
34. Drowning in the Night

The flashing lights gained on them as Kara tucked Lena into her pants and very carefully zipped her up. Lena was steering to the side of road to come to a stop. As the officer approached the vehicle Kara attempted to fix her face and hair in the visor mirror.

"Open the windows!" Kara hissed. Lena immediately rolled down all the windows, realizing there would likely be an incriminating scent when he reached the vehicle. A few moments later a very tall patrol officer was peering in her window.

"Good evening, ladies." He announced with a smug look at the sight of two beautiful women. Lena thought she saw the exact moment the look of recognition passed across his face as he ascertained the situation. The slight smug smile disappeared immediately.

"I...I assume you know...um, why I'm pulling you over." He stammered. Lena watched as the wheels in his head were spinning to try to understand the situation while Lena continued looking straight ahead down the road. Kara held her breath waiting for her to respond.

"I'm sorry, Officer. If you could please explain, I would be forever in your debt." Lena said wickedly.

"You...I..." He continued to stammer while looking back and forth between the two women. "I mean, you. You...were speeding."

"Sir, I'm sure you're aware that this car would have notified me if I was exceeding the speed limit." Kara looked at Lena in surprise, and Lena gave her a wink. Clearly she was not too worried.

"Ma'am I...assure you that you were over the limit."

"Officer, I'm sure that you're aware that these so called 'speed guns' are inaccurate 1 out of every 10 times they are used. Truly, I think this is one of those occasions. As I've said, the car's computer would have warned me if I was going too fast, and, of course, I would have immediately slowed to the proper speed."

"I clocked you 2 times, and the second time was faster than the first. You were speeding up."

"Sir, do you have documented proof of these 'clockings'? I'm going to need that proof for the case I'll be bringing."

"You're bringing...a case?"

"I'm sorry, but there's clearly been a mistake. I'll be asking my lawyers to look into this." Lena sighed. "Have you had any other mistaken traffic stops? Is there anything on your record that could pose a problem? They will need to look into that as well."

"Ma'am, I'm sure that's not necessary. This is a clear case of speeding, and a simple ticket. If you don't have a record it won't even change your insurance rates."

"Insurance rates? The cost of insurance isn't my concern. I'm more worried about this injustice that's being done against my character."

"Ma'am, it's just a speeding ticket."

"If it's 'just a speeding ticket', then why must you issue it when it's clearly a mistake?"

"But it's not a mistake!"

"And that's why I need to get my lawyers involved. I'm sure they can get to the bottom of this. I just hope there's nothing else that you would prefer they didn't learn."

The officer's eyes went wide and he fell silent for a few moments. "No, I...I can see this is clearly upsetting you. And that you never intended to speed."


"I suppose...I can let you off with a warning."

"Thank you, officer. I would be forever indebted to you." Kara watched as Lena flashed her brilliant smile at him.

"I'll still need your driver's license and registration."

"Are you absolutely sure about that? You've been so kind, and I really hate to use up more of your time. If you just let us move along I will be extremely careful about my speed. You have my word. You will never need to worry about me again."

This time Lena brought out her full wattage charm smile and Kara could tell he was helpless against it.

"OK, I suppose just this once..."

"You're a star! Thank you very much, officer."

The man stood for a few more moments before backing away, looking a bit dazed.

"Goodnight!" Lena called as she began to pull away.

"Lena!" Kara gasped. "How did you do that?"

"Old Jedi mind trick." She smirked.

"But why not just pay the ticket? Are you worried about your record?"

"Honestly, I'm more worried about your record. If he looked at my license and recognized my name, what a story he would have to tell! He clearly had a good idea what was going on when he pulled us over. If he recognized my name he would have looked more closely at you as well. It just wasn't worth the risk."

"You could charm the skin off a snake if you wanted to."

"Something about the way he smiled at us before he realized we were up to more than speeding, just seemed...off. The guy is not completely above board himself, you can tell by the way his eyes went wide at the thought he might be investigated."

"I can see why you're so successful. You can read people like a book."

Lena chuckled but kept her eyes on the road.

"One more question. Why didn't the car warn you about going to fast? You can't have been going the speed limit."

"Well, I disabled that function as soon as discovered it. I can't have a car telling me what to do."

Kara chuckled and Lena drove on, this time staying under the speed limit. Kara seemed anxious about the incident and kept her hands to herself for the rest of the ride.

They managed not to touch until they were safely inside the elevator to Lena's penthouse. Leaning against the wall on the long ride up Lena reached for Kara's hand and pulled her so they were facing each other.

"Thanks for coming home with me." Lena reached and moved her fingers along Kara's jaw. "All week I've been dreaming of making love to you...falling asleep with you in my bed, and waking up to you."

"That sounds like a dream to me." Kara said, cupping Lena's hand against her lips and kissing her palm.

"Do you need to be anywhere in the morning? Any alarms need to be set?"

"No." Kara grinned. "Tomorrow I just want to spend as much time as I can with you. Tomorrow night I...well, I have practice on Sunday, so..."

"So we'll make the most of our day together."

Kara nodded and smiled, a bit sadly. "Thanks for understanding." She teased her fingers into Lena's hair and pulled her close for a gentle kiss.

"There's no need to thank me. Now I'm going to show you what making the most of our time together is all about. And I'm going to wipe that sadness from your smile."

Kara grinned broadly as Lena moved back in to kiss her, just as the elevator dinged to a halt. Lena ignored it and eased their lips together for a chaste kiss.

"The beauty of having the penthouse is that no one else is using this elevator." She leaned in again. Kara happily received her lips. They were in no hurry to go anywhere and lingered over their kiss as the doors stood open. Kara teased her hands around Lena's sides and around to her back, pulling her in closer as she deepened the kiss. Lena pressed Kara against the elevator wall and their tongues met, exploring each other slowly like they had all the time in the world, kissing deeply until they were breathless.

Lena laughed as she pulled back for air. "Maybe we should go inside. We do have somewhat of a history with elevators."

Kara chuckled and stood up from where she was leaning against the elevator wall. "Well, I guess you know by now that I'll take you anywhere I can get you."

A quiet rumbling sound escaped Lena's chest as she took Kara's hand and led her out of the elevator, but immediately turned on her as the doors closed. Lena gripped Kara's waist and eased her back against the closed doors of the elevator to continue what she'd started. Kara draped her arms over Lena's shoulders and smiled into the kiss.

"I can never get enough you, Kara. You're like an addiction to me."

"You can have all of me." Kara husked into her mouth. Kara teased her tongue into Lena's mouth, encouraging her deeper. Lena's body was now pressing her more tightly. She realized she needed to slow things down before she ended up fucking her against the wall. She reminded herself that she wanted to take her time and savor every moment they had. Before she could say that she was jarred out of her reverie by a voice coming from the living room.

"Lena! I'm sorry to interrupt, sis. It sounds like you are a bit...busy. But this really can't wait."

Both women froze at the sound, but Lena didn't turn and kept her eyes on Kara.

"Kara, please go ahead to my room. I'll join you as soon as I can." Kara was looking at her with wide eyes. She glanced over Lena's shoulder and then nodded, disappearing down the hall.

Lena spun around in time to watch Lex walk into the foyer. She hoped he hadn't gotten a good look at Kara before she left.

"Lex. What in the actual hell are you doing here?"

"Do you mean why am I not in Arkham?"

Lena just starred at him. Anger was boiling up inside her and she was trying not to say something she would regret.

"Well, it seems that I'm cured. I've been released under my own recognizance."

"That's impossible, I just spoke to the director a week ago..."

"Oh, right, the director. He's probably enjoying some of the windfall money he's come into recently. Honestly, I don't think he's with the institution any longer."

Lena fumed and tried to understand how this was possible. She was busy calling the direct line of Arkham's director. She tried to remain cool when the operator explained the number was no longer in service.

Next she dialed her mother, who picked up right away. She was angry but not overly surprised to learn that Lillian already knew all about Lex's release. Probably she helped arrange the payoff. Lena thought to herself. Her mother was anxious to figure out where Lex might be and when Lena explained she was looking right at him her mother demanded to speak with him. Lena assured her she would tell him to call and hung up before her mother could respond.

"Call your mother." Lena said with disdain.

"Don't you mean 'our' mother?" Lex said, his lips curling into a wicked smile before changing the subject. "I truly am sorry for interrupting your evening. Your friend is lovely. She seems so familiar...Have I met her before?"

Lena was seething and trying to think of the fastest way to get rid of him, desperate that he not recognize Kara.

"I doubt it. She doesn't run in our usual circles." She knew that if she reacted strongly to his interest in Kara it would only make him more curious. And if he learned who she was he wouldn't hesitate to use it against her.

"Slumming it, are we Lena?"

Lena took a deep breath, and managed to control her urge to wrap her hands around his neck. She knew Lex loved getting under her skin and she didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"Lex, if you've just been released, why are you here? Have you nothing better to do?"

"What can I say? I missed you, sis."

"I don't believe you. What do you want?"

"OK, I can see it's not a good time for a reunion. I just wanted to let you know that I'm back. I'm back and I'm ready to engage at Luthor Corp again."

"We're called L-Corp now. And we're doing just fine. There's no reason for you to add to your stress load just as you're getting out. You should take it easy. Why not go to that island you love so much? Saddleback Cay?"

"Very funny. No, I've had enough down time. I'm ready to get back in the mix. And I'm very concerned about the new direction of the company."

"Lex, if you'll come to my office on Monday we can discuss this in detail." Lena didn't dare say more, she was already on a knife's edge holding herself back from going full Luthor on him.

"Of course. Obviously you have something...someone...important to do." He said with a smug smile.

Lena refused to take the bait. "Call my assistant. I have a full schedule but I will arrange something if you can come on Monday."

"How kind of you." Lex said with irritation. "To take time out of your busy schedule."

"Goodnight, Lex."

Lex stood for several moments, clearly reluctant to go, but eventually started to walk towards the elevator.

"Until Monday." He said as he stepped into the elevator. "Oh, and give my regards to Kara Danvers. She was spectacular in the championship match. I'd love to meet her at a more...opportune time."

Lena felt her blood run cold as the elevator doors closed.

Oh. Fuck.