
The Chase (Stalking) Begins

Priya Patil sat across from her boyfriend, sipping her tea and staring at him in awe as he explained his unbelievable story regarding yet another encounter with the world's strongest superhero. She'd found it amusing at first, but began to have concerns as Asher went on. She even thought that he was lying at one point.

"So let me get this straight, she flies you off, and then proceeds to shove her hand in your mouth?" she asked, staring into her mug. "That's…that's borderline sexual assault. Especially since you said she implied that she'd stuck her hand in her lady parts."

"No, no she just didn't know that I had a girlfriend," Asher attempted to assure her. "She was flirting, yes, and I was honesty so shocked the whole time that I wasn't thinking straight. I did shut it down though, you can even ask her yourself if you ever meet her! I told her straight up that I was committed to my girlfriend."

"Are you sure you didn't super-shag her there in the bushes?" Priya asked with a raise of her eyebrow.

"What? Haha no, Passion Princess can bend steel in her hand, I'm pretty sure I'd die," Asher laughed. "No way. It was just a misunderstanding. She thought I was cute, that's all. I mean I literally bumped into her."

"Yeah, and what the hell was she randomly doing in an alleyway right next to where our apartment is?" the young woman continued. "It's like she was waiting for you or something."

"She said she was going to get something to eat, that's why I agreed to accompany her in the first place. I assumed it was at Jug City."

"Yeah, but it wasn't. She flew you all the way across town. You don't think that's a little weird?"

Rubbing his chin, Asher recounted the events earlier and agreed that it was a little strange bumping into the towering superheroine there of all places. He reassured Priya, however, that such a powerful, important person wouldn't be purposely hounding after him after a single prior encounter.

"I mean babe, I'm lucky that my sorry ass managed to land a great girl like you," the young man smiled as he took a swig of black coffee from his own mug. "Like hell she went to such lengths to run into me. She's probably just used to getting any man she wants on a whim."

"I guess," his girlfriend sighed as she rubbed her arm. "Well, she knows you're taken now, so even if she does have a crush on you, it's not like it'll go anywhere."

"Yeah, exactly!"

Despite seemingly reassured, Priya acted rather cold with him that night. Asher wondered if he should have told her every single thing, but had no regrets as he preferred to be honest with the woman that he loved. Priya was pretty confident in herself, but he assumed that she certainly felt threatened over being challenged by a woman like Passion Princess, even if she was in the dark about his love life.

Sleeping with some distance between the couple that night, Asher's sleep was eventually interrupted when he woke up in a cold sweat, his heart racing. Blinking in the darkness, he glanced at his slumbering girlfriend before looking ahead into the darkness before the king-sized bed. He felt as if he was being watched, unable to shake the feeling that something was lurking over in the far side of the room, staring at him.

"H-hello?" he asked as he reached for his phone by the nightstand, only to find it missing.

Frowning, he was about to climb out of bed, but ended up giving his head a shake as he chalked his feeling up to an irrational half-asleep thought. Pulling the cover over himself and laying back down, he began to doze off again.

His sleep would remain undisturbed until early that morning, where he was met with the pleasant surprise of a pair of plump lips against his.

"Mmmm, Priya," Ashed moaned sleepily as he embraced his girlfriend, his eyes still closed. "We haven't woken up like this in a while."

Priya responded by kissing him deeply, where the flirty peck turned into a full-blown make out session between the two. Their lips smacking, Asher caressed the warm body that had since straddled him, where he traced her curves with his fingers and squeezed and stroked the many sensitive parts on her body. Something was off, however.

Not noticing at first due to his sleepiness, Asher wondered if Priya had gained weight. She felt much larger, yes, but also significantly taller. Squeezing her plump ass in particular, the young man was startled to find that it was several times bigger than usual.

"B-babe?" he asked as he started opening his eyes, only to be blinded by a sudden pillow in his face. With that, Priya seemed to have climbed off of him.

Sitting up and giving his head a shake, the very-aroused Asher looked around in confusion to find himself alone in the room, where the early-morning sunlight poured inside from the open bedroom window.

"Yeah, you called?" Priya replied as she emerged from the hallway, carrying a plate of leftover pizza.

"Well come on now, don't leave me hanging," he grinned. "Getting me all riled up like that."

"I…have no idea what you're talking about," Priya smirked in reply as she took a bite of pizza. "I was just sneaking some pizza before you woke up. What kind of dream were you having?"

"Stop messing with me, you were just on top of me!" Asher chuckled nervously. "I can still taste you on my lips. Were you eating mints or something? I'm getting spearmint."

"You're crazy," the young woman said with a shake of her messy, untied hair. "I bet you were dreaming about Passion Princess, maybe thinking about what would have happened if you said 'yes' to her?"

"Don't even joke about that," Asher groaned as he laid back down. "What the hell? It felt so real, I could feel you in my hands and everything."

Asher had no idea just how "real" his dream was. On the rooftop of their apartment building, a certain superheroine was sitting on the edge overlooking the street below, clutching her bosom while panting heavily.

"D-dammit, I wanted to stay in there longer," Passion Princess moaned to herself as she put a trembling hand to her thigh. "Mmm he's a good kisser too. I wanted to pull down his shorts and sit on him but—ugh, that damn whore of his. She wasn't even there in bed with him. I wouldn't do that, I'd stay by his side all night."

Using her other hand to take out her phone, the love-stricken hero looked at the many pictures she'd taken that night. 100 plus images of Asher, mostly taken through different windows. The last few were the best, depicting his slumbering form from close up as she'd hovered over him, before the caped amazon had taken it upon herself to lock lips with the young man.

Sighing as she scrolled through the pictures several times, Passion Princess eventually straightened up her costume and floated off the apartment building. Sneakily scaling the side, she returned to Asher's window and snuck a glance inside. The couple within looked like they were talking, where the young paramedic poured his heart out to Priya, promising that he only loved her and that he wouldn't even look at another sexy superhero again. Sighing, the young woman set down the pizza in her hand and embraced her boyfriend, before the two kissed while looking into each other's eyes.

Passion Princess could barely contain her rage. Her hand against the solid brick of the building, she ended up tearing a chunk off in the grip of her clenched fist.

"T-that should be me," she stammered. "Not that 2-cent hoe. She doesn't deserve him, look at how stressed she was making him by giving him attitude. DAMMIT! Those are my lips, not hers!!