
Chapter 85

When Lucifer hears Sam pray to him, he hesitates. He's not quite sure he wants to do this with him. It has nothing to do with an emotional attachment — he knows better than to expect that, and he probably wouldn't want it, either. It seems like too much work, not being an asshole all the time.

But he at least wants it to be known that Sam actually can tolerate him. He wants to stick it to Michael and Gabriel, whom he's sure never thought that would be possible. But Sam doesn't want anyone to know, which makes sense because they both know Dean will freak out, but doesn't Lucifer deserve to have a say in this, too?

And he does have a say, really. Not in whether Dean knows, but whether it happens or not. He could just ignore Sam and his request to hang out tonight. It'll make the rest of his stay in the bunker boring as hell, not having anyone to talk to, but maybe it will cut down on the drama, and Chuck will let them out sooner.

But at the same time, thinking over Sam's pep talk about getting people to like him, maybe he should be talking to Sam. It would make this whole thing a bit more fun if he could actually acknowledge people's existence. So maybe...

Eventually, he does decide to go see Sam. He doesn't have an excuse for taking so long, but if Sam asks, he'll just brush it off. It's not like Sam is his babysitter. He doesn't have to know everything going on.

He passes Jo on the way, and he barely looks at her, never mind stopping to bicker. He's vaguely aware of her gaze on him, almost like she wants to say something, but she doesn't.

Lucifer's about to just walk into Sam's room without knocking, but when he hears another voice in there, he decides to stay outside and eavesdrop, because why not?

All he gathers from this conversation between the Winchester brothers is that Sam has no intention of taking Gabriel back, which is possibly the best thing to happen to him since he did the dirty with Sam in that dream the first time, prompting a whole weird possibly-friendship.

When the doorknob twists, Lucifer quickly flies away, waiting until he knows Dean is gone before joining Sam in his room. The boy is lying in bed with his eyes closed, but that couldn't have been enough time to fall asleep, right?

"Lucifer?" Sam guesses, not opening his eyes.

"The one and only," he replies.

Sam sits up and gestures for him to sit down on the bed as well. Just like last time, Lucifer ignores the invitation, leaning against the wall instead.

"You took a while," Sam tells him.

"Well, I don't live to keep you company," Lucifer replies.

"Like you have anything else to do," Sam says sarcastically.

"Well, yeah, that's true," he agrees. "So, how was your day without yours truly? Incredibly long and painful, I'm guessing?"

"You don't even know," Sam replies. "Apparently Dean and Gabriel are friends now."

"Really now?" Lucifer says as if he didn't already hear the two of them talking about that. "And is this a good thing, or...?"

"No, it sucks, because now I have to put up with him, too," Sam explains.

"'Put up with him'?" Lucifer repeats. "I thought you liked the guy."

"Not enough to deal with him anymore," Sam replies. "It's too awkward. I'd rather talk to you instead."

"Well, of course," Lucifer says with a grin. "You love talking to me."

"Keep telling yourself that," Sam says, but it's actually kind of true, as much as he hates to admit it. He'd rather talk to Lucifer than anyone else here. At least Lucifer can't judge him, because anything Sam's done, he's done worse.

"I have to say, I was kinda surprised to hear you this early," Lucifer tells him. "Who goes to bed this soon?

"People with more waiting for them in bed than with everyone else," Sam replies.

"Aw, Sammy, I'm honored," Lucifer says teasingly. 

"Yeah, yeah," Sam replies, rolling his eyes. Before they can lapse into silence, he asks, "So what have you been doing all day?" Lucifer never came back to the war room, which is where everyone else was, so there isn't too much he could have done.

He shrugs. "Watched TV. Played video games."

"So you turned into the nerdiest boy in high school?" Sam substitutes. "Nice, Lucifer."

"Okay, I'm not a nerd, first of all," Lucifer tells him.

"No, you're right. That would involve being smart."

Lucifer scoffs. "Well, gee, thanks, Sam," he says sarcastically. "Really glad I've got you on my side."

Sam can't help but grin at that. "Oh, any time, Lucifer. Any time."

Lucifer bitch faces him. "You know, I could just walk away right now and leave you here alone for the next few hours."

"Don't you dare," Sam says immediately.

"Give me a reason not to," Lucifer counters.

Sam doesn't hesitate, standing up and walking over to him. Lucifer smirks, knowing exactly where this is going before it happens. Their lips meet, and you can use your imagination for the rest.