes a "gravity push" immediately, launching Kris instantly out of the ring.

Kris gets launched slightly far out of ring and fells in ground while drifting.

Melvin's inner monologue reveals his strategic thinking: (I intentionally created that spot to make Kris teleport there. This way, I can throw him out of the ring. Knowing that he wouldn't surrender easily, and that I couldn't maintain the boulder spinning for long, so only had this option.)

Alistair whistles, signaling the end of the duel and Melvin's victory.

The students are amazed, and their cheers fill the arena as Leo rushes over to congratulate Melvin.

Feeling a bit dizzy, Melvin sits down, reflecting: "Waaaaaaaghhhh! I can't believe I managed to win. It feels like... I'm not weak." *Happy*

Leo enthusiastically cheers, "YOHOOO! Buddy, you did great! No one expected you to win!"

Melvin, with a slightly dizzy smile, responds: "Thanks a lot, man... *Huff* *huff*

By the way.....

Leo: Hmm!?

Melvin steaming from head: I might collapse any second now, mind bringing some water ?"

Leo is stunned, "Aaaah! Hold up!"

Mia and Aria approach with a water bottle.

Mia offers, "Here, Melvin. Take this."

Melvin gratefully accepts, "Oh! Nice timing mia, thanks."

Aria compliments, "Hey, you did a wonderful job in there. We knew you could do it.

Melvin smiles at aria after taking a sip of water: Ah, hehe thanks aria!

Aria: But you shouldn't have pushed yourself hard you know."

Melvin: Ya... I... Know that 😅

But had to give my first impression here"

Mia congratulates Melvin, "Congrats on your first win, buddy. You might not look like a big brain, but that clever move of yours was really something."

Melvin chuckles, "Eh...Well, I'll take that as a compliment."

Melvin then asks about Kris, concerned, "By the way, is Kris okay? Can you check on him?"

Kris reassures him while walking towards him: "Don't worry, I just got some minor scratches."

Melvin expresses his regrets, "Sorry, dude. I hope it's not too serious."

Kris responds graciously, "Don't apologize. It was a great duel. I shouldn't have underestimated you. I need to improve more.

But next time we face, it won't be easy ok!

Melvin: Yes ofcourse!

Alistair watches the duel with a sense of admiration and pride, mumbling to himself, "This kid... he's truly impressive."

Meanwhile, from a distance, Student Council President Kawaki observes the fight. Adjusting his glasses, he remarks to his assistant,

Kawaki:  "Impressive... Although he still has much to learn. Let's move on."

The assistant responds, "Understood, President."

And so, they continue on their way.

As having his first battle experience, and making a great impression on his classmates.

Its just a beginning for him, more challenges will be reaching him as he continues to learn and improve and handling them is upto him.

**To be continued...**