
Super Ying

A boy's other version from a parallel universe comes to this universe and locks the original version of that boy in a video game. What happens next? Oh boy, Read the novel to know

Akhil_b · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

The Game

"I don't know why are you not liking this game," Rohan told me with a big question mark on his face. They are very confused about my Disinterest in that game. The truth is I didn't play that game yet. Not because I don't have an interest in that game. Because I don't have money to buy that game. But I can't say that in my class. If I say it out, Sarah will know about it. I don't want her to know that I'm poor.

" What's new in that? It's just like super Mario. If we win, Princess will be ours. I have better games to play" I told them as If I played that game. I thought Rohan leaves me after that. But He didn't.

" Bruh, You can't compare it with Super Mario. There are a lot of differences between those two. Do you want me to say those" He asked me. When It comes to arguments or debates, he won't leave others until he proves his point. So I told him to say differences. I am also a little curious to know about that game.

Rohan started saying about that game.

" Super-Ying game is much different from Super Mario. In the Super Mario game, you don't see the princess until you reach the last level. But in this game, Princess starts the game. She gives tasks to 50 people. Whoever finishes those tasks, Princess will marry them. This game was developed by the Chinese developers based on the Indian royal wedding concept of " Swayamvar". Unlike the super Mario game, you won't die in this game. The most interesting part is you can name the Princess before starting the game. I wonder how you compared this beautiful game with the Super Mario game"

This game got my interest now. But his last question scared me. He got a small doubt. He is waiting for my answer. At that time only, Sarah entered the class with her friends. She is the tallest girl in our class. Her eyes are very beautiful and expressive in such a way that she can speak with her eyes also. Unlike other modern girls who cut their hair short, she has long hair with a dutch braid hairstyle. And her smile makes my lips smile automatically. She sat in her place and chit-chatting with her friends.

Rohan observed me and he knows I have a crush on Sarah. But I am still watching her only. He came closer to my ears and whispered " This time name the princess as Sarah and play the game to win her. You'll surely like it."

I immediately looked at him. He smiled & winked at me. I smiled back. He knows His plan worked. I looked at her again. Maths teacher entered the class and started the class.

Everyone is listening to the class including Sarah. But my mind is filled with how to play the game now. I don't have money to buy the game. I can't ask at my home also. My parents are struggling financially. But I want to play that time.

It's an online game. I can ask Rohan to give me his credentials. He is my best friend. But he can't keep my secret of poor. As far as he knows, I already bought that game. If I ask him, he will ask about my purchase. I need to find a nice reason to ask him.

" Akhil. Are you listening to the class?" the teacher shouted at me. The whole class looked at me. Sarah also looked at me.

" Yes ma'am" I answered her and looked at Sarah.

After few minutes, the teacher left the class. Everyone is chit-chatting.

Rohan observed I'm a little bit tensed. However, he came up with a piece of good news.

" Hey bruh, I just heard tomorrow is Sarah's birthday. She is going to invite all of us to her birthday party. Gift her something she likes. It's a nice chance to impress her" Rohan said to me with excitement.

" But what should I gift her? How do I know what she likes?" I asked him.

" Don't worry. I'll ask Sarah" Namir told and came near us.

Namir is very rich. Rohan & I don't like his gang. He thinks he is superior to everyone in the class. He always finds a way to quarrel with us. But we avoid his arguments as both of our parents are very strict. They don't like it if they come to know we quarreled in our class. But this time I can't keep quiet as it is Sarah's matter.

" Don't dare to say anything we spoke to Sarah" I warned him.

"I dare. Let's see what can you do?" He replied with anger. He is about to call Sarah. But Rohan closed his mouth quickly. Namir successfully removed Rohan's hand from his mouth and then he pushed Rohan hardly. Namir moved forward to beat Rohan. I immediately moved faster than Namir and pushed Rohan sidewards and gave a punch to Namir. Namir has fallen back.

Sarah looked back. Other classmates also started watching us. Some of them started shouting my name. I felt like a boxer in the ring. By seeing that, Namir's friends started shouting his name. But most of the people in the class don't like Namir. So there are more people shouting my name in the class. Sarah is silently looking at us. I thought I could Impress her by fighting with him.

Namir got up angrily. He came forward and tried to give a punch to me. I escaped and gave a punch in his abdomen. He shouted with pain. My classmates started to shout my name loudly. I liked it like anything. I looked at Sarah with a smile. It's a bit hard to understand girl's expressions also sometimes.

Namir came near me from backward suddenly and caught my head. He began to punch in the abdomen angrily. I tried to escape. But he is huge. Sarah left the class. I thought she got a 'weak boy' impression on me.

Namir continued to beat me. Rohan came forward and tried to push Namir away. But he also failed. Namir held me very tightly. Luckily, Our Teacher entered the class.

Namir left my head out of his hands. We both tried to say something.

" Both of you should come to the Principal's room with your parents tomorrow morning." the teacher ordered us. We both looked at each other angrily.

" Akhil, please leave the class first. After that, Namir will leave the class." the Teacher told us.

I took my bag and came outside with Rohan.

" Are you okay?" Rohan asked me.

" Yeah" I answered.

He gave me a bottle of water to drink. I took it and drunk.

" I am leaving now. But you're going to buy a gift for Sarah, right?" Rohan asked me again.

" Yeah" I answered confidently. I gave his water bottle back.

" That's good. Go home and take rest" Rohan left.

I told him confidently that I will buy her a gift because I stole Namir's gold bracelet while fighting with him. I am not a thief. But then I remembered a quote " Everything is fair in love and war" . Moreover, Namir is a rich kid. These few bucks don't affect him much.

I started moving to a gold-selling shop. But I got a text message in the middle of my journey. I stopped my bicycle and looked at my text message. I was shocked after seeing this. It was from my bank stating my account was credited with $500. I felt very happy. I thought no need to sell this bracelet right now.

I reached my home with happiness. My mom is looking very angrily at me. I asked her what happened.

" I got a phone call from your school" My mother answered me in a sad and angry tone.

I understood that she got to know about my first school fight.

" But mom, there is no mistake. He started it first. I just need to defend myself" I tried to cool her down.

" If he starts first, you need to go immediately to your teacher's room and inform them " she lashed out at me

" Don't you think that's not practical at that moment? " I answered

" Fine. Let your father come & he will explain to you what is practical for us & what is not" She left the hall.

My happiness vanished and went to my room. I tried to remember what happened at school. Then I remembered about the game and the money credited to my account.

I switched on my laptop immediately. I paid for the game and downloaded that game. After Rohan told me about this game, I am very curious and excited to play this game. There are many thoughts revolving around my mind. I felt like I could win Sarah today virtually and tomorrow I'll win her by gifting at her b'day.

The game was successfully downloaded. I opened the game and entered my license key.

It asked my name. I entered my name. It asked me whether I would like to customize the name of the princess. I clicked on yes and typed " Sarah"

It asked me If I wanted to upload a profile picture of myself. I clicked yes. But when I clicked on "select from my computer" and the camera is switched on automatically. I tried to cancel. But the buttons are not working. I thought the game was stuck.

Then immediately a blue light has evolved from the laptop. I didn't understand anything. It started to scare me when that light came outside of my laptop. Within few minutes, that light grabbed me into it.

I shouted. After few moments, I realized I am inside the game and my laptop camera is still on. I can see my room from my laptop. I didn't understand anything. I tried to come outside. But failed. I shouted "help"

Then I listened to someone saying "sshhh". I looked at the room from the laptop. But there is no one around. But I can hear the footsteps which are approaching towards the laptop.

After few minutes, that person came before the laptop. I was shocked to the hell after seeing him. Because he is exactly looks like me and smiling at me.