
49. My Love is Gonna Be Enough

Kara jolted from the pleasure of her dream of Lena fucking her, into the cold reality of her best friend leaning over her worriedly, the bed cold and wet with melted ice, and her ankle throbbing. The pain meds that had carried her off to sleep and into such vivid and delicious dreams were wearing off.

"Sorry, Luce, I...didn't mean to wake you."

"No worries, mate. Coach gave us a late start so we can sleeping in a bit. And you'll be sitting on your butt anyway." Lucy reached and felt the soggy wrap around Kara's ankle. "You're melted. Want more ice?"

"Not really, but Alex said I should ice as much as I can stand."

Lucy disappeared down the hall to get more ice. Kara reached for her phone. She knew Lena would likely be in meetings but she couldn't resist reaching out, her dream still burned in her memory.

KD: Had an amazing dream about you.It took a few minutes, but Lena responded to the text.LL: Oh? Please, tell me more.KD: You were here. In my hotel room. On top of me. Kissing me.LL: Was that all?KD: Not even close ;)LL: Do continue.KD: Well, short story - you fucked me. So, so good. Your fingers, your mouth.LL: Did you cum in my mouth?KD: God yes.LL: Such a good baby. Wish I could taste your right now.KD: Oh fuck. Me too.

Just then Lucy came through the door and Kara turned red. She noticed Kara texting and looked at her suspiciously.

"What? I was just saying good night!"


"Well, technically it wasn't night there when I said it last time."

"And it still isn't." Lucy rolled her eyes and started unwrapping Kara's soggy foot and re-wrapping with fresh ice and bandages.

"Please, don't confuse me with the facts." Kara said to Lucy before turning back to her phone.

KD: Sorry, gotta go.LL: OK. Take care of that ankle.Quickly followed by:I love you, Kara.KD: Me too.

Kara set her phone down as Lucy continued to work on her ankle.

"Can you believe it, Lucy?"


"We're really here! Less that a week from the World Cup finals." Kara said in amazement, then with a bit of sorrow. "And I have a bad ankle."

"You'll be ready, Kara. I've seen you come back from worse in less than a week. I know you can do it."

"I have to. But it's going to be a long week."

"You should try to get some sleep."

"Yeah, OK." Kara said, feeling a bit guilty for waking Lucy with her 'nightmare'.

"Thanks for everything, Luce."

"What are besties for?" She said with a wink as climbed over to her own bed.


Lena sat at her desk well past usual working hours. She was fielding a call from the lead of the team she'd charged with finding Lex. They had followed several strong and even many weak leads but still come up with nothing. Following that she had her regular nightly briefing with Mr. Dox.

"Through my research on possible transportation for Mr. Luthor I've discovered flights made by a private plane immediately after he escaped. The plane is owned by a holding company that has had previous business with L-Corp. There is nothing unusual about the flights per se, however, I have not been able to trace all their movements. There were several stops within the US, all accounted for, but there is no record of the final destination for the flight. Typically that is the kind of information I would be able to ascertain."

"Have you looked into the other US stops? Are there any past L-Corp connections?"

"Precisely. That is exactly why I've brought it to your attention. Each stop was geo-located with sites where L-Corp has had holdings in the past. However, most are places that have been relinquished since you became CEO."

"Mr. Dox." Lena tried to keep control of her words as she felt her heart race. "Is there a chance we have missed a site that was producing the biotoxin?"

"Well, Ms. Luthor, it is highly unlikely. According to my calculations, based on your recent actions to destroy all labs and research falling under Mr. Luthor's purview, I believe the chances are only 4.73% that he has access to a lab that would be capable of producing it."

"I see." Lena said, her heart as cold as stone. "That's a bloody long way from zero."

After Mr. Dox departed Lena dialed Sam on her cell.

"Yeah Boss?"

"Hush, Sam. The staff are going to think I insist on being called that."

"The staff won't know because they aren't here."

"Well, I guess that means you still are. Can you stop by?"

"I'm on my way."

Sam appeared moments later in her door.

"Why are you here so late?" Lena asked.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Well, in addition to running a multi-billion dollar company I have a psychopathic brother who may be planning to poison thousands of people at the World Cup next week."

"Lena! What the actual..."

"I don't have any real information on that. Just a lot of circumstantial evidence...and a lot of Luthor history to go by."

"Can you just...back up a few steps?"

Lena let out a long sigh, then began laying out the evidence.


Kara began her week in therapy and rehab, vanquished from practice and stuck doing repetitive drills to strengthen her ankle. She was not happy, to put it mildly.

"Alex, pretty please! Let me just go out on the field. Even just to watch the team. These exercises are beyond boring..."

"'Pretty please?' Haven't heard that one in a while. Kara. We have to do everything in our power to get you out there by Thursday. And that means you have to put your time in here. Not out there, pining over plays you can't make right now."

Before Alex could lay into her further, Sara appeared in the weight room to check up on the patient.

"So, how's it going, Supergirl?" She gave her usual smirk. "Something tells me you are not a Super-patient."

"Very funny, Coach." Kara grumbled. "Tell me, how much would you enjoy having your big sister making you do painful exercises while the rest of your team was out having fun?"

"Well." Sara took a deep breath and looked back and forth between the two sisters before saying more. "My big sister passed away about 10 years ago, and I never found my self in that situation."

Kara and Alex looked at each other with alarm.

"Coach...I'm so sorry. I had no idea." Kara offered.

"It's OK, Kara. I know you didn't know. But please spare me any complaints about your big sister. Who obviously always has your best interests at heart. And is a brilliant doctor to boot."

"I'm sorry. For being a whiny brat."

"You're forgiven. But you've got a lot of work to do." Sara said.

"And you're damn well gonna do it." Alex added, with a wink to Sara.

"Yes, ma'ams." Kara said, touching her forehead in a mild salute. She was no longer feeling whiny, but determined to prove she was worth all their effort and sacrifices.

***That night Lucy made herself scarce to give Kara a chance to talk to Lena.

"So, you'll really be here in 48 hours?" Kara asked. She felt confident in the answer but she just needed to hear it from Lena.

"Absolutely." Lena said without hesitation. She was determined not to worry Kara with anything related to her brother, which could amount to absolutely nothing. Though, as the days went on those chances seemed slim.

"I can't wait to see you."

"Me too, Kara."

"Lena, I just want you to be clear on how it will be once you're here." Kara said with less enthusiasm. "It's not...we won't be able to be...together, really...Coach has been very clear..."

"Of course I know that, Kara." Lena broke in. "I don't expect...I just...I just want to be there when you..." Lena bit her lip before she could say 'when you win.' Instead she added: "when you play in the finals."

"I'm so glad you'll be here. This is one of the biggest moments of my life. Whatever happens." Kara said, gulping down the anxiety that rose up in her throat. "And I'm just glad you'll be near."

"Me too." Lena said wistfully. "Kara, I hope you understand by now that, well, I'm here for the long haul. I'm OK with the traveling and the long distance, and the paparazzi...all of it. I will deal with all of it. Because...well. Because you're worth it. Whatever it takes, I'll be waiting."

Kara felt a bit overwhelmed and unable to respond for several moments.


"Yeah. I'm here. I just...sorry, was having trouble speaking."

At that moment Lucy appeared in her room again and Kara felt she couldn't really express all the feelings flashing through her head.

"I need to go, Lena. I'll be thinking of you." Kara offered.

"Me too, baby."

Kara hit the button to hang up, and sat for several moments looking at her phone, longing to reach through the phone and just touch Lena's hand.


The next day Lena finished up her briefings with her security team on Lex duty, followed by Mr. Dox. There was still nothing conclusive, but she had become more convinced that he was in Australia, or on his way there.

To distract herself she was doing her usual google searches on Kara. She was so deep down the rabbit hole she didn't even notice Sam slip into her office. She leaned against the wall and observed Lena with a smirk.

"Something interesting on the Intertubes?" She eventually spoke up.

Lena jerked in response. "Sam!"

"Sorry. You were so focused, I hated to disturb you. What are you finding so fascinating?"

"Ugh, I've been tracking the media around Kara and the Cup. It's gotten a bit out of hand."

"Oh? What are the saying?"

"It's not so much what they are saying. Really, it's mostly very positive. But did we really need to know her ice cream order from the stand on the beach? Or that she goes to the frozen banana stand an obscene amount of times? That just seems like...no one's business. Why does everyone need to know that?"

"Obviously they don't need to. They just...want to." Sam offered. "What can I say, Lena? You were right. The world is crazy about her. Her coming out only made her more exciting to people. And that's great! Try to think about it from a broader perspective, in terms of what an amazing role model she is for our community."

"Don't get me wrong, Sam. I'm really thrilled about that part of it. What worries me is how much they're invading her privacy. I just...wish I could protect her. All the attention is bound to bring out the crazies. Obsessive types that just want to have a piece of her. I just...she's so far away. So vulnerable."

"She can handle herself, Lena."

"I suppose. But this is all very new to her. And she has no professionals helping her. She's so naïve."

"Well, how about we focus on the details of our trip? In case you've forgotten, we're leaving in less than 24 hours."

"I haven't forgotten." Lena said, giving Sam her most exaggerated eye roll.


By Sunday Alex had agreed to let Kara start joining drills and plays, -but no all-out scrimmaging. By Tuesday she was able to play at about 80% effort. Kara wasn't at all happy with the state of affairs as she made her way into Sara's office after practice.

She offered no preamble as she walked in and began pleading her case.

"Coach, please. I'm ready. I have to start playing 100% tomorrow to show the team I'm ready to start on Thursday."

"Don't talk to me. Talk to your doctor."

"Coach, please!"

"Listen, Kara. You know I want you out there. But I also don't want you hurting yourself further. Trust Alex. She will make her decision based on what's best."

Kara sat sulking on the couch.

"So, do we need to talk more about the fact that one of our major sponsors and your girlfriend is arriving in Sydney tonight?"

"No! We don't, Sara." Kara couldn't stop her mouth from shaping into a pout. "I'm not going to see her! I know the rules."

"Not at all?" Sara said suspiciously.

"Well. Maybe just to say 'hi'?"


"I know players have to sleep in their rooms. And no 'fraternizing' until the Cup is over. But maybe I could just...have a few minutes? I haven't seen her in so long. Please, Sara."

Kara heard the familiarity slip out of her mouth before she could stop it. She watched anxiously whether it would annoy Sara or charm her.

"Fine, Kara. You can say 'hi'. But make sure you aren't observed. You may not be aware, if you aren't googling yourself..."

"Coach!" Kara said, with scandalous shock. "It hasn't been that long..."

"I just mean, if you aren't tracking yourself on social media, well, you are quite the sensation right now. Not only are you a star of the tournament, but you've come out in such a visible way, and you're just...well, I hate to say it, but, you're just fucking charming, Kara! People love you."

Kara looked at her coach with wide eyes, at a loss for words. "Coach, I..."

"Don't- just, don't worry about it, Kara. I wasn't going to say anything because there's nothing you can do about it. But I know you, or at least Lena, doesn't want to end up on the front page of the Herald, or any other rag." Sara took an exasperated breath. "Just...you have to be super careful. No PDA. No contact that you don't want the world to see."

"Of course! No problem, Coach. I will be so careful. And all we're going to do is a quick 'hello'. No need to worry."

"Oh Kara. You really don't know yourself at all, do you? I'm serious about not bringing her to your room. Or going to her room. You're the captain, and you have to respect my rules."

Kara looked at her with wide eyes and nodded with seriousness. "Understood."

"Great. Now please, get the fuck out of here and go tidy up for your brief 'hello' with your girlfriend."

Kara detected Sara's sarcasm but chose to ignore it. "You got it, Coach!" And she was out the door.


That night Kara sat in the bar of the hotel with Lucy, her hair up under a baseball cap that was pulled low over her eyes. She sipped a cranberry and soda and tried to keep calm. She'd just received a text from Lena, her eyes widened.

"So?" Lucy asked.

"She's already in a car and on her way. I guess arriving in a private plane has it's privileges."

"You bet it does." Lucy agreed. "Just...be cool, Supergirl. You look like you're about to jump out of your skin."

"That's exactly what it feels like." Kara agreed. "Lucy, do you see anyone...suspicious-looking in the bar?"

"Suspicious? How do you mean?"

"I mean like, they're watching us. Like maybe they're paparazzi."

"Oh. So you finally 'googled' yourself." Lucy smirked.

"Yeah, I...I think they're watching me everywhere. I had no idea..."

"It's true, media is going mad for you. I've seen some a lot of shots of you around town, obviously taken without you knowing. At least they haven't been in your face with questions. I think they're better here than at home. And there's been nothing scandalous. Just...you getting coffee, or pastries or ice cream..."

"I think I'm sensing a theme here..."

"Yeah, it's true. People do seem especially obsessed with how much you eat..."

"Oh god! Why didn't you tell me about all this?!"

"I didn't want you to start feeling paranoid, or stop doing things you enjoy because you were worried about someone watching, or taking your picture."

"Ugh, I can't believe I've been so oblivious."

"It's not such a bad thing. I wasn't trying to keep you in the dark. I just wanted to let you live in that bubble as long as possible."

"I get it, Lucy. You're trying protect me. But I'm a big girl. I can handle it." Kara said. "And I don't care what they say about me. I just don't want there to be any fall out for Lena."

"You mean fall out if it's discovered she's fuck...sorry, I mean, she's with the most popular woman in America?" Lucy laughed.

"I mean, fall out if her Board finds out she's with a player from the team she pushed them to sponsor - at a very high level!"

"Well, they say no publicity is bad publicity?" Lucy offered. "Just, don't worry about. You need to focus on the matches. Lena can handle the rest, if it comes to that. I'm sure she has a team of people..."

Lucy stopped mid-sentence and said with a bit of awe in her voice. "Well, speak of the devil..."

Kara quickly spun around towards the door to see Lena coming through it. She wore dark sunglasses and her hair was tied up, and was dressed more casually than Kara had ever seen her in public. Clearly she was trying not to draw attention to herself.

Kara was stunned for a few moments until she saw Lena glancing around for her, then she quickly jumped to her feet, and only barely stopped herself from running and picking her up. She was held back by Lucy's tight grip on her wrist, bringing her back to reality.

"Calm down, Kara. Remember what Coach said." Kara looked at her with wide eyes and then took her seat, but turned in her stool to face the door and raised a hand to call Lena's attention. She watched in pleasure as Lena's eyes found hers and lit up in excitement. Lena quickly made her way to the bar.

"Kara." She husked in a low voice, but for once in her life she seemed speechless. She simply took the hand Kara was offering and squeezed it. "So good...to see you."

Kara's voice seemed to finally start to function after several long moments.

"Hello, Lena. You look ahh...it's so good...fuck. I missed you." She said, forcing her hands to her sides and her body not to wrap around Lena's.

"You too. Me too." Lena stammered. "I really need to...Sorry. I rushed over without stopping..."

Her eyes wandered looking for the restrooms.

"Oh! Please, just...they're back there." Kara gestured towards the back of bar. Lena quickly headed that way. Kara couldn't peel her eyes off of her retreating figure. She watched the confident sway of her hips as she moved further away. Suddenly an urge overtook her that she couldn't withstand.

"Lucy, I...I'll be right back." And she was gone before Lucy could reach or and ignored her rambling protests.

Kara burst through the door of the restroom, then paused, realizing how ridiculous she was being. There were three stalls occupied as she turned to the sink and washed her hands, trying to convince herself to leave. But she was powerless to do it, and instead stayed as people from two of the stalls came out, washed up and left.

Kara couldn't make herself follow, and continued to stare into the mirror until at last Lena appeared. Her eyes went wide at the sight of Kara, who spun around to face her. Lena froze in the stall doorway.

"Come here." She said in a low voice that was nearly a growl.

Without instruction from her brain, Kara's body moved towards Lena, who was pushed back from the momentum of Kara.

"Oof." Lena let out, as she wrapped her arms around her, barely able to reach the stall door to push it closed.

After that they were completely wrapped in each other, no distance between them, arms wrapped tight. Kara burrowed her nose into Lena's neck, breathing in deeply and nuzzling her pulse point. Lena chastely kissed the side of her hair.

"'M' sorry, I...couldn't help but follow you." Kara finally managed, her breathing getting heavy. "I just need to hold you. Even if just for a minute."

"It's OK, Kara. I've been longing to see you. Away from prying eyes..."

"I promised Coach I would stick to the rules. I can't stay with you, and you can't stay with me, and there is no 'fraternizing'..."

"I know all that, Kara. Remember we talked about all this?"

"Yeah, I just, I think I'm just reminding myself not to try anything crazy. It's just that I..."

In the next moment Lena leaned back to look into Kara's eyes and put her finger across Kara's lips.

"Shhh." Lena whispered and Kara stopped her rambling. "It's just a few days. And after the Cup we'll be together. And I'm going to take such good care of you, Kara. I'm going to worship every inch of you..."

Kara closed her eyes, her body longing for Lena, feeling wonderfully surrounded in her scent in the small space. Lena's finger was still against her lips and Kara kissed it gently.

Lena's breath hitched at the touch of her lips, and Kara's eyes flashed. She opened her mouth to suck Lena's finger inside, wrapping it tightly in her mouth, dragging her teeth over the tip. Kara felt it was all happening against her will, but when Lena moved to take back her hand Kara grasped it.

Lena let out a gasp as Kara began to tease her finger with her tongue. Lena's eyes burned inside her skull at the sight.

"Kara, this isn't helping..." She said in a plaintive tone.

Kara immediately let Lena's finger escape her mouth and released her hand, as if coming to her senses but then pointed out, "Well, no one said we couldn't have a quick kiss."

She gave Lena her best pleading pout and looked into her eyes. In the next moment their lips crashed together, at last. Kara felt like she had been weeks in a desert and was finally getting a taste of water. She could feel her body responding with joy and need as she felt a low rumble within Lena's chest.

Their bodies were once again wrapped around each other. Their mouths were a tangle of tongues and teeth as Kara delved deeper, demanding more and getting it from Lena as she opened herself up more fully. Kara pushed forward, trying to be closer until she had Lena pressed up against the stall.

Her body felt like it was in overdrive and out of her control. Kara pressed her hips forward and gasped at the feeling of Lena growing hard against her. She moaned as she pulled back to gasp for breath before leaning back in and whispering in her ear.

"Please. Let me suck your cock." As she reached between them towards the top of Lena's pants.

Just then they heard the bathroom door open and both women froze, looking at each other with wide eyes.

"Sorry, I..." Kara stepped back, adjusting Lena's clothes which had become disheveled.

"No apologies, Kara. We'll have our chance. Just a few more days." Lena whispered as she took Kara's hand reassuringly, then added.

"And just so you know, the next time we're together again, you'll be the first one getting sucked off." Lena whispered with an evil smirk. "I'm going to go down on my knees for you, Kara."

"Not helpful." Kara closed her eyes against the extremely hot imagery running through her mind.

Lena chuckled and reached down to pick up Kara's hat. which had been knocked off in the scuffle. She pulled it snugly back on to her head.

"Great disguise, by the way." Lena grinned. "But you're positively adorable in this cap, and probably only drawing more attention to yourself."

"Lena..." Kara pouted.

"Let's go, love." Lena said. "And thanks for the lovely welcome to Sydney."

"Well, you are most welcome..." Kara chuckled as she turned to release the stall door.

As the door swung open both women froze at the sight in front of them. Sara Lance, leaning against the sink and with her usual smirk.

"Good evening, ladies. Enjoying your 'quick hello'?"

Oh. Fuck.