
super dharma: the legend is awakened

"Our heart shall not sleep Our sword shall not bend. our spear shall not break our soldiers shall not die in vain. I will fly with the wind.... I will sail with the sea... ......I will travel with the land.... ..........I will drink with the trees in the ocean of flowers..... .. ..I will enjoy the world but I shall not rest until I see the world..." During the year, 10001,in the southern prefecture, a war happened between all the top forces about who will rule the world, some strong forces started using illegal way to execute the lower forces. this bring out the history of the blood bath war also known as the power war which had become an unforgettable history for the younger generation of today. After the war, there is peace like the adage said"after the storm, there is rain" this is the exact definition for what happened in the southern prefecture Many years after the power war, the flowers start to bloom, the street start to bustle, many cities start to emerge and peace flow for many years, however despite all this happiness, sadness still live in people heart for their friends and families who had gone into extinction along with the power war. some people wanted to get their family lost glory back, they recreated the top forces and another war is going to emerge. it is during this time that a young boy is born with the tattoo of a name "Fei Lixuan" below his waist. the name Fei is the ruler of the world,a young man that can never be immitated,this young blood will end the Chaos of the world but he shall not rest until he see the world.

Kennys · História
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15 Chs

the shaolan banquet

Seeing this scene in front of him, Fei Lixuan can't help but giggle at Mrs. Chao,"mother, I brought the dishes to Fei Lixuan and he politely ask me to eat with him, I can't reject him, that is why I give in" Chao mengruo said trying to clear the trouble on ground so her mother will not get the wrong idea.

"you are the pride of the Chao family,one of the most beautiful girl in the whole zhailing city and you lowered yourself to this extent, I'm disappointed"Chao qian said shaking her head in disappointment.

" madam, hold it there, lowered herself to this extent, I'm I that disgusting?"Fei Lixuan asked with a rather emotionless look in his eyes.

" you actually value yourself so much, if not for clan leader, I will have ordered one of our disciples to behead you immediately "Chao qian replied angrily.

"even I don't normally degrade myself so much, thank you for your advice, Mrs. Chao but I will tell you something today"Fei Lixuan said with an emotionless look but rather, his blood is boiling in anger.

" go on "Chao qian said," one day , you shall remember this name called Fei Lixuan"Fei Lixuan said, with that, he walk out extremely angry and also humiliated.

Chao mengruo staring at the departing silhouette feel a tingle and tightness in her heart, why would her mother do this to the first guy who made her heart beat faster than normal.

" mother, why do you have to do this? "Chao mengruo asked as she slam her leg in the ground like a small kid.

" you'll meet someone better in the future, don't waste your youth on useless people "Chao said" you'll remember this name, like you will made it or what"Chao qian continue as she sneer at everything Fei Lixuan said.

Back at dungluo academy, Fei Lixuan return to his dorm,he has had enough of being humiliated, time to change history and make some record in zhailing city.

previously all the students had been discussing about the shaolan banquet that will come up very soon in zhailing city.

shaolan banquet is a grand event that is held every three years repeatedly,it has being practiced since zhailing city is created to check the rare talents that appeared in their city,the top three winners, first, second and third have the opportunity of leaving zhailing and going to another prosperous city.

This year shaolan banquet is just one month away, every cultivators is is practicing all aiming at one goal, which is to be among the top three winners.

Fei Lixuan already said he won't participate in this year shaolan banquet for all this stupid banquet are too boring but with the humiliation he faced today, he can't bear it, he has to be among the top three winners in zhailing city shaolan banquet, he has to leave this useless city.

Dragging away all the improper thought fro from his mind, Fei Lixuan plan to cultivate and make his plane higher, if blessed, he might enter the Oceania plane.

there are eight plane for cultivators namely,dharma, Oceania, dac, sinister, mighty, glorious,mystery and the most powerful is super dharma, the last plane.

it has been said in history that there are no cultivators of super dharma again, they've gone into extinction, naturally the last plane supposed to be the mystery plane before only the ancient legendary royal family of Fei can cultivate the super dharma.

they are born with a five elements crown as their life spirit thus they have a lot of gift like the abyssal eye, the ancient scroll, the palm print, the Thunder lapping whip, the 10 mysterious blade and the 12 poisonous needles,they also have the right to have multiple life spirit, combining all this power,they can destroy the world.

however legend has it they had gone into extinct along with the power war, so mystery plane is the highest for cultivators, those who reached mystery plane are considered as sage.

Fei Lixuan sit crossed leg as an apparition of him appeared in his life gate, he walk towards his life spirit which is now glowing in green, the wood elemental,this life spirit of his is quite weird, it could cultivate both in ice and wood, interesting, Fei Lixuan thought to himself as he sit down in front of his life spirit trying to use the force coming out of it to his own personal convenience.

After some minutes of cultivating, vines bloomed out behind Fei Lixuan, spreading out at an extreme speed, the vines are endless, they keep blooming out and soon vines filled Fei Lixuan life gate,this scene is extremely terrifying because vines crawl like snakes as they move forward.

Fei Lixuan opened his eyes and look at his surrounding,"gosh, I'm amazing" he uttered to himself in surprise because now he could cultivate the wind elemental at an extreme speed, just the same way an Oceania cultivator will cultivate it.

he continue to cultivate and soon hep can control the vines with just a thought, this is called the devil locks, they can extend from where one is standing to hundred miles away just to catch the predator.

Fei Lixuan open his eyes and cold sweat already broke out on his forehead, he quickly clean it and look at his two hands in surprise, he actually cultivates the devil locks just now, it is usually believed that only Oceania cultivator could cultivate it because a dharma cultivator will find it too strong.

Fei Lixuan deepened himself in cultivation and at the end of the month, he is already a third level Oceania cultivator.

the shaolan banquet on the other hand is near, preparation has begun in the palace, decorations has also begin to take place, all the top forces in zhailing had received their invitations to the shaolan banquet, all the young cultivators as well as the prides if many families are ready for the shaolan banquet.

the morning sun shine brightly and radiated to the front of dungluo academy, it shine brightly on the head of the students who are assembled in the front of the academy waiting for their head master,"today,you are going to represent the college in front of his Majesty, you must show your talent and don't disgrace us"the headmaster, Yi shang said.

"yes, headmaster" the students chorused, with that, they set out on their way to the palace.