
3. But If You Try Sometimes...

Lena was looking down, not completely believing her eyes. Her beautiful blonde seatmate was somehow on her knees, looking up at her with the most guileless expression, asking if she could suck her cock.

Lena tried to get a grip on herself, willing the wine and hormones out of her system. She tried to remember all the reasons this was a horrible, no good, very bad idea. But her thoughts were lost in a haze of pheromones and desire. What could possibly be more important, more desirous, than having the omega's mouth on her? There was nothing she wouldn't risk in that moment.

"Yes." Lena rasped out, barely audible. "Please..."

The woman quickly moved her hands up to the button of Lena's pants. She kept her hands carefully under the blanket that Lena had put in her lap, feeling her way. Lena could see everyone was asleep, but could that last? She couldn't bear the thought of being interrupted. At this point she was afraid of how she would react if something came between her and the omega's mouth.

The woman found and deftly opened the button of her pants, then began to slowly ease down her zipper. While Lena was anxious for her to get started, she appreciated that the woman was being careful. Her cock was pressed so tightly against the zipper, a rushed job could lead to some pain in the highly sensitive area.

As soon as the zipper was open the woman's hand was on her again, wrapping warmly around her shaft, which was still covered. The sensation was amazing, and her alpha responded with a contented rumble to at last be getting proper attention.

Lena felt her ease her cock out through the opening of her pants. Lena had the wherewithal to look around again to reassure herself there was no movement. When she didn't see or hear anything she decided to offer encouragement.

"That's it, baby. Yes. That feels amazing...." Lena whispered. How did she go from determined to be good one moment to determined to have her cock sucked the next? This woman was doing things to her that she couldn't explain. That she hadn't experienced with any other omega.

The omega seemed to be rapt with attention to her throbbing member. Her eyes were wide as her hand continued stroking Lena steadily.

"You're doing so well. Your hand is...pure bliss." The woman seemed almost taken aback at sight of her cock straining, like she was now hesitant.

"Do you want to...take it out?" Lena said, trying to keep her words soothing and calm. She wanted to encourage her but not tell her what to do. "I'd love to feel you fingers against my skin..."

"Yes. Yes, I want that too..." The woman still appeared to be a bit mesmerized, and continued intently rubbing her cock. Then suddenly looked up at Lena, realizing what she was saying.

She moved her fingers up to pull down Lena's waistband and ease it down and over the burning tip of her cock. Lena gasped at the feeling of cold air, and was barely able to resist rocking her hips forward to get closer to the woman's mouth.

"You poor thing...you're...you're burning up..." The woman said, staring openly at the angry red tip of Lena's cock and looking amazed, her mouth hanging gently open.

"That's because of you. You're doing this to me. You're so beautiful....and...smell so good. You're hands feel...fantastic." Lena said, breathing deeply and holding her body as still as she could. She didn't want to do anything to intimidate or scare the omega.

"Do you want to...do you want to taste it?" Again, Lena was trying to sound like she was asking a simple question, when she knew she was trying to lead the omega to doing something that Lena could tell she wanted to do, but might feel awkward initiating with a stranger.

"Yes. I really want to... You're already leaking...you're so hard. You must be hurting..."

Lena could hear the concern in the omega's voice. Her alpha rejoiced that this omega wanted to help her as much as she wanted to help the omega.

Her concern for being observed by a passenger or crew member blinked from the far corner of her mind. She was struggling to think of anything beyond the woman's mouth, now so close to her cock.

"Use your tongue on me, baby. Please. I need you." Lena was shocked at the plaintive sounds she was making. Not sounding very alpha at all, but she didn't care.

"I'm going to take such good care of you..." The woman said before easing her tongue out to lick the burning red tip of Lena's cock.

"Yeeessss. Yes. Yes." Lena couldn't manage any other word except 'yes' at the feeling of the woman's tongue licking the tip of her cock. A moment later she had her mouth wrapped around it and began to gently suck.

Lena felt a surge go through her. Without her brain's input her hand shot out into the woman's blonde curls, rubbing her scalp encouragingly, barely resisting the urge to hold her head and push her cock deeper into the hot, wet mouth. She made a deep rumbling sound in response to the pleasure she was experiencing, once again without her brain's involvement.

The woman moaned around her cock in response to Lena's rumbling, or the encouraging hand in her hair. Regardless, the vibrations of her mouth were taking Lena to yet another level.

"Your mouth...god, I love your mouth. Your tongue. Fuck, you're doing so good...you're so fucking good.." Lena wanted to do anything she could to encourage more of what she was feeling.

At that the woman wrapped one hand around the base of Lena's cock, and Lena could tell she was working harder to get more in her mouth.

"That's it. Yes. Such a good girl..." Lena was in complete ecstasy, she'd slumped back and was now looking at the ceiling. As much as she wanted to continue watching the glorious display of that mouth bobbing on her cock, she was having a hard time sitting up.

The woman was starting to move with determination, her mouth steadily engulfing more of her cock. Lena knew she was big, and it could be challenging. She was beyond grateful to the omega for working so hard. She started concentrating on not coming, just to make it last longer. She didn't know this woman well enough to cum in her mouth - they hadn't discussed it, but already she could tell she was getting close. She'd gotten there so much faster than she ever had. She felt like a young school girl, unable to control the sensations exploding inside her.

As Lena reveled in the feeling of the tight suction the woman was producing, her cheeks hollowing as she moved determinedly up and down her cock, Lena eventually realized she couldn't wait. She used all her will power to sit back up and hold the woman's head still and start to ease out of her mouth.

The woman looked up at her and seemed distraught. "What...what happened? Did I...did that hurt?" She asked with concern.

"No, no! It was perfect. It was...too good. I just...I'm about to cum...I didn't want to...in your mouth..."

A Cheshire-like grin spread over the woman's face.

"Oh, no. You're not getting off that easily..." She said easing her fingers back around Lena's cock to grip it with authority. "I want to taste all of you."

At that, Lena was speechless. She watched with wide eyes as the woman took her in again, even deeper, and eventually worked the tip into top of her throat. Lena bit down hard on her tongue to keep from calling out as the woman swallowed, creating the most excruciatingly tight pleasure around the tip of her cock.

Lena arched back and completely lost control as she began to fountain into the woman's throat. She couldn't help but reach out and hold the woman's head, not tight but just to keep the feeling going, afraid she might move away and end the best blow job of her life prematurely. For a minute it felt she might never stop, but eventually slowed to a weak pulse until she was finally empty.

The woman eased her mouth open, holding Lena's cock and sliding it out, running the tip over her tongue as if taking a last taste she was reluctant to give up.

Lena flopped back boneless against the seat, almost unable to speak but feeling desperate to tell the omega how good she was, that it was the best blow job she'd ever had. But there was something more she wanted to say...she just couldn't quite articulate what she was feeling...

"Wow...that was...you really came a lot." The woman said, using her finger tips to wipe her chin and lips, where some of Lena's cum had escaped. Lena watched her fingers, mesmerized.

Then Lena reached to cup her chin, to rub her thumb across her lips and chin as if to help clean her up, but really she just wanted to touch that amazing mouth, as if checking to make sure it was real.

"That was...incredible. I...I...thank you." Lena gave up trying to say anything useful. It was a foreign feeling for her to be at a loss for words.

Now that they had both cum they had at least a temporary reprieve from the intense drives of their bodies. How long it would last, only time would tell.

She noticed the woman was carefully moving her cock back into her pants and closing them for her. She was relieved and grateful. She was feeling so overwhelmed from her orgasm she wasn't sure she could operate a zipper at that moment.

"You take such good care of me..." Lena quietly rasped. She could tell her voice was changed, a sign of the more advanced stage of her rut.

The woman looked up at her with the most brilliant smile, clearly happy she'd made Lena feel so good.

"My pleasure." She said breathily, then quickly scrambled back to her own seat. Lena's gut lurched at the sight of her moving away.

"Wait!...will you...will you come back over here? I just...want to feel you against me." Lena asked.

The woman smiled at the admission. "Also not very alpha of you to say..." She said with a mischievous grin, but she was already moving around the arm rest to Lena's side.

As the woman slid in beside her, Lena didn't try to stop herself from wrapping the omega tightly to her body. The woman hummed contentedly in response. Lena covered them with the blanket. She couldn't bring herself to worry what the attendant would think when he came by. She only wanted to stay close to the woman.

"You know this won't...last that long before we..." want to fuck again... Lena thought to herself.

"I know..." The woman broke in.

"Maybe we should try to get some rest..."

The omega nodded in acknowledgement as she arranged herself to snuggle into Lena's chest. Lena stroked her hair, rejoicing to be holding the woman so closely, and at finally having some relief from the unrelenting pressure from her cock. She felt like she could take on anything, would take on anything, to protect this woman and keep her close. The realization shocked her, but she couldn't stew about it too much because she could feel herself crashing from her prolonged orgasm. Lena felt the woman's breath even out in sleep and she soon followed.

***Lena slept deeply for a while before having another intense dream. This time it was not an innocent nuzzling of the woman's breasts. And she didn't dream of being on the plane. Instead, the woman was in her penthouse and wearing a silky robe. Lena had her trapped against a counter in her kitchen and was kissing her deeply while trying to loosen the belt of the robe. She struggled because she was determined to keep contact with her mouth and couldn't see what she was doing. When at last it came loose she quickly slid her fingers down the woman's stomach, lower until she reached soaking wet folds. In her dream the woman made the most wonderful, guttural sound as Lena's fingers entered her.

Once again she woke suddenly, almost as if hearing the woman calling out loud in her dream had woken Lena. She started to sit up, then quickly realized she was somewhat trapped under the body of the omega. She froze, hoping she hadn't disturbed her. She was relieved to see the woman's back steadily rising and falling calmly.

Waking to a dream like that, Lena was not at all surprised to discover she was hard again, and the woman's body was pressed tightly on top of her. She couldn't resist shifting her hips slightly to create some friction. She groaned in pleasure, but also at the realization that she was entering another cycle, and before too long the wonderful relief of her orgasm would become a distant memory. Of course she knew that what they'd done would only help temporarily, but she'd hoped it might get them within reasonable time for landing. She had a sinking feeling as she touched the map screen that was not the case. Her heart sank to see they still had hours to go.

She knew the only real solution was fucking. That wouldn't end the cycle but it would give time to get off the plane. Usually it would be at least 10 hours, allowing them to get somewhere private, or even take some emergency suppressants. She loathed the thought of taking something to end their cycles, but she knew that might be what the woman would want. Deep down all Lena wanted was to be able to ride out her rut, and to do whatever this woman needed, to satisfy and take care of her. Lena had surprised herself at how much she was still thinking of the omega and her needs, despite the demands of her rut.

And because of that Lena was determined to keep as still as possible. To let her sleep as long as she could. She knew when the woman woke up it wouldn't be long before she was also desperate for more.

She heard the attendant coming down the aisle so she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. It was bad enough they were now sleeping on the same seat, she really didn't want to have to look the guy in the eye.

Lena was a study of concentration and control for half an hour as the woman continued to sleep. It was only once the woman began to stir that she allowed herself a little movement, once again letting her hips rock to create some friction against her cock.

Eventually the woman raised her head to look around. When she looked at Lena she smiled shyly.

"Funny, I was just dreaming about you...and here you are."

"At any other time I'd love to hear all about it, but...given the circumstances, I think it would only make matters worse." Lena smiled at her and began running her fingers lightly through the woman's hair.

"I have to admit, I was dreaming about you too..." Lena added.

"You're right, hearing the details now would likely be...seriously unhelpful." She sighed.

Lena chuckled at her understatement, causing the woman's head to move up and down with her chest.

"So...how are we doing on time?" She asked.

"Well, unfortunately we...have a few more hours. I was trying to let you sleep as long as possible..."

"It's OK. My dream...well, it was getting pretty intense, I think that's what woke me."

"Same for me." Lena was still easing her fingers through the blonde curls, trying not to take in deep breaths so that she could minimize taking in the woman's pheromones. It was all she could do, but she knew it was a hopeless battle. She could already feel herself moving more rapidly into the next cycle of need. Suddenly she realized her leg had fallen asleep and so she shifted to encourage some blood flow.

She realized her mistake as the movement caused her cock to rub tightly against the omega, making them both let out a deep groan.

"Fuck. Here we go again..." The woman whispered. "I better move."

At that she began to squirm out from Lena's seat to move into her own. Lena felt distraught at the loss, but she knew it was for the best. They were close enough to landing that they had a chance of making it, even though they would both be getting steadily more miserable for the duration. And the more distance they created between them, the more likely they would be to succeed.

They both settled into their seat beds, Lena stared at the ceiling and tried to keep her breathing slow and think calming thoughts. She could sense the omega was doing the same. It wasn't long before Lena heard footsteps in the aisle. She glanced up to see their attendant peering at them. His eyes widened when he saw Lena was looking at them, like he hadn't expected it. Lena knew he was probably perving to see if they were still sleeping in the same seat.

"Um, sorry, I just wanted to see...if there was anything you need." Lena could see he was suppressing a smirk. He was looking at Kara, probably noticing her mussed hair, which Lena had also noticed. But while she was thinking how sexy it looked, he was probably judging her. She knew he hadn't caught her...giving her a blowjob...but he'd seen enough that wasn't usual. Lena gritted her teeth at the thought. It was causing her alpha's hackles to raise, seeing someone looking down on her omega.

My omega! Lena chastised herself again. What was coming over her? She always prided herself on her lack of attachment to her conquests. She realized she didn't think of this woman as her conquest. She thought of her more as some beautiful, surprising creature that she had been lucky to cross paths with. Someone she wanted to protect. Especially against this idiot.

Lena sat up straight up, drawing the beta's attention away from ogling the other woman. She would have stood to be more intimidating, but she was aware she was already hard again, and didn't want to give him something else to smirk about.

"Is there something you want to say?" She could hear the alpha coming out in her voice. It was partly her oncoming rut and partly her feeling defensive. She knew she was overreacting and she didn't care.

The attendant's eyes went wide as he looked at Lena. "No! No, Ms. Luthor, I...just wondered if there was anything you needed..." Lena was pleased to see the fear in his eyes.

She turned to the blonde, concentrated on modulating her voice to be calming. "Maybe you'd like to have a drink? Might take the edge off?"

"Sure. I'll have...whatever you like." She said, like she had enough to deal with than to figure out what to drink. Clearly she wasn't a big drinker, Lena thought.


"Perfect." The woman responded. Lena then spent several minutes grilling the attendant on their bourbon selection before choosing and sending him off with his tail between his legs.

"Make them doubles." She said as he left.

"I think you struck some fear into him..." The other woman said.

"Sorry. I didn't like the way he was looking at you."

"I don't mind." She said. "That was kind of hot."

Lena could feel her alpha purring at her praise. How did this woman get to her so easily?

The attendant soon re-appeared and respectfully handed over their drinks then quickly made himself scarce.

"Cheers." Lena offered. The women clinked glasses and sipped.

"Bourbon always reminds me of my sister." The blonde mused.

"You're very fortunate that your sister is your best friend."

"Yeah. She's the best. I don't know where I'd be without her." She said with a far away look. "What about you, sounds like maybe you're having some issues with your brother?"

"You could say that." Lena said reluctantly. She really didn't want to get into it and was cursing the attendant for using her last name.

"Sorry. You already said you didn't want to talk about it."

"No, it's fine. My family is going through some difficulties right now. That's why I'm flying to National City."

"So...I guess you're connected to the 'Luthors' that have been in the news lately?" She asked.

"Have you really never heard of 'Lena Luthor'?" Lena asked, sounding surprised and hopeful.

"Well, now that you say it that way, I guess I have. I just didn't make the connection till just now."

"So. What have you heard?"

"Well, when I was in Germany there was some news about Lex Luthor. Sounds like he did some disturbing things..."

"Yes. He's my brother." Lena said. "And you've never heard anything about me?"

"Well. I suppose I have. Now that you mention it. You're kind of a big deal with...women who love women." She said.

"So, you're familiar with...that scene?"

"Not really." The woman shrugged. "But I am a woman who loves women. If that's what you're asking."

"Ha. Well. I guess that is what I was asking." Lena said. "You know...half of what they say about me isn't true."

"Yeah? What about the other half?"

"Ok, ok. I guess you've got me there." Lena knew it was pointless to try to defend herself against all the rumors. There was too much of it that was true. She could feel her hopes sinking a bit to think this omega now had all these pre-conceived thoughts in her head. It was nice being anonymous while it lasted.

"Honestly, I don't care about that. I'm not big on the gossip mill. You've been very sweet to me. I try to judge people on what they do, not on what people say."

"How can you be so...perfect?"

"You think I'm perfect?" The blonde asked. Lena could hear the heat rising in her just in the sound of her voice. She knew it was best that they stop talking. It was happening again. Their attraction was ramping up their next cycle. Orgasms could only help so much until they...Lena tried to cut off those thoughts.

"I told you, I think you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and I meant it. And the more I get to know you...the way you are with people...the way you refuse to judge me on rumors...there's so much about you that intrigues me." Lena said. She knew she needed to stop, but she couldn't help it. The woman was intoxicating. More than the alcohol could ever be.

"The truth is, I rarely meet anyone who interests me these days. I guess I'm a bit jaded. But you...I find fascinating. I find myself wanting to know more about you."

"Are you...trying to seduce me? I thought we were trying to be good." The woman said in a low voice. "When you say things like that...it only makes me want you more..."

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to...it's just...there's something about you that makes me want to...be honest. Say what I'm really thinking. I know it's probably better that we don't interact. But I can't help it...I'm so drawn to you."

"OK, you need to stop now. And stop doing that thing with your voice. It's only making this harder." The blonde stretched her legs then crossed them tightly with determination.

"You're the one that's making things harder." Lena husked. The woman looked at her, then down at her lap to her erection. Even with the blanket arranged on her lap, it was obvious. She could see the woman's mouth open in a quiet gasp. She started to squirm, her chest starting to rise and fall more quickly.

Lena's mind flashed on the image of the omega going down on her knees, her mouth falling open to lick Lena's cock. She closed her eyes tightly to will away the image, but it didn't help. She remembered the feeling of the woman taking her in more deeply, gently sucking at first until becoming more aggressive, gripping her cock and pushing it still deeper. So deep, until the tip was inside her throat. The impossible tightness as she swallowed around her...

Lena gripped her bourbon and downed the rest. She had to get a grip on herself. She tried speaking in a calm, unaffected voice. "OK, I'm going to stop talking. As long as you promise to stop squirming around. And crossing your legs so dramatically...it's like you're...intentionally trying to torture me." Lena said.

"Promise." The woman said, chuckling. "OK, I need to stop looking at you, too. I'm going to lay down again." She finished off her drink and began arranging herself to lay flat.

"You're right. Out of sight, and all that..." Lena was reluctant to let the omega out of her sight. But she could feel them both moving rapidly to the edge again and she knew it was best that they distance themselves. They still had a long way to go.

As Lena stared at the ceiling she felt the woman's hand reaching over to grab hers. Without thinking she took it and intertwined their fingers.

"It's OK if we hold hands, right?" She heard the woman whisper.

"Anything you want." Lena husked and swallowed thickly to stop herself from saying 'baby' again. Not at all helpful for either of them.

Lena began to focus her thoughts again on her family, her brother, and the nightmare waiting on her once she landed. The bourbon was helping her mellow out, and she could feel herself slipping in and out of consciousness.

As she moved into longer periods of unconsciousness, Lena could tell her dreams were interweaving with reality, but she was having a hard time telling the difference. She could tell she was moving further into another peak of her rut cycle, but she felt she was existing between states of consciousness and had no dominion over her thoughts or actions.

The next thing she knew the omega was next to her. Apparently she'd moved over into her seat again, and now she was wrapping her legs around Lena.

Lena jerked awake, trying to understand what had happened while she was out. Had she said or done anything to bring this about? Her next thought was that it really didn't matter. All that mattered is that the woman was wrapping around her, and she was surrounded in her scent.

"Kara..." She breathed out. "What..."

"You said...you said you wanted me to come over here."

She started to move back over to her seat.

"No, I mean, yes. I just...never mind." Lena decided words were pointless now that she was getting what she really wanted, in a way that she didn't feel guilty about. Whatever she had said or done, it was done in a dream state, without her moral conscience weighing in. Whatever she said or did in her less-than-aware state, she didn't want to stop what was happening now. Lena moved her arms around the back of the woman to stop her from shifting away.

"Don't go." Lena whispered, and the woman reversed course. She shifted again, spreading her legs open to straddle Lena. Lena reveled in the feeling of being squeezed tightly by those strong thighs, just like in her imagination earlier.

"Lena...I don't want to wait anymore..." The woman shifted her hips down, covering Lena's cock with her warmth. Then she leaned forward to take Lena's mouth. Lena couldn't do anything but respond, kissing back and opening to the woman when her tongue demanded entrance. She was now starting to grind down slowly against Lena.

"Aaaahh." Lena groaned out. "What do you want? I'll give you anything you want."

"I want you to fuck me." The woman whispered.

"Here? But what about..." Despite all the warning bells in her head, Lena knew she would do whatever the woman asked.

"I just...I can't take it anymore. I want you so much...it hurts..." The woman sounded so desperate, it was making the alpha in Lena feel desperate too. Desperate to take away her pain, desperate to be buried inside her.

"But we can't..." Lena knew she had to be strong, in order to protect them both. The woman was now kissing down her throat, down her open blouse, causing Lena to arch up in pleasure.

"What about...the restroom? Maybe we can both fit..." She whispered.

"Yes, yes. OK, let's try." Lena simply couldn't hold out any longer. All reason was leaving her rut-addled brain. Being surrounded by the woman, begging to be fucked, it was too much.

"OK, OK baby. Yes....anything...anything you want." The woman immediately moved off of her. Lena watched as her eyes darted around and then she disappeared down the aisle. It took Lena a moment to pull herself together to follow her. She was so hard it was difficult to walk. She knew the woman was right. She couldn't hold out any longer.

Lena squeezed into the tiny room to immediately by engulfed in the woman's scent again. She hardly managed to get the door closed before the woman's mouth was on her again. Lena reveled in the feeling of their tongues coming together, but at the same time was already moving to get more access, to get closer. She needed to feel more of the woman's skin, and she urgently began working to get into her pants. She quickly got the button open and the zipper down began to pull them down. As much as she would have loved to cover her body in kisses, and worship every part of her, Lena knew they had very little time. The woman nimbly stepped out of her pants and Lena quickly lifted her to sit on the sink. Her legs immediately bent and spread to allow Lena to stand between them.

"I'm sorry...I know it can't be comfortable sitting on this sink. I don't how else...we can fit. If I could I would lay you down on my beautiful bed...take my time with you and worship you like you deserve..." Lena whispered into the woman's ear as she felt her start to work on her own button and zipper.

"Shhh...none of it matters. This is all I need." She'd already eased her zipper down and was now palming her still-covered cock.

"Aaaghh." Lena let out a sound at the feeling of the omega's hand around her shaft. "Yes, yes...feels so good...take me out, baby."

A moment later the woman had her hand wrapped around Lena's bare cock and was steadily stroking it. Lena's brain was melting down, but being in this situation reminded her that at this point she would be putting on a condom.

"Kara, wait, I..." Lena tried to stop herself from saying anything, but had to remind her. "I don't...I don't have any condoms..."

"Shh, it's OK. I'll take something when we get back. It will be fine...I promise." The woman made a whining sound. "Please don't stop..."

At that Lena put aside all the voices in her head trying to talk sense into her. Nothing could stop her now as she moved her fingers to feel the amazing warmth and wetness of the woman's cunt. She began stroking her clit as the woman continued stroking her cock.

"It's OK. I'm ready...I'm soaking wet for you. Please...just...fuck me." Lena gripped the woman's thighs, spreading them wider so that she could finally reach her with the tip of her cock, at last touching her wet center. They both gasped in pleasure at the feeling.

"Yes, yes, more..." The woman moaned, then gripped Lena's ass to pull her in closer. Lena eased the tip down from her clit, at last entering her tight warmth.

"Ahh, oh yes..." The woman moaned as Lena moved inside. Even having just the tip of her cock inside was overwhelming Lena. She longed to thrust immediately in to the hilt, but forced herself to go slow, to let her adjust. She was relieved that even now she still felt protective of the woman. As much as she wanted to fuck her, she never wanted to do anything to hurt her.

"So good...your cock...it feels so good. Please...keep going." She started gyrating her hips to take Lena in deeper, squeezing and pushing her ass, demanding more.

Lena began short, steady thrusts, slowly inching deeper. The woman began making sounds that were driving her to the edge of her control.

"Unngh...Kara...you...you're so good...so, so...perfect." Lena had never felt anything so good.

"Fuck,...you're so big....your cock feels...amazing." The woman was now breathing rapidly, moving her hips back and forth, driving Lena's pleasure even higher. Her alpha rejoiced at the praise and the incredible feeling of the woman's pussy wrapped so tightly around her cock. Every pulse was met with pure pleasure as the woman squeezed around her. Still, Lena resisted the urge to rut, determined to go slow rather than risk hurting her.

"It's OK.... You can let go. I...promise, you...won't hurt me..." The woman said between Lena's thrusts. At that she could help but go harder, faster until she was almost fully rutting into the woman. She suddenly realized her knot was starting to form, which typically didn't happen to her until after a few rounds. Oh no...they hadn't even talked about this...

"Lena...are you...are you...knotting?" The woman gasped out.

"Yes! I'm sorry...I...usually don't...so early on..." Lena tried to slow down and get some control of her body's demand to rut until her knot was fully inside.

"No, don't stop...it's OK...it's OK." The woman whispered. "I want it...Lena."

Lena froze. Was the woman really asking for her knot? "But if we...we're going to be stuck in here..." Lena was now catching her breath, trying to hold back. "Let me just...make you cum...and I'll...pull out."

"No." The omega said, with clear determination. "Give me your knot. You said you would give me anything I want." The woman took Lena's chin in her hand so she could look in her eyes.

"I want your knot, Lena." Lena looked back, wide eyed. The woman nodded while maintaining eye contact. Lena could see she had no doubts about what she wanted. Who was Lena to deny her? Especially when it felt like the only thing she wanted in the world. The only thing she would ever want...

The woman gripped her ass encouragingly and Lena began to move again.

"Yes, yes, yes..." Now the woman's eyes were closed. Lena marveled at the look of ecstasy on her face. "That's it, yes. Right there. You're...getting bigger...god your knot..."

Lena's eyes rolled back as she began to rut again.

"Oh fuck yes,...split me open with your knot..." The woman husked out. Now she was moving again too. Trying to help get Lena's knot inside.

"Stop. Let me do it." Lena rumbled. "I'm going to take care of you. I'm going to knot you...so deep...." Lena could tell her rut-fueled voice was taking over. She felt the woman shiver in the thrill of it. She stopped moving and let Lena take over.

"Yes, yes, yes..." The woman's head flopped down onto Lena's shoulder. Lena could feel her starting to shake. She continued her work, shifting her knot in steadily, doing all she could to minimize the pain that was sure to come when she finally popped inside.

"It's OK, you're OK. I've got you." Lena husked. "I'm going to take your pain away. I'm going to fill you like you've never been filled..."

The omega woman started to sob into her shoulder. "Yes...I'm yours...give me...your knot."

At that Lena pushed inside, and they both grunted in pain and pleasure. The woman called out as she cascaded into orgasm around her knot. Now Lena could no longer thrust, but started gentle gyrations to prolong her orgasm, just as she fell over the edge of her own. She could feel her release pounding down her cock, and called out herself as she started to spurt deep into the omega. She could feel the streams of cum, surprising herself there was so much after she'd released down the woman's throat not long ago.

"Yes, yes, fill me up..." The woman's voice had changed from desperate need to pure satisfaction. Lena's alpha purred at having satisfied the woman so completely. She could hear it in her voice. Yet even though she'd reached her peak, she was still clearly trying to please Lena.

"You're such a good omega." Lena said without thinking. She felt embarrassed that she'd said that out loud to a stranger, but when she saw how the omega preened under the praise she knew it was the right thing.

Lena could feel her cum starting to slow, though she was still pulsing and not quite finished. She was entering the stage of absolute bliss, the most incredible feeling in the world. The one she talked about with the omega, trying to convince her they were lucky not to be betas. The feeling of complete ecstasy and connection with another. She luxuriated in the thought that they would be tied for a while. She wrapped her arms tightly around the omega, hoping to make her feel more comfortable and safe. Suddenly, she was yanked out of her revelry by a rapping sound on the door of the bathroom.

"Is everything alright in there? I thought I heard someone call for help..." The attendant asked through the door.

Oh. Fuck.