
super worldbox system!

The first chapter was a joke btw, the real first chapter will be posted in about an hour of this being written!

Gaming_noob_456 · Videojogos
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2 Chs

destroy! destroy!

'yo, my names Jay I've been addicted to this pixel god simulator super world box lately. it's really fun like really fun. like here look at this guy Akmo king of human civilisation he's immortal has the energized trait, strength trait, tough trait and all the good stuff. he's stronger than a dragon, his attack is 134, and his health is 890. plus he has fully adamantine gear which is awesome and everything.... hmm why am I thinking to myself whatever'. he thought while his tummy grumbled. "err seems like im hungry let's go". he said while he slipped on his charger and cracked his skull on the brick that was on the desk.

'fuck I told my friend(imaginary) it was a bad idea to bring bricks in my house for a prank or whatever it was fuck sake'. that was his last thought, I think. at that moment his phone penetrated his asshole and went into his soul all the data that was on his phone entered his mind he knows everything mankind does even the useless shit. (it's a fan-fic what do u expect huh) and right after that, his body knocked on the desk and his pc did the same.

"err where am i". said a very dominating voise. while swerving its head around. "hmm it seems I combined with my phone i have every ability and hack annyone on earth created cool let's create a world in this dark place. one minute what about my family my friends.... oh what I have none, whatever let's create this world." after he said that a big patch of water around 2 light-years big appeared covering a spec of this void. "hmm I should make it round and add a perfectly balanced eco-system and atmosphere. okay a bunch of metal and eternal flame well a just the perfect amount I love the look of that atmosphere okay let's create a sun gotta be big". he then started creating a sun around 100x the size of the planet, he made it so the star doesn't destroy or pull the planet in by controlling its gravitational pull.

"hmm okay let's create some continents and some islands might do some natural ones by making earthquakes, okay this one should look like(so hard to explain I can't draw so, yeah) Italy and England combined". he made others look like they came out of a fantasy. "okay that would be fine for now I think let's create a god can I even create a god oh yeah coding ahh how I love that I did, coding and making some crappy games for fun plus i have all the knowledge of the entire human race lol. well, he won't be a god but to the residents of this world he would". okay, his stats:

name: (choose name)

strength: 300(average human:1)+100

power: 10(average human 0.00001)

combat naturality: 0

fights won: 0

health: 1000/1000 (average human: 25)

mind: 2

dexterity:10 +15


ability: super-strength A(passive) super-speed E(passive) power ray SSS(active) power copy SS(passive) jump D(passive).

ill add whatever u want k. short chap for 1st to see how it does

enjoy, if you don't like it fuck off!

Gaming_noob_456creators' thoughts