
Three Kills, Reload, Four Kills

Editor: Henyee Translations

Luke advanced a dozen meters or so before he curled up and hid behind a decorative object on the wall. After observing the combat situation, he drew his pistol with one hand and adjusted the shotgun with the other so that it was under him, unnoticed by the gunmen.

Finally, he checked his waist to make sure all five pistol magazines were there. He then took a deep breath.

He slowly adjusted his posture and raised his pistol with both hands at the gunmen that had their backs to him.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Instantly, Luke unleashed the prowess of his high dexterity. Regardless of whether his bullets hit their targets or not, he emptied the magazine in less than three seconds.

Then, he directly leapt off the wall and into the yard before dashing away.

The heavy gunshots paused slightly before starting up again, but this time, they were far less intense.

Selina and the FBI agents who were facing the gunmen in a firefight suddenly saw three gunmen at the back of the group collapse to the ground.

Although the area was filled with the sound of automatic rifle gunfire, and a Glock 17 going off would be rather subdued in comparison, the people present could still recognize that a Glock 17 had been fired.

This was the most common gun issued to police in America. Thus, the person who had fired those shots was most definitely a police officer as well.

Nobody assumed that the person was an FBI agent since they were all heavily armed and wouldn't even use a pistol in this scenario.

Selina grew excited as she aimed at the nervous gunmen and started firing madly. She successfully hit one in the shoulder, causing that person to yell miserably before he collapsed to the ground.

At the same time, the FBI agents who were no longer under heavy fire successfully hit a gunman who was retreating in a panic.

The gunmen's morale plunged. Half of them had gone down in an instant. What the hell was going on?

Since the start of the fight until now, both parties had fired over 1,000 bullets at each other, yet not a single one of them had been injured.

But in the span of just a few seconds, five people from their side were suddenly down.

The gunmen could no longer be bothered with Selina and the FBI. They turned around anxiously and aimed their guns at the dark alley.

But they couldn't see anything.

Luke only took three seconds to empty his magazine and immediately fled after that. The gunmen weren't given a chance to even react.

As he ran, Luke popped out the empty magazine and replaced it with a new one.

He then swung the shotgun from his back to his front, gripping it in his hand.

Then, he ran to Bill's front yard. There, he crouched down and took a peek at the current situation.

"Bingo!" He found that his firing spree earlier had actually hit three gunmen.

He had only expected to hit two, and he could even accept hitting only one. Although he had 17 bullets to fire, he truly had no confidence in his aim.

As for the gunman who was clutching his bleeding shoulder, that definitely wasn't Luke's work. After all, that gunman was positioned further from where Luke had been aiming earlier.

As for the other gunman who was currently struggling on the ground, he was facing off against the FBI agents.

All the three whom Luke had hit were those who had been firing at Selina. They were also the only ones whose backs were completely exposed to him earlier. They gave him a wide target to fire at and were also closely grouped together.

That was why he could take three of them down with his Glock.

Luke took calming breaths and listened to the commander talking non-stop on the other side of the wall. To his great regret, Luke found that he didn't understand anything that the person was saying.

That guy was speaking Mexican Spanish, and Luke could only understand a handful of words. Most of what he knew, he had learned from Selina when they were joking around.

But one of the words Luke happened to know was the word for "retreat."

They were going to flee!

Luke sneered as he thought to himself, "What, do you think this is a public toilet, and you can come and go as you wish?"

When he heard a few people yelling at each other, he took a quick peek at them again.

Two gunmen were standing on the step behind the garbage truck, one on each side. The commander hopped into the front passenger seat while the other gunman stood on the side step of the truck's door.

The garbage truck slowly moved and turned right. When the truck turned, the two gunmen at the back finally faced the direction that the four FBI agents were in.

Luke stood silently in front of Bill's house. The wooden gate was already open, and he silently waited with his shotgun in hand.

When the truck turned, it started to accelerate.

The moment the truck started to speed up, the front of the truck appeared on Luke's left.

Luke moved at an unprecedented speed and fired the first bullet.


The gunman hanging outside the door was sent flying by the shot.

Kacha! Luke pumped the shotgun.


There was a huge crack in the truck's windshield.

Kacha! Bang!

Yet another bullet was fired at the windshield.

This time, it was clear that a bullet had finally gone through the windshield. Although Luke couldn't see it, he could hear the driver's wail before the car swerved to the left.

Luke remained unmoved.

Kacha! Bang!

The gunman on the right at the back of the truck was sent right in Luke's direction as the truck swerved. With a distance of less than five meters between them, he took a shotgun blast right in the face before his body spun away from the truck.

Kacha! Bang!

The other gunman was blasted by the shotgun against the back of the truck.

Luke then watched coldly as the truck swerved and crashed into the yard across the street before it finally stopped after it rammed into Selina's car once more.

Then, he took out some bullets from his bullet belt and leisurely reloaded his shotgun.

He rarely used shotguns, and had only practiced using one in the past few days. He still wasn't at a level where he could fire two shots in one second.

But he wasn't in a rush.

It was late at night. If he showed himself, Selina might be able to recognize him, but the FBI agents might sent a bullet his way instead.

Thus, he was in no rush to make any sound.

The leader of the gunmen should still be in the front passenger seat.

Luke watched as the passenger door suddenly opened and a figure rolled out. The person nimbly rolled under the truck before crawling to the other side, not giving Luke a chance to fire at him.

"F*ck!" Luke cursed.

That was the leader of the gunmen, and he was indeed a crafty person.

Luke was forced to walk around the house and get on the wall again. From there, he looked down at the gunmen who had been taken down earlier.

His eyes were filled with murderous intent, and without any hesitation, he aimed his shotgun at the gunman whom Selina had hit in the shoulder.


The gunman was already drenched in sweat from the pain, when a bloody wound suddenly opened up in his chest. He stared at his chest in disbelief before falling still.

Luke then leapt off the wall and pumped his shotgun. At such close range, he no longer needed to aim. He shot the gunmen sprawled all over the ground once each.

After he was done, he finally shouted, "I'm Luke. This place is clear. Be sure to not open fire on me."

The FBI agents were initially shocked when they heard the sudden gunshots. But when they heard that it was Luke, they heaved sighs of relief.

They knew that none of the gunmen used a shotgun.

And they were all aware that Luke, the bait, had a shotgun in his police car.